


Declarative Design

A presentation given at the final An Event Apart in San Francisco, as well as at Pixel Pioneers in Bristol, Web Summer Camp in Croatia, and Wey Wey Web in Spain.


Of Time And The Web

A presentation from border:none held in Nuremberg in October 2023, ten years after the first border:none in 2013.

“Web3” and “AI”

A short talk delivered at a gathering in Brighton by the Design Business Association in July 2023 on the topic of “Web3, AI and Design”.


In And Out Of Style

A presentation from An Event Apart Spring Summit held online in April 2022 and the opening presentation at CSS Day held in Amsterdam in June 2022.


Ain’t no party like a third party

This was originally published on CSS Tricks in December 2021 as part of a year-end round-up of responses to the question “What is one thing people can do to make their website bettter?”

The State Of The Web

The opening presentation from An Event Apart Spring Summit held online in April 2021.

Sci-fi and Me

A talk about my personal relationship with science fiction literature, delivered at Beyond Tellerrand’s Stay Curious series in June 2021.

Design Principles For The Web

The opening presentation from An Event Apart Online Together: Front-End Focus held online in August 2020.


npm ruin dev

This was originally published on CSS Tricks in December 2020 as part of a year-end round-up of responses to the question “What is one thing you learned about building websites this year?”


The opening presentation from the New Adventures conference held in Nottingham in January 2019.


The Layers Of The Web

The opening presentation from the Beyond Tellerrand conference held in Berlin in November 2019.

Building The Web

An interview conducted by Vitaly Friedman ahead of the 2019 View Source conference in Amsterdam.

How We Built The World Wide Web In Five Days

This talk about recreating the first ever web browser was a joint presentation with Remy Sharp, delivered at the Fronteers conference in Amsterdam in October 2019.


Mistletoe Offline

This article first appeared in 24 Ways, the online advent calendar for geeks.

The Web Is Agreement

This presentation on web standards was delivered at the State Of The Browser conference in London in September 2018.

Taking Back The Web

This presentation on the indie web was delivered as the opening keynote at Webstock in Wellington, Zealand in February 2018.

Introducing Service Workers

The first chapter of Going Offline, originally published on A List Apart.


Foreword to Hello Web Design by Tracy Osborn

The foreword to the self-published short book about design for non-designers.

Evaluating Technology

A presentation from the Beyond Tellerrand conference held in Düsseldorf in May 2017. I also presented a version of this talk at An Event Apart, Smashing Conference, Render, Frontend United, and From The Front.


Foreword to Working The Command Line by Remy Sharp

The foreword to the brief book published by A Book Apart.


A presentation from the Beyond Tellerrand conference held in Düsseldorf in May 2016. I also presented a version of this talk at An Event Apart, Smashing Conference, Render, and From The Front.


The opening keynote from the inaugural HTML Special held before CSS Day 2016 in Amsterdam.

Foreword to Scroll Magazine: Respond Edition

First published in the April 2016 issue of Scroll Magazine.


Understanding the Web with Jeremy Keith

A transcript of an interview on The Web Ahead podcast, episode 110.

Foreword to Adaptive Web Design by Aaron Gustafson

The foreword to the second edition of the book.


A presentation on progressive enhancement from the Beyond Tellerrand conference held in Düsseldorf in May 2015.

Style Guides with Jeremy Keith

A transcript of an interview I gave on the Style Guides podcast hosted by Brad Frost and Anna Debenham.

The Long Web

A presentation on long-term thinking and the web, from An Event Apart 2013.


Responsive Enhancement

This article first appeared in 24 Ways, the online advent calendar for geeks.

Switching to https

A step-by-step guide to enabling TLS on Apache.

Living in the Network

An introductory article for the Brighton Digital Festival guide.

Foreword to JavaScript Creativity by Shane Hudson

The foreword to the Apress book.


The closing talk from the Full Frontal conference held in Brighton in November 2013.


The Power Of Simplicity

The closing keynote from the border:none event held in Nuremberg in October 2013.

This Is For Everyone

The patent that never was.

Smashing Conference closing keynote

The final talk at the Smashing Conference held in Freiburg in September 2013.

Beyond Tellerrand

A look beyond the edge of the plate. This presentation on digital preservation and long-term thinking was the opening keynote at the Beyond Tellerrand conference held in Dusseldorf in May 2013.

As We May Link

This piece first appeared in issue 3 of The Manual, a thrice-yearly print publication.


First published in issue 3 of The Manual.

Foreword to DOM Enlightenment by Cody Lindley

The foreword to the O’Reilly book.


There Is No Mobile Web

The opening keynote from the Breaking Development conference held in Nashville, Tennessee in September 2011.

Brighton SF with Brian Aldiss, Lauren Beukes, and Jeff Noon.

On the eve of dConstruct 2012, I hosted an evening of readings and chat with three of the brightest stars of the science-fiction world at the Pavilion Theatre in Brighton.

