Journal tags: defaults


Progressive disclosure defaults

When I wrote about my time in Amsterdam last week, I mentioned the task that the students were given:

They’re given a PDF inheritance-tax form and told to convert it for the web.

Rich had a question about that:

I’m curious to know if they had the opportunity to optimise the user experience of the form for an online environment, eg. splitting it up into a sequence of questions, using progressive disclosure, branching based on inputs, etc?

The answer is yes, very much so. Progressive disclosure was a very clear opportunity for enhancement.

You know the kind of paper form where it says “If you answered no to this, then skip ahead to that”? On the web, we can do the skipping automatically. Or to put it another way, we can display a section of the form only when the user has ticked the appropriate box.

This is a classic example of progressive disclosure:

information is revealed when it becomes relevant to the current task.

But what should the mechanism be?

This is an interaction design pattern so JavaScript seems the best choice. JavaScript is for behaviour.

On the other hand, you can do this in CSS using the :checked pseudo-class. And the principle of least power suggests using the least powerful language suitable for a given task.

I’m torn on this. I’m not sure if there’s a correct answer. I’d probably lean towards JavaScript just because it’s then possible to dynamically update ARIA attributes like aria-expanded—very handy in combination with aria-controls. But using CSS also seems perfectly reasonable to me.

It was interesting to see which students went down the JavaScript route and which ones used CSS.

It used to be that using the :checked pseudo-class involved an adjacent sibling selector, like this:

input.disclosure-switch:checked ~ .disclosure-content {
  display: block;

That meant your markup had to follow a specific pattern where the elements needed to be siblings:

<div class="disclosure-container">
  <input type="checkbox" class="disclosure-switch">
  <div class="disclosure-content">

But none of the students were doing that. They were all using :has(). That meant that their selector could be much more robust. Even if the nesting of their markup changes, the CSS will still work. Something like this:

.disclosure-container:has(.disclosure-switch:checked) .disclosure-content

That will target the .disclosure-content element anywhere inside the same .disclosure-container that has the .disclosure-switch. Much better! (Ignore these class names by the way—I’m just making them up to illustrate the idea.)

But just about every student ended up with something like this in their style sheets:

.disclosure-content {
  display: none;
.disclosure-container:has(.disclosure-switch:checked) .disclosure-content {
  display: block;

That gets my spidey-senses tingling. It doesn’t smell right to me. Here’s why…

The simpler selector is doing the more destructive action: hiding content. There’s a reliance on the more complex selector to display content.

If a browser understands the first ruleset but not the second, that content will be hidden by default.

I know that :has() is very well supported now, but this still makes me nervous. I feel that the more risky action (hiding content) should belong to the more complex selector.

Thanks to the :not() selector, you can reverse the logic of the progressive disclosure:

.disclosure-content {
  display: block;
.disclosure-container:not(:has(.disclosure-switch:checked)) .disclosure-content {
  display: none;

Now if a browser understands the first ruleset, but not the second, it’s not so bad. The content remains visible.

When I was explaining this way of thinking to the students, I used an analogy.

Suppose you’re building a physical product that uses electricity. What should happen if there’s a power cut? Like, if you’ve got a building with electric doors, what should happen when the power is cut off? Should the doors be locked by default? Or is it safer to default to unlocked doors?

It’s a bit of a tortured analogy, but it’s one I’ve used in the past when talking about JavaScript on the web. I like to think about JavaScript as being like electricity…

Take an existing product, like say, a toothbrush. Now imagine what you can do when you turbo-charge it with electricity: an electric toothbrush!

But also consider what happens when the electricity fails. Instead of the product becoming useless you want it to revert back to being a regular old toothbrush.

That’s the same mindset I’m encouraging for the progressive disclosure pattern. Make sure that the default state is safe. Then enhance.

Browser defaults

I’ve been thinking about some of the default behaviours that are built into web browsers.

First off, there’s the decision that a browser makes if you enter a web address without a protocol. Let’s say you type in without specifying whether you’re looking for or

Browsers default to HTTP rather than HTTPS. Given that HTTP is older than HTTPS that makes sense. But given that there’s been such a push for TLS on the web, and the huge increase in sites served over HTTPS, I wonder if it’s time to reconsider that default?

Most websites that are served over HTTPS have an automatic redirect from HTTP to HTTPS (enforced with HSTS). There’s an ever so slight performance hit from that, at least for the very first visit. If, when no protocol is specified, browsers were to attempt to reach the HTTPS port first, we’d get a little bit of a speed improvement.

But would that break any existing behaviour? I don’t know. I guess there would be a bit of a performance hit in the other direction. That is, the browser would try HTTPS first, and when that doesn’t exist, go for HTTP. Sites served only over HTTP would suffer that little bit of lag.

Whatever the default behaviour, some sites are going to pay that performance penalty. Right now it’s being paid by sites that are served over HTTPS.

Here’s another browser default that Rob mentioned recently: the viewport meta tag:

I thought I might be able to get away with omitting meta name="viewport". Apparently not! Maybe someday.

This all goes back to the default behaviour of Mobile Safari when the iPhone was first released. Most sites wouldn’t display correctly if one pixel were treated as one pixel. That’s because most sites were built with the assumption that they would be viewed on monitors rather than phones. Only weirdos like me were building sites without that assumption.

So the default behaviour in Mobile Safari is assume a page width of 1024 pixels, and then shrink that down to fit on the screen …unless the developer over-rides that behaviour with a viewport meta tag. That default behaviour was adopted by other mobile browsers. I think it’s a universal default.

But the web has changed since the iPhone was released in 2007. Responsive design has swept the web. What would happen if mobile browsers were to assume width=device-width?

The viewport meta element always felt like a (proprietary) band-aid rather than a long-term solution—for one thing, it’s the kind of presentational information that belongs in CSS rather than HTML. It would be nice if we could bid it farewell.