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For other uses, see Queen (Disambiguation).

Queen the Plague is an All-Star of the Beasts Pirates as one of Kaidou's three closest confidants.[2] He formerly served as the de-facto ruler of Udon, a region in Wano Country.[8] He previously was also part of MADS.[3]

Due to his actions and role, he is a major antagonist in the Wano Country Arc.


Queen is a massive, round-figured man (evidently obese but claiming otherwise)[2][5] with light skin. At a towering 612cm tall,[6] he is a mere centimeter shorter than his fellow All-Star King. Similar to Jack, Queen is built top-heavy, with thick, tapering arms yet, compared to his upper self, smallish legs.[5] After being drained of his fluids by Ryokugyu, he became much skinnier.[9]

His head is hunched, undistinguished from his neck due to its plumpness, with a small face. His eyes are hidden by sunglasses with blue lenses and gray, oval rims, which instead of having temples are strapped on by black tapes that go around his head in such a way as to form an X both on his forehead and occiput. Queen has no visible eyebrows, a small hook nose, and his small mouth, sporting navy lipstick, always smokes a big cigar. His hair is blond: a thick, queue-like braid through eight ties, with a stinger-shaped ending tuft, comes out the back of his head, which is otherwise bald. Additionally, he dons a Fu Manchu mustache whose tendrils widen as they droop to his chest. A stitched scar runs curvilinear from his right chest up to the shoulder. On Queen's upper right arm is a black (dark blue in the anime) tattoo consisting of his crew's Jolly Roger above his name in block capitals. Queen's left arm, up to the shoulder, is cybernetic in gray and golden color, composed of metallic rings, bolted plating, wiring, and even a small pressure gauge, with the corresponding hand covered in an orange glove,[2][5] but was later destroyed by Sanji during the Raid on Onigashima.[10]

Queen wears large, very high-waisted overalls that uniformly reach just below the chest, are thickly, vertically striped black-and-white, and held up by suspenders connecting with 8-shaped, golden clasps on the frontal top edge; a piece of cloth striped the same is integrated into his metal arm. As for footwear, Queen has simple, brown ankle boots.[5]

As a child, he was chubby and shaved his hair to a buzzcut. He wore dark overalls and a pair of goggles on his forehead.[11]

During his time in MADS over 20 years ago, he was thin and had no facial hair. His hair was seemingly dyed, and styled in a mohawk-like hairstyle. He had sunglasses and multi-part earrings. He wore a light short-sleeved shirt which he kept open, trousers with vertical stripes, a belt, and dark gloves. Over time, he put on more and more weight, grew out his mustache, started braiding his hair into a queue, and mechanized his left arm.[12]

20 years ago, he had a shorter, pencil-style mustache.


Queen Color Scheme
Queen's color scheme in the manga.
Queen Full Body
Queen's full appearance in the anime.
Queen Full Appearance
Queen's color scheme in the Digitally Colored Manga.
Queen Anime Concept Art
Queen's anime concept art.
Queen as a Child
Queen as a child.
Queen's MADS Appearance
Queen during his time in MADS over 20 years ago.
Queen's Second MADS Appearance
Queen's second appearance during his time in MADS.
Queen's Third MADS Appearance
Queen's third appearance during his time in MADS.
Queen 20 Years Ago
Queen at age 36 in the anime.
Queen's Mechanical Arm
Queen's mechanical forearm.
Skinny Queen
Queen's possible appearance if he loses weight.[13]
Queen Thousand Storm


Living up to his position as an All-Star, Queen has a loud, bombastic, and obnoxious personality that prides himself as being a lively entertainer amongst the crew; performing his signature funky song and dance to rally his subordinates. Being extremely dramatic, he tends to treat his position as his own personal show, as seen when he told Babanuki to make an official ranking of the current issues at Udon. He can also be rather vain while performing, as he proudly proclaimed his fat as mere muscle and how he would be much more attractive if he was not voluntarily this large.[5] At the time of being assaulted by Ryokugyu, he protested the loss of his corporal volume.

Queen is also extremely arrogant with immense pride in himself and his crew as he considered the Beasts Pirates to be the strongest and the Pleasure and Waiter members of his crew to be useless dead weight due to their lack of artificial Zoan Devil Fruit powers making them incapable of being actual use to the crew itself. He also despises people who criticize him and his actions such as his fellow All Star King due to his ego as an All Star of the Beasts Pirates, as he took twisted pride in using his viruses to hurt people including his own subordinates. Queen also considered Chopper's actions of saving infected members of the Beasts Pirates to be unnecessary, and even tried to kill Chopper out of annoyance for lecturing him with his medical ethics.

As a part of his entertainment, Queen has a sadistic penchant for blood sports, death matches and execution games; believing that the time it takes for a battle to conclude combined with the number of fighters is what determines the level of excitement in combat.[14] To this end, Queen is fair to some extent, allowing Luffy to fight in the Great Sumo Inferno without being restricted by the Seastone cuffs.[15] However, his execution games are nevertheless intended to be inescapable and unwinnable. He also plays unfairly by changing rules and adding newer ones which include keeping Kid and Kamazo submerged in water until Luffy and Hyogoro die in the ring.[16] He also has no qualms toying with the lives of his subordinates such as the Pleasures and Waiters for his own enjoyment.

