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1:18 AM
Called it:
@tanj92 Those steps sound right to me; feel free to grab a mod or other SG reviewer on chat if you need more help/info. Sounds like it may be a race condition/other reason for it happening intermittently (as VLAZ notes), maybe (disclaimer: speculation) related to database replication lag, if the publish is done from a read-only replica that hasn't yet propagated the edit from the writable primary (which would explain why it doesn't happen locally, since probably the local environment only has one DB instance). — Ryan M ♦ Jun 21 at 19:50
Psychic debugger confirmed working
3 hours later…
3:55 AM
Wow. Kinda wild how spot-on that was.
1 hour later…
5:20 AM
If I remember correctly from what the devs had mentioned during the beta both the SG question and the main site question are stored in the same database table with only difference being a column that indicates whether a question is published to the main site. If that is the case why don't we simply just update that flag to publish the post? That way we'll probably get all of the edit history carried over.
5:39 AM
Because it's not really up to us...
More seriously - I see a reason for separation. You don't have to then do extra work to separate things like SG comments for different posts. Or try to figure the cutoff point in order to show the (now published) SG item at the state it was when it was published excluding and future edits.
However, revision history could be transferred. I don't see a huge issue with it.
2 hours later…
7:12 AM
@AbdulAzizBarkat I guess one thing is comments and similar things which would just clutter up the main post.
7 hours later…
2:03 PM
Q: Questions published from the Staging Ground should get a new timestamp

Laurenz AlbeWhen a question is published from the staging ground, it has the timestamp from when it was originally created. So if the question has been whacked around a bit in the Staging Ground, it can appear far from the top of the "Newest Questions" list. I think such questions should get equal footing wi...

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