Secret Source

Another interview for the Sitepoint podcast.

Get Excited and Make Things with Science

This is the transcript of a panel held at South by Southwest 2012 in Austin, Texas. The panelists are Ariel Waldman, Matt Bellis, and Jeremy Keith.

Of Time And The Network

A presentation about history, networks, and digital preservation, from the Webstock conference held in Wellington, New Zealand in February 2012.

Paranormal Interactivity

A presentation on interaction design from An Event Apart 2010.

All Our Yesterdays

A presentation on digital preservation from the Build conference in Belfast in November 2011.

One Web, Many Devices

A presentation from the Update conference held in Brighton in September 2011.


Conditional Loading for Responsive Designs

This article first appeared in 24 Ways, the online advent calendar for geeks.

One Web

A presentation from the DIBI conference held in Gateshead in June 2011.

Web Directions @media 2011 Hot Topics Panel

A panel I moderated at Web Directions @media in London in May 2011.

Foreword to Responsive Web Design by Ethan Marcotte.

The foreword to the seminal fourth book from A Book Apart.

Mobilism 2011 Mobile Browser Panel

A panel I moderated at the Mobilism conference in Amsterdam featuring representatives from Nokia, Opera and RIM.

Responsive Web Design

An interview for the SitePoint podcast.

A Brief History of Markup

The first chapter of HTML5 For Web Designers, originally published in issue 305 of A List Apart.


The Design of HTML5

The opening keynote from Fronteers 2010 in Amsterdam.

Web Directions @media 2010 Hot Topics Panel

A panel I moderated at Web Directions @media in London in June 2010.

Fear Is the Mind-killer

These opening remarks were delivered at a debate on The Digital Economy Act held in Brighton in April 2010.

There Is No “There” There

This article appeared in the second issue of Scroll magazine. The theme of the issue was “place.”


Incite A Riot

This article first appeared in 24 Ways, the online advent calendar for geeks.


The IE6 Equation

This article first appeared in 24 Ways, the online advent calendar for geeks.

The Long Web

The opening talk from the inaugural Head conference, delivered at the London hub.

The System Of The World

The closing keynote from dConstruct 2008 in Brighton.


A presentation from Reboot 9, held in Copenhagen in 2007.

Creating Portable Social Networks With Microformats

A presentation from XTech 2008 in Dublin.

Building Portable Social Networks

A panel I moderated at South by Southwest Interactive 2008. My fellow panelists are Chris Messina, Leslie Chicoine, David Recordon and Joseph Smarr.

Open Data

This is the keynote presentation I gave at the Accessibility 2.0 conference held in London in April 2008.

They Shoot Browsers, Don’t They?

This article first appeared in issue 253 of A List Apart magazine. Two weeks later, Microsoft reversed their position on the default behaviour of version targeting.


Ajax Kung Fu Meets Accessibility Feng Shui

A presentation with Derek Featherstone at South by Southwest 2007.

@media 2007 Hot Topics Panel

A free-form panel I moderated at the London leg of the @media 2007 conference.

Explaining Ajax

A presentation I gave at Web Directions South in Sydney, Australia in September 2006.


Boost Your Hyperlink Power

This article first appeared in 24 Ways, the online advent calendar for geeks.

A Browser Darkly

A look at the past, present, and future of Web browsers from the Opera Backstage event in London

The Joy of API

A presentation I gave at dConstruct 2006 in Brighton.

Using DOM Scripting to Plug the Holes in CSS

A talk I gave at @media 2006 in London.

Behavioural Separation

This article first appeared in issue 218 of A List Apart magazine. Breaking up is hard to do. But in web design, separation can be a good thing. Content, style and behaviour all deserve their own space.

Microformats: Evolving the Web

A panel I sat in on at South by Southwest 2006. My fellow panelists are Chris Messina and Norm! The moderator is Tantek Çelik.

In Praise of the Hyperlink

A talk I gave at Reboot 8 in Copenhagen.

How to Bluff Your Way in DOM Scripting

A presentation I gave with Aaron Gustafson at South By Southwest 2006.


DOM Scripting Your Way to Better Blockquotes

This article first appeared in 24 Ways, the online advent calendar for geeks.

A Brief History of JavaScript

This article first appeared in issue 1 of Treehouse magazine.


This Year’s Document Object Model

The Document Object Model is a working standard approved by the World Wide Web Consortium that is correctly implemented in most modern browsers.


JavaScript Image Gallery

This article first appeared in issue 170 of A List Apart Magazine. Here’s a quick and easy way of making a one-page gallery that uses JavaScript to load images and their captions on the fly.

Photoshop Actions

I’d like to share some of my Photoshop actions with you. I use these when I want to “touch up” photographs and add some extra effects.

CSS Based Design

Let me tell you why you’re here. You’re here because you know something. What you know you can’t explain but you feel it, that there’s something wrong with the web.