Queen Shocked

Queen's occasional face fault.

Despite his inflated ego, Queen has the capacity to quickly lose his composure in light of a dire situation. This was seen on Onigashima, when the Nine Red Scabbards suddenly showed up on the Live Stage to attack Kaidou, with a shocked Queen wondering where they came from.[17] He is also shown not to be fearless as he was terrified upon seeing the change in Big Mom once she regained her memory. After Big Mom abruptly fell asleep, Queen took extreme precautions to restrain the sleeping Emperor and escort her to Onigashima as quickly as possible. However, this caused him to overlook the fact that Luffy was free of his collar and of the threat he now represented to Udon.[18] His cowardice is evident during Kaidou's brawl with Big Mom, when Queen told his subordinates not to cower only for them to accuse him of making excuses to leave Onigashima.[19]

Like King, Queen is extremely rude and critical of his crewmates, as he was quick to deride his fellow All-Stars and call them names. He and King seem to have a mutual sense of disdain for Jack, as they are quick to gang up on him when in the same room.[2] He also used derogatory language when addressing his subordinates in Prisoner Mine.[5]

According to Daifugo, Queen's hobbies are building weapons and viruses.[20]

As a scientist, Queen is extremely proud of his scientific talents, as he flaunts his personal cybernetic modifications, which he claims to be superior to Vegapunk's, in battle. He also enjoys proving his scientific superiority, as he demanded that Sanji use his Raid Suit against him to allow him to compete his own technology against Germa's.

Queen also has a fondness for beautiful women, as he was seen ogling a picture of Komurasaki, and he appears to frequent the Red-Light District for prostitutes. His subordinates believed that he would go berserk and take his anger out on them if he found out that Komurasaki was dead.[5]

Absolute nonsense!! Who told you that?!! Did you know oshiruko is my favorite? Is that why you've come to steal it?!! (...) We have plenty of oshiruko, but it's all mine!! You won't get a drop of it, old hag!!!
— Queen furiously replying to Big Mom.

Queen is a glutton who is extremely fond of oshiruko, claiming it is just as important to him as the air he breathes. He is adamant in his refusal to share with anyone.[14] When Queen does not get his daily fill of oshiruko, he becomes easily irritable and even murderous.[16] Queen's love for oshiruko is so immense, that he is willing to fight the Emperor Big Mom to prevent her from stealing his oshiruko.[21]

Queen has interjected the word "Excite" (エキサイト, Ekisaito?) into his sentences. The Japanese word for his epithet, "Plague", is "Ekisai" (疫災?). The Viz translation retains the pun, with Queen saying phrases like "I'm plagued with excitement!".[5][14][22]

Like many other characters, Queen has his own distinct laugh, "Muhahaha" (ムハハハ, Muhahaha?).[15]



While Queen acts extremely obnoxious toward his crewmates, he is popularly received amongst the lower-ranking members, given his music-performing nature and penchant for execution games.[15] In spite of that, Queen had faith that his subordinates could defeat Luffy in a rigged sumo tournament despite the fact that Luffy had a higher bounty than Queen himself.[15] Also, his crew has a sense of fear whenever Queen becomes angry, especially when he is denied oshiruko, his favorite food.[16]

You Pleasures!! You already gambled on a chance to gain powers, and failed!! You're dead weight that does nothing but laugh!!! You Waiters!! There's no more shipments of SMILE fruits coming to us!!! You've lost your chance to gain powers!! You'll be waiting forever!! So if there's any way you layabouts will ever be useful to this almighty's by becoming oni in your last moments, and letting your deaths serve a glorious purpose!!!
— Queen belittling the Pleasures and Waiters.[23]

Nevertheless, Queen holds the Pleasures and Waiters in little regard, involving them in a sadistic tagging game of Ice Oni seemingly for his own amusement. Because those grunts are unable to gain SMILE abilities anymore, Queen developed the Ice Oni virus specifically to make them stronger footsoldiers for the Beasts Pirates at the cost of their own lives, admitting that he did not care whether those below the rank Gifters died or not since they were expendable and easy to replace. Feeling hurt and betrayed by this display of callousness from their superior, some of the Pleasures and Waiters decided to rebel against Queen and fight for the Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance. Furthermore, he had no reservations in attacking Gifters who had been tamed by Tama's Kibi Dangos.[24]

Queen dislikes the company of the Numbers, citing that they have drinking problems.[25]


As one of Kaidou's three closest associates, Kaidou has a great deal of trust in Queen and his abilities.[2] Both Kaidou and Queen have a sense of cordial respect with each other, as Queen addresses Kaidou by his name, rather than by title, such as "Sir" or "Boss".[26] In addition, Queen's loyalty to his general is also unquestioned, as he attacked Big Mom for invading Wano.[18]

Kaidou, though seeing Queen as one of his three confidants, did not hesitate in giving the lower ranking Tobiroppo a chance to challenge any All-Star of their choice to take their position, as the crew's hierarchy is determined by an individual's power.[27] Kaidou also took joy to Queen's dismay when he told him of Komurasaki's "death", much to the latter's overwhelming sadness.


