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4:49 AM
@AbdulAzizBarkat tbh I don't think it's that necessary - just add a new comment summarizing what sstill needs to be done
Though I typically don't write many comments at once - I normally only write down ~1-3 things
16 hours later…
9:01 PM
Wow. A user posted a me too answer (deleted) and now they wrote it as their own question which came to the SG. I have no idea how these things should be best reviewed
2 hours later…
10:42 PM
Q: custom filter shows both published post and SG item if load new items after publishing the SG post in another tab

starballI requested a custom filter page, opened an SG item in a new tab, published the SG item, returned to the custom filter tab, loaded new items, and saw both the SG item and published item. Not a big deal, but not very nice either. Would be better if it removed the SG item once the published post is...


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