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Lungman4 Lungman4 18 August 2009


hello, my name is lungman4 and i also have contact of the jagex council

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Robert Treat Robert Treat 12 August 2009

New blog

Just made a slight change to my profile--Robert Treat 23:53, 12 August 2009 (UTC).

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Crucially Crucially 10 August 2009

Iowa datacenter planned downtime

Due the to datacenter outage last week our ISP is going to be conducting some maintenance for "network improvements, systems testing, and network failover testing". For us that means we will be rerouting traffic from Iowa to our London and our San Jose datacenters between 11 PM CST to 2 AM CST (4 AM GMT to 7 AM GMT) tonight (Monday 10th - Tuesday 11th). For users there should be no downtime though pages might load a little bit slower. The one exception is the wiki dumps that are hosted in Iowa and will be intermittently unavailable.

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Crucially Crucially 7 August 2009

Iowa datacenter outage

I figured I would try and start writing a bit on how the internal systems at Wikia works, what we do to make it work, and what happens every time it fails and why.

Wikia has currently 4 datacenters, San Jose (SJC), Iowa (IO), New Jersey (NJC) and London (LON). Of these, San Jose, Iowa and London are actively serving traffic. San Jose is our primary datacenter and Iowa is our backup datacenter with London serving as a cache node only. Iowa also serves double duty as a cache node when it is not actively serving traffic. We also use a CDN (CDNetworks) to host images.

The traffic is set up so you get the closest datacenter most of the time, so if you are in the middle or east coast US you end up going to Iowa.

Yesterday our datacenter in Iowa (ba…

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Eleventhdr Eleventhdr 14 July 2009

What If!:

a blog about multiply doctor who fan fiction short trips mulitply doctor who fan fiction all doctors and then some: i wan to do doctor who fan fiction multiply doctor who short trips style doctor who! anyone so interested please do contact me via my email:

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SirShade113 SirShade113 12 July 2009

Where is good Light Armor? such as Mithril, elven, and glass

Does anybody know where i can find the light armors glass, elven or mithril?

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Bzero Bzero 10 July 2009

"I have been blogging!"

Hm. This might actually be pretty useful for my wiki. I help run a multiplayer online text-based roleplaying MUX, and I plan to try using the blogging feature to archive our In-Character posts for future reference. They've been several times I've wanted off-MUX access to these posts, or on-MUX access once they're gone from our MUX database, so this will be a great chance to keep them where they can be edited and linked to and from the applicable pages. Kudos!

-- Bzero, Transformers Universe MUX Wiki

Read Full Post 4 July 2009

Happy to see blog in Wikia

I am happy to see a blog in Wikia systems. I have dreamed to write blog articles here when I started to be an author of Wikipedia. I'll write my blog news here as frequent as possible.

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Ttibot Ttibot 4 July 2009

Templates display in visual editor

After some uses and feedback, it seems that the way templates are displayed currently in FCK is not user friendly, netheir advanced users friendly. I get the following problems :

  • User : "what is this yellow box ?"
  • User : "How can i change this content ? It doesn't appears anywhere..." (it's in this yellow box, lol)
  • Advanced user : "It is boring to right click when you need to modify a something insde a box."

With such a slution the best is not to use templetes anymore exept is a few cases (ie administration banners) . Yet some existing wikis already use templates a lot.

It's some time I'm thinking of a redesign of the boxes. I made an architectural proto in 5 min because I have to go (beurk text size...), yet tell me what you think about it.

In …

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Zapwire Zapwire 2 July 2009

Wikia's new "features" are bugs

The RTE, everyone knows it's a big disaster. I'd use stronger language, but I don't want this to be taboo.

New social features? These have to place in a wiki. I can see forums, as you need a place to organize talk pages. Not blogs. A wiki is not your personal stomping ground, in line with wiki topic or not. If you want a blog, get a real one like a WordPress one. You can customize, and be limited to the mind, (or software) not the service. Why do we need these anyways? Wikis are not a place to personal or over-social, it's a place to collaborate simply and edit.

I'm losing faith in you Wikia developers. The category editor was good, but you bundled it with the RTE. Mistake. If a good feature requires a really crappy feature, the good feature…

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