Queen has a rivalry with his fellow All-Star, King, as they both didn't hesitate to insult one another in front of their subordinates. However, they both share a mutual disdain toward their other fellow All-Star, Jack.[2] After escorting Big Mom to Onigashima, Queen furiously blamed King for Big Mom's presence. Queen shown hostility towards King and tell to stop attack randomly after being hit at the rear, only for King to mock Queen as he wish he would slice off his neck.

In spite of this mutual animosity, Queen knows how to work together with King when the situation demands it. Furthermore, Queen is shown to have more confidence in his fellow All-Star's abilities than he ordinarily admits, as shown when he gloated to Sanji that King's lunarian heritage would allow him to make quick work out of Zoro.[28]


Despite both being All-Stars, Queen has an extreme amount of ridicule for Jack, as he joined King in ganging up on and insulting him when in the same room. Jack was silent at this verbal abuse and only replied in a respectful tone, despite his ruthless personality.[2]

Scratchmen Apoo[]

Given their shared music-loving personalities, Queen shares a close relationship with Scratchmen Apoo, to whom he refers as "brother"[29] and shown when the two perform together at the Golden Kagura.[30] Their close friendship did not stop Queen from putting Apoo in a sadistic game with all the others in a room infected with Ice Oni. He did, however, leave with him the only known antidote, albeit putting him in an even more dangerous situation. After Apoo was defeated by Zoro and the antidote was taken, Queen was disappointed and decided to infect Apoo with the virus, but Zoro destroyed the gun.[31]


Straw Hat Pirates[]

Monkey D. Luffy[]
Queen: Who do you think you're ordering around? Don't be so full of yourselves, boys. Who said you could feel hope? What makes you think you're getting out of this alive? You think you can beat us? All of you are going to die!! One by one!!!
Luffy: Shut up! The only one who decides when and where I'll me!!
— Queen and Luffy arguing.[16]

Queen has genuine respect for Luffy due to his strength and reputation as a member of the Worst Generation, repeatedly trying to convince the Straw Hat to join the Beasts Pirates, and stating that he would personally ask his captain to pardon him for his crimes if he did, in spite of Luffy's openly rebellious attitude towards Kaidou and his crew.[5] Queen was impressed that Luffy was able to use Haoshoku Haki.[15]

Regardless, Queen still looks down on Luffy to an extent and made sure to reiterate to the Straw Hat captain that, as long as he was his prisoner, his situation was hopeless. The All-Star also noticed that Luffy cared for Eustass Kid's well-being as a fellow rival of the Worst Generation, taking advantage of this to motivate Luffy into losing his Sumo Inferno game by continuously torturing Kid after the latter got recaptured into Udon.

Luffy has his own personal nickname for Queen: "Balloon".

Tony Tony Chopper[]

Queen seemingly has a very low opinion on Chopper, viewing the reindeer as nothing more than a lowly ship's doctor and questioning his ability to counter his viral weapons. In addition, as a pirate used to treacherous practices, Queen thought Chopper was lying to the victims of the Ice Oni disease about developing a possible cure to save them, having expected the Straw Hat to have fled away despite his promises. When Chopper managed to prove him wrong and did in fact cure all victims, Queen became angry and tried to shoot the reindeer dead.

Chopper, who is a follower of medical ethics, opposes everything Queen stands for regarding the weaponization of viruses, as the reindeer doctor believes those cannot be properly controlled by humans. As is the case with many other characters, Chopper is referred to as a tanuki by Queen. Chopper, predictably angry about this, clarified to Queen that he was in fact, a reindeer, while slapping the All-Star in the face when given the opportunity.[32]

Unfortunately for Chopper, Queen turned out to be too much for him to handle, as the All-Star admitted he was merely playing around with the reindeer before attempting to finish him off, having decided to humor Chopper for his insolent behavior beforehand. Fortunately, though, Chopper was able to hold off Queen long enough for Sanji to arrive and take over the fight.[33]


Queen is aware of Sanji's lineage to his old lab partner, Vinsmoke Judge, constantly referring to him as "Judge's son", which irritated Sanji due to his hatred for his blood-father. He also assumed that Sanji's flaming kick was a result of Judge's modifications to all his children.

He completely ignored Sanji's refusals about using the Raid Suit, as Queen was more thrilled about seeing the Germa science in reality than having to deal with Sanji's hatred for his family. When Sanji makes the choice to destroy the Raid Suit, Queen was disappointed that he would never be able to see Sanji transform into it, as he wanted to test it against the abilities of the Vinsmoke brothers that he duplicated to prove he was a superior scientist to Judge, much to Sanji's ire who doesn't care about this rivalry.

When Sanji later found out that Queen was the one who was actually responsible for injuring the geisha Some instead of him, for making him doubt himself, an enraged Sanji unleashed a new ability called Ifrit Jambe to assault Queen with a chain of attacks, with Sanji ordering Queen to never say the names of his father and brothers in his presence, which resulted in Queen's defeat.[34]


Queen is familiar with Hyogoro as the legendary yakuza boss of the Flower Capital. After they first met, Queen mocked Hyogoro for his miserable plight and also sentenced him to the Great Sumo Inferno as a death sentence.[22] Nevertheless, he was impressed by the latter's strength.[35]

Later, during the Onigashima raid, Queen witnessed Hyogoro regaining the strength of his prime thanks to the Ice Oni disease and wiping out a large number of Kaidou's forces at the Live Stage. This led the All-Star to acknowledge the old yakuza boss as a significant threat, enough to target him.[36]

X Drake[]

Because of his role as a traitor who freed Trafalgar Law while the latter was captive under the Beasts Pirates, Queen obviously despises Drake and intended to kill him during the Golden Kagura. Queen and Who's-Who both orchestrated an ambush in order to catch Drake off-guard and proceeded to interrogate him about his true allegiance. Later on, when Drake escaped into the Live Stage, Queen stated that there was no escape for the former Tobiroppo before starting the Ice Oni outbreak.

Charlotte Linlin[]

As Big Mom is his general's rival, Queen knows very well who she is and seems to be afraid of her, as he was very scared when he saw her appear in Prisoner Mine. However, this did not stop Queen from wanting to confront the Emperor upon hearing that she wanted to eat his favorite food, although this only caused Big Mom to hit him.[21] Despite being overpowered, Queen still wanted to prevent the Emperor from causing further damage to Udon, devising a strategy to do so. But when that didn't work either, causing even Big Mom to regain her memory and recognize him, the All-Star finally succumbed to fear. However, Big Mom fell asleep, so Queen proceeded to take her to Onigashima, although with many precautions to contain her, since he knew that if the Emperor woke up he would be in trouble.[18]

Despite his fear of her, Queen still showed his disrespect towards Big Mom while the latter was handcuffed, calling her an "old hag" and refusing to release her until Kaidou appeared.



Queen is immensely infatuated with Komurasaki, believing that her beauty is wasted on the Shogun Orochi and even carrying around her picture to ogle at in his free time. Queen's adoration for Komurasaki is so great that his subordinates are terrified of reporting her death to Queen in fear that he will kill them in a fit of rage.[37] When Queen found out about her "death", he started crying and begging for it to be a lie.[26]


After Komurasaki's death, Queen moved on to Some, a young geisha from the Flower Capital to which he considered his new number one. However, the geisha held no interest in Queen at all and frequently made up excuses to avoid servicing him. This angered Queen, who later discovered Some's truth and attacked her when he had the chance. He then attempted to do it again upon seeing the geisha still healthy, only for Sanji to defeat him in the process.[38]


Vinsmoke Judge[]

In the past, Queen and Vinsmoke Judge were colleagues at MADS. But despite having the same interest in creating weapons of destruction, the two also often fought over who was the second best in the group.

Despite many years after the dissolution, Queen still appeared to have a rivalry with Judge, as he decided to copy the skills of the latter's children, knowing that this was the pinnacle of his former colleague's scientific work. Likewise, he believed that if he defeated Sanji with the Raid Suit, he would prove that he was a better scientist than Judge.[39]


Similarly, Queen seemed to have a certain disdain for his former colleague Vegapunk, as the latter was dedicated to inventing products that promoted peace.[40] Even long after the disbandment, he still held Vegapunk in low regard, believing that his former colleague's science was inferior to his own cybernetics.[4]

Abilities and Powers[]

As an All-Star of the Beasts Pirates, Queen has great authority over his crew just below his Governor-General.[2] He formerly had the highest authority over Udon, a region in Wano Country, and oversaw proceedings at the Prisoner Mine, where all the Shinuchi who maintained the facility reported directly to him.[5]

In combat, Queen proves to be extremely formidable, and his bounty of Beli1,320,000,000 demonstrates how dangerous the World Government considers him, also being the third highest bounty of the crew, only below King and Kaidou himself.[7] He has also been a member of the crew for at least twenty years, making him a true veteran.[41]

During the battle on Onigashima, Queen exhibits extraordinary fighting skills, as he (alongside King), was able to battle Marco the Phoenix, the former right hand of the Emperor Whitebeard, until the latter's exhaustion, and emerged from the fight with superficial injuries, before engaging a large group of enemies.[42][24] As a further testament to his power, Chopper, in his strongest form, the Monster Point, was utterly helpless before Queen, being quickly overwhelmed when the All-Star decided to take the fight seriously, and being unable to inflict any substantial damage on him during a time span of at least twenty minutes.[33][43]

Physical Abilities[]

Queen has demonstrated incredible fighting skills by combining his vast physical strength with his cybernetics, being capable of easily blocking one of Luffy's punches with his hand and throwing the pirate to the ground with his mechanical arm.[16] He could fight and overwhelm Sanji, an extremely powerful martial arts master, slamming him through multiple reinforced stone walls with a single hand.[44] However, Queen's fighting prowess has limits, as he was completely unable to track Sanji's newly acquired high speed movement after his genetic enhancements were fully awakened, which he initially mistook for invisibility, and was quickly defeated by his barrage of Ifrit Jambe-enhanced techniques.[45] He is also shown to have enough durance to somehow survive the fall when Sanji kicked him out of Onigashima while it was being lifted into the sky.

