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    posted a message on Not sure if a bug... No rain sound.
    Me too.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Beta 1.2?????
    Quote from TheAnnouncer

    To actually answer your question, do the following steps:
    1. Go to this page and click the link next to "Client".
    2. Press Start, click Run, and then type in "%appdata%/.minecraft/bin" without the quotes.
    3. In that folder, right-click the file that says "minecraft.jar" and click Rename. Rename it to "minecraft.jar.bak".
    4. Take the file you just downloaded and place it in the folder.
    5. Launch Minecraft and enjoy the jungles. You will either need to start a new world or explore new terrain in an existing world to have a chance of jungles generating. If you can't find one, I think there may be a few seeds in the Seed forum that will spawn you in the new terrain.
    6. When you're done playing the prerelease, go back to "%appdata%/.minecraft/bin" and rename the minecraft.jar to something like "minecraft.jar.snapshot" or just delete it outright if you want. Then rename the "minecraft.jar.bak" to "minecraft.jar" to play the old version. HOWEVER, if you load a snapshot world into 1.1, you will lose all your cats and all the new blocks in the jungle biome.

    Oh good, someone finally obtained a soul.

    I knew this community was bad, but it really took a massive downturn since I left, eh?
    Posted in: 1.1 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Blaze Rod - What should it be for?
    Higher tier tools. It looks a lot like a reskined stick to me.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on I found this.. what is it?
    It's called creative mode. Your creation looks nice.
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Bedrock Darkness?
    It's a feature. Just don't build near bedrock, and you'll be fine.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Building ideas for my sky garden?
    Quote from Spillblood


    I fixed it for you.

    Seriously though, you can never go wrong with lavafalls. Just don't let the trees come too near.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Why don't creepers die when the sun comes up?
    Quote from PuzzleMage

    Dunno where you got your personal experience, but they've been happy to charge me on a brightly lit day across half a screen of open ground.

    The 'undead' burn in the sunlight. Zombies, skeletons, if there were vampires or ghouls I bet they'd burn in the sun, too. I dunno about ghasts, slimes, or silverfish. Spiders and creepers aren't undead.

    I always thought creepers were made out of crunchy leaves. That's why they survive outside.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Why don't creepers die when the sun comes up?
    Quote from le_quis

    I wasn't complaining, I was asking a question and offering possible replies also. :iapprove:

    I group all negative feedback as complaints. Because they are complaints. You gave negative feedback therefore you are complaining. Nothing personal, just how I see things.

    Really though, you are the first person in a very long time I have seen complain about creepers in the daytime. The last time I saw someone do that, they were trolling immensely.

    I'm not going to comment any further, but I will express my exasperation for this topic.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Why don't creepers die when the sun comes up?
    People will complain about everything. This, I did not expect though.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Potions?
    They are a distinct possibility, yes.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Why hunger is a welcome addition to Minecraft
    Personally, I wonder why people even bother posting negative topics without suggestions on how to improve things on this forum board. People on this forum are inherently biased in favor towards whatever Notch adds to this game, and any opinion against the norm gets shot down nearly instantly. Yes, a forum board is a place where you can share opinions, but doing what I said above is equivalent to marching into a neighborhood filled with ultra-militant Conservatives and beginning to preach Communist ideology to them, while expecting not to get beat-up. Not saying negative opinions shouldn't be posted here, just saying they should be constructive at the same time.

    But I digress. Personally, I find the hunger system invigorating, keeping me on my toes for awhile until I can establish a steady source of food. It also warrants the construction of massive wheat farms and things of that sort.
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Survival Island meets 404 - incredible new seed for 1.8 - "GiantRavine"
    I would love to see someone make a full playthrough of this.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on [UPDATE]1.8 Succesful in Your Opinion?!
    Never experienced a major bug as of yet, and I enjoy the content. Its all good.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on 1.8 Clay Generation Rates
    R.I.P brick based economies of SMP...

    Good thing I'm recession proof, I'm loaded with diamonds, gold, iron, pumpkins, and lapis. In case of the break down of civilization within a server, I'll be covered, no devolved Steve can resist shiny rocks as a bartering offer! Clay and brick on the other hand, oh ho, they'll send the creepers after anybody who offers such a common item.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Minecraft has lost its 'touch'
    Exact opposite for me. Minecraft was slowly getting boring before the update, I even took a break from the town I founded in a SMP server simply because Minecraft was getting boring (Wondering how my residents are doing... hm..).

    1.8 rolled along, and my interest flared up again. Probably going to return to the server once it upgrades.

    Though, it will probably lose its spark eventually, and I'll take another break until a new update comes along.
    Posted in: Discussion
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