Engineering Expertise[]

Queen is an extremely talented scientist, inventor, and mechanic who specializes in the creation of biological weaponry, perfecting these skills to the point of creating numerous man-made viruses, and designing and modifying himself with advanced enough cybernetics to replicate the Vinsmoke Family's abilities as Modified Humans, even developing modifications and weaponry for his Zoan form as well. Queen is also skilled at developing brutal torture machines and uses them as a method to break the spirits of the Beasts Pirates' enemies and get them to reveal information, an ability of which he is very proud of.

Queen is notable for having been formerly part of MADS, a rogue research team involved in several scientific discoveries and development of weapons.[3]

Cybernetic Enhancements[]

Queen Neck Extension

Queen's mechanical extensions.

Queen employs several cybernetic augmentations of his body that greatly assist him in battle. He claims to be a cyborg (絡繰人間サイボーグ, saibōgu?, literally meaning "mechanical human") so technologically advanced that even Vegapunk, the world's greatest scientific genius and Queen's ex-colleague, would not be able to replicate him.[4] Queen has multiple high-tech weapons and mechanisms installed within his body, which he usually activates while employing his Zoan abilities. Among his enhancements are laser beams, metal grappling claws, rocket launchers and extendable mechanized limbs.

In his full brachiosaurus form, he has a double-barreled Gatling gun, artificial fangs and a laser beam cannon equipped at the end of his brachiosaurus tail and hair braid, as well as inside of his mouth, with the latter in particular being an extremely advanced form of technology that has only been replicated by master engineers like Franky and Vegapunk, a testament to Queen's own genius. Moreover, his neck area is modified with an in-built mechanical cable that allows him to extend his already long brachiosaurus neck beyond its normal range. He also has retractable needles in his teeth and voice activated rocket launchers in his sides.

Queen's hybrid form displays a different set of modifications, such as clawed tentacle appendages located on his tail and braided hair, which is also capable of firing lasers. His prosthetic left arm also changes shape, sporting a claw similar to the aforementioned appendages. His left arm was later destroyed by Sanji during the Raid on Onigashima.[10]

Notably, Queen has done significant research on Germa 66's technology, with the intent of surpassing it through his own cybernetic replications. As such, Queen has access to most of the special powers held by the Vinsmoke siblings in their Raid Suits, such as Ichiji's optic beams, Niji's lighting shocks, Sanji's invisibility, and Yonji's extendable metal arm.[46]

Black Coffee

Queen using Black Coffee.

  • Black Coffee (ブラック光火コーヒー, Burakku Kōhī?, literally meaning "Black Light Flame"): In his Full Beast Form, Queen fires a laser beam from his mouth or tail, while in his human-beast form he can fire it (individually or simultaneously) from either his mouth, mechanical arm, hair, or tail.[47][48] The beam works similarly to the ones used by the Pacifista and Franky's "Radical Beam", generating an explosion after hitting a surface. The beam is depicted as purple and black in the 24th opening of the anime. Queen first attempted to use this move against Hyogoro, but he was interrupted by Marco before he could fire it, causing Queen to target the former commander with this move instead.[49] However, the technique was not named until Queen used it against Chopper.[50] This technique's name is a pun on the fact that the kanji characters for "Light Flame" (光火) can be read as kō hi, which resembles the Japanese pronunciation of "coffee" (コーヒー, kōhī?). The pronunciation of "black" (burakku) is also similar to the "brachio" (burakio) prefix that is consistent with Queen's brachiosaur theme. In the VIZ manga and Funimation adaptations, this is called Black Coffee Beam, which is possibly a pun on "coffee bean".
  • Bridal Grapper (ブライダル熱拳グラッパー, Buraidaru Gurappā?, literally meaning "Bridal Heat Fist"): While in Human-Beast Form, Queen heats up his mechanical hair claw and attempts to grab a target while burning them with it. This move was first attempted on Roronoa Zoro, but Sanji intervened and countered the move with his own Diable Jambe.[51] The pronunciation of "bridal" (buraidaru) is similar to the "brachio" (burakio) prefix that is consistent with Queen's brachiosaur theme. In the VIZ manga and Funimation adaptations, this is called Bridal Grabber.
  • Bry Pan (風来拳ブライパン, Burai Pan?, literally meaning "Erratic Fist"): While in Human-Beast Form, Queen rapidly punches with his hair claw, tail claw, and left arm claw. This was first used against Sanji.[52] The name of the technique is a pun on "fry pan", with the initial syllable altered to mimic the pronunciation of "brachio" (burakio). In addition, the kanji characters for "erratic" (風来) would normally be read as fūrai, resembling the Japanese pronunciation of "fry" (フライ, furai?). In the VIZ manga and Funimation adaptations, this is called Flying Pan.
Brachio Launcher

Queen using Brachio Launcher.

  • Brachio Launcher (ブラキオランチャー, Burakio Ranchā?): While in Beast Form, Queen activates rocket launchers equipped to his torso via a voice command. This was first used against Sanji, though Queen accidentally also hit himself by mentioning the "Brachio Launchers", which activated the voice recognition.[53]
  • Sparking Queen (火花スパーキングQUEENクイーン, Supākingu Kuīn?, literally meaning "Spark Queen"): Queen's variant of Germa 66's Sparking Red, Queen fires beams from his eyes.[46]
  • Henry Queen (起電ヘンリーQUEENクイーン, Henrī Kuīn?, literally meaning "Electromotive Queen"): Queen's variant of Germa 66's Dengeki Blue, Queen electrifies his body and then extends his mechanized neck in order to bite and electrocute his enemy.[46]
  • Winch Queen (巻力ウインチQUEENクイーン, Uinchi Kuīn?, literally meaning "Winding Power Queen"): Queen's variant of Germa 66's Winch Green, Queen extends his mechanical left arm, grabs his opponent, and swings them around, slamming them into various walls.[46]

Medical Expertise[]

Mummy (Virus) Infobox

A crowd of prisoners afflicted with Queen's virus "Mummy".

Like the other All-Stars, he is hailed as a "calamity" for his destructiveness, having earned the moniker of "The Plague" due to his use of extremely potent manufactured viruses.[54] In fact, had it not been for the efforts of Tony Tony Chopper, the doctor of the Straw Hat Pirates, the thousands of warriors fighting on the Live Floor of the Skull Dome would have all been wiped out after being infected by just one of his artificial viruses.[55]

Befitting his epithet of "The Plague", Queen is a genius virologist. He has invented abnormal and deadly viruses and weaponized them through ammunition known as Excite Bullets, which instantly spread the disease upon striking their victims. Two of Queen's viruses have been seen so far, and both of them are able to easily spread through physical contact, meaning Queen and anyone with Excite Bullets can quickly infect an entire closed-off group of enemies with only a few hits.[56][57] He has shown sufficient medical expertise to develop an antidote for one of his deadliest viruses as a safety measure.

Created Viruses[]

  • Mummy causes a high fever and constant bleeding. Not long after, its victims become shriveled and dehydrated and suffer everlasting pain.[56]
  • Ice Oni covers its victims' skin in ice, which alters some parts of their bodies to make them look like oni. It also enhances their physical abilities. Victims are left freezing and seem to turn savage.[57] The frost combined with the strength boost causes its victims to die after roughly one hour.

Devil Fruit[]

Further information: Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Brachiosaurus
Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model Brachiosaurus Beast Form

Queen in his full brachiosaurus form.

Queen ate the Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Brachiosaurus, an Ancient Zoan-type Devil Fruit that allows him to transform into a full brachiosaurus and a human-brachiosaurus hybrid at will. When fully transformed, Queen becomes much bigger and towers over even large humans like Big Mom, who stands over 8 meters tall.[21]

As a Zoan, he gains a significant boost to his physical abilities, and as an Ancient Zoan, this attribute is magnified several times over due to the immense toughness of his dinosaur hide. He has tremendous durability in this state, as he has been able to shrug off powerful attacks, including: Diable Jambe-enhanced kicks from Sanji, strikes from Chopper in Monster Point, Perospero's candy arrows, his own rocket launchers misfiring on him twice, and he was even able to quickly recover after taking two hits from the Former Emperor Big Mom, one of the most powerful combatants in the world.[58]

He can use the signature long neck of a brachiosaurus in combat, such as by swinging his head at his opponents, or using his long neck to reach targets that are further than he can normally reach or in mid-air, a skill that can be enhanced due to his extendable, cybernetic neck.[59] Additionally, his body weight is drastically increased in his dinosaur form, and he can use this immense weight to his advantage, as very little will be able to withstand the crushing pressure of his massive, transformed body. In his Human-Beast Form, Queen generally favours the usage of his cybernetic enchantments and swordsmanship, but fully employs the power and weight of his extremely dense dinosaur body in his Beast Form.

In Beast Form, Queen also possesses the abnormal ability to detach his neck and tail from his torso, effectively allowing him to transform into a large snake with a powerful coil that he claims can even crush the bones and innards of Busoshoku Haki masters.[60]


Main article: Haki

Queen is able to utilize both basic Haki-types. However, he rarely uses either in combat, being more reliant on his Devil Fruit ability and cyborg modifications.

Busoshoku Haki[]

Queen Using Busoshoku Haki

Queen uses Busoshoku Haki to defend himself against Sanji.

Queen is capable of using Busoshoku Haki to harden his arm in order to defend against attacks.[61]

Kenbunshoku Haki[]

Queen possesses the ability to use Kenbunshoku Haki.[6]


Queen carries two dao sword on his hips, which are proportionate to his body but rival the size of normal people. He was first shown using one of them to hurt X Drake.[62] In the anime he even demonstrated enough skill wielding both swords to completely nullifyy Marco's Bluebird attack as well.[63] However, one of them was shattered by Sanji when Queen attempted to strike him.[64]

Queen's Gatling Gun

Queen's Gatling gun.

At Onigashima, Queen used a Gatling gun to attack the rebels of the Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance.[65] The gun is loaded with Excite Bullets carrying Ice Oni, Queen's masterpiece virus according to himself.[57] The gun was eventually destroyed by Zoro.[31] Queen also carried a large pistol, but Marco kicked him into a tower before he could use it.[42]

Twenty years ago, during the battle against Oden and the Nine Red Scabbards, Queen used a torch as a club.[41] While a part of MADS, Queen wielded a large broadsword.[66]



Queen was born 56 years ago on the Grand Line.[6] As a child he appeared to already have a knack for science as he conducted a minilab experiment.[11]

MADS Members

Queen as part of MADS.

At some point as an adult, he became a scientist and joined MADS, an illegal research team.[66] During his stay there, Queen dedicated himself to designing dangerous viruses and he was upset when Vegapunk won the Ibel Peace Prize. He later mechanized his left arm and frequently competed with Caesar Clown and Vinsmoke Judge to be recognized as the group's second best scientist.[67] Some time later the group discovered the Lineage Factor,[68] which they used to successfully create a clone.[69] However, when the World Government deemed him a threat, they forced the group to disband and arrested some of the scientists,[70] but Queen managed to escape.

At some point later he joined the Beast Pirates, where he would settle in Wano Country. 23 years ago, Queen participated in his crew's battle against the Gecko Pirates on Ringo.[71]

Twenty years ago, when Kozuki Oden and the Nine Red Scabbards were on their way to Onigashima, the Beasts Pirates confronted them in the Udon region. In the ensuing battle, Queen fought Kanjuro and Denjiro. In the end, Oden and his allies were overwhelmed.[41]

Queen was present along with King and Jack when Kaidou set Oden Castle ablaze in order to kill the Kozuki Family.[1]

4 years ago, Queen left Onigashima along with Kaidou and other main crew members on an expedition.[72]

Wano Country Saga[]

Wano Country Arc[]

Queen was on Onigashima with King as the two of them reprimanded Jack for collecting an insufficient tribute from his region.[2]

Some time later, Queen arrived at Prisoner Mine along with some subordinates.[73] After looking at a photo of the oiran Komurasaki and deciding to go to the Pleasure Hall, he gave a musical performance to his subordinates. However, Queen was shocked when Babanuki informed him about Eustass Kid's escape, the theft of the handcuff keys, and that Monkey D. Luffy was trying to escape right there. Once the latter was captured, along with the old yakuza leader Hyogoro, the All-Star proposed to the young pirate to join the Beast Pirates and be forgiven, but he was rejected. Where then he became nostalgic when he saw Hyogoro and was amused that a legend like this had such a regrettable death. Although Hyogoro wanted him to spare only Luffy, Queen didn't care and decided to have fun with the two prisoners.[74]

Therefore, he ordered to prepare his "Sumo Inferno" and put explosive collars on both Luffy and Hyogoro. He then explained to the duo that they were going to fight the Beast Pirates together in a ring until they were expelled, which would cause the necklaces to explode. While Queen explained to Luffy that he still had the option of joining them and simply being forgiven, he pointed out that the Beast Pirates would have the advantage during duels. However, he decided to free the two prisoners from their Seastone cuffs, although he then reminded Luffy, who was grateful, that they would continue using the explosive collars. Although Hyogoro begged to fight just so as not to get in the way, Luffy threatened and insulted Queen, telling him that he would escape from there by defeating him. The All-Star then sent a group of his subordinates to fight in the ring, however, they were quickly knocked out by Luffy's Haoshoku Haki, leaving Queen impressed.[15]

As he continued to watch Luffy defeat the opponents in the ring, Queen overheard Daifugo comment that the execution would have ended sooner if he had been fighting in the ring; to which she replied that it wouldn't have been fun, and then ordered another plate of oshiruko.[75]

Later, when Alpacaman and Madilloman were next to fight, Queen mocked his subordinates when they believed that the Gifters would win easily, where she would then watch as Alpacaman would be defeated by Hyogoro.[76] Once Madilloman was also defeated along with other fighters Gifters, Queen began to feel somewhat dissatisfied. Finally when night came, he suspended the event until the next morning.[77]

The next day, Kaidou informed him that Komurasaki had died, leaving him devastated. Then he himself went up to the ring where he was surprised to see Hyogoro and Luffy very fat. However, he decided to ignore it and verify Komurasaki's death, so he turned on a Picture Tanishi to project live images from the Flower Capital.[26] After witnessing Shimotsuki Yasuie's execution, Queen expressed her approval of Orochi's cruelty.[78] He later saw Luffy's companions causing chaos at the execution site, where he was amused to see that they wanted to assassinate the shogun.

Immediately afterwards, Babanuki informed Queen that they had brought Kamazo and the recaptured Eustass Kid. Then, to add a new element to the game, Queen began to torture the latter two by putting them face down in a tub of water and submerging them, declaring that he would only release them if Hyogoro and Luffy died. When the latter assured him that Kid and Kamazo had nothing to do with it, Queen only made fun of how unstable he was becoming. In addition, the All-Star also pointed out that he did not care about the reward that Luffy had, since all humans drown in water. This angered the young pirate, who tried to attack him, but he easily deflected the blow. The All-Star then stated that no one had a chance to defeat them and escape, and that in the end they would all die. When Luffy declared otherwise, Queen heard a loud noise outside the prison, being informed by his subordinates that communication with the guards outside was cut off.[16]

Big Mom Attacks Queen

Big Mom attacks Queen after he refuses to share his oshiruko.

Suddenly, he was shocked when the amnesiac Big Mom appeared breaking through the prison doors, having heard that her ship was sunk by King. When Big Mom ordered oshiroku, Queen told her not to share it and transformed into his brachiosaurus form. However, Big Mom jumped into the air and slammed Queen's head into the ground,[21] spinning him around and throwing him into a wall. Despite that, he still maintained consciousness, as he listened to how Luffy had eaten the entire oshiruko.[79] When Queen finally recovered, he formed a strategy with his subordinates to stop Big Mom, where he would wait at the top of a cliff for her to return to the same point. Once this happened, Quee took advantage of the fact that Big Mom was distracted with the oshiruko pot as a decoy and transformed again to hit her with a headbutt. However, this only caused Big Mom to regain her memory, so Queen believed it was the end, but the Emperor fell asleep at that moment. The All-Star then immediately ordered her to be chained with Seastone and sedated with 100 injections of beast tranquilizers as he prepared a convoy to take her to Onigashima as quickly as possible. Queen set sail with this convoy, leaving the Prisoner Mine in the hands of Babanuki and a small portion of the guards.[18]

Upon arriving at Onigashima, Queen rejoined the other All-Stars, where he scolded King for not eliminating Big Mom and angrily told Jack that he had brought her there because of the communications cut in Udon. After King refused to join Big Mom, the Emperor asked for her handcuffs to be removed, so Queen angrily rejected this. However, Kaidou arrived and ordered them to release her, and then watched the clash between the two Emperors in fear.[80] The next day, as battle threatened the entire island, Queen tried to find an excuse to return to Udon. However, Babanuki called him to inform him that everything was in order at the Prisoner Mine.[19]

Later, when Kaidou and Big Mom stopped fighting, King informed Queen about the return of the Numbers for the final banquet of the Fire Festival, which displeased him. At that moment, the two Emperors declared to form an alliance with the purpose of taking over the world, leaving Queen surprised.[25]

At some point before the festival began, Queen learned that Tobiroppo X Drake had freed Trafalgar Law and therefore wanted to kill him for his betrayal. Therefore, he conspired with Who's-Who to ambush the traitor.[81]

The day of the Fire Festival arrived, Queen tried to acquire the services of Some, a geisha who continually rejected him and whom he now considered his new number one after Komurasaki's death, but she rejected him again saying she had a headache.[82]

Golden Kagura

Queen provides entertainment at the Golden Kagura in Onigashima.

Later he enjoyed the celebration, where he demanded large quantities of oshiruko from his subordinates, but they told him that they would take it to Big Mom, to which he yelled at them to prepare more.[83] Then, he headed to the Live Stage to begin the Beasts Pirates' Golden Kagura festivities, where he performed a musical performance for all who would participate.[84] However, soon afterward an uproar broke out on the Live Floor, where Apoo informed him that Luffy, who had in fact escaped from the Prison Mine, as well as his crewmate Roronoa Zoro began. While Apoo asked her the plan to catch them, Queen understood that what Babanuki had told her was not true; where he then announced that he was going to eliminate one of the Tobiroppo and whoever captured the intruders would get said position. As the two intruders made their way, Apoo attacked them with his powers, where Queen taunted Luffy by watching him faint momentarily from a single attack, however, Apoo was then crushed by Eustass Kid.[85] Seeing that the latter had also appeared, Queen once again wondered what had happened in Udon. Then, his subordinates asked for permission to kill the intruders, so Queen granted it.[86]

Later, he along with the other All-Stars accompanied Kaidou to the live stage when Kozuki Momonosuke was to be executed by Orochi, where the Emperor declared to the latter his intention to encourage the execution with the announcement of the New Onigashima Project.[87] While Kaidou explained the objectives of the plan, Orochi protested when it was mentioned that weapons factories would also be increased and the inhabitants of Florida's capital would be put to work to turn it into a pirate paradise, so Kaidou decapitated him. The latter then offered Orochi's subordinates to join them or diel,[88] where they accepted. As Kaidou was about to execute Momonosuke, the Red Scabbards interrupted the stage, and Queen was amazed and would later see how the samurai pushed Kaido.[17]

When the latter fell to the lower floor, he saw how the Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance's attack was unleashed, where he then heard Luffy declare that he was going to defeat them all in an all-out war. After mocking this, Queen was surprised when one of his subordinates informed him that thousands of people were entering through the back entrance: the prisoners of Rasetsu Town and Udon, Trafagal Law, and even Marco and Charlotte Perospero. Then the All-Star announced to everyone to take their weapons and proclaimed that the party is over.[89]

Queen Chomps on Luffy and Zoro

Queen stops Luffy and Zoro.

After, when Jack went to the roof to support Kaidou against the Red Scabbards, Queen argued with King about this. Suddenly, Shinobu appeared to try to free Momonosuke, but King prevented it by throwing her. However, Momonosuke's chains broke, where Queen watched in confusion as the boy floated away. At that moment, King attacked Sanji, who had done so thanks to him being invisible. After the latter managed to get Momonosuke to safety with Shinobu, King proceeded to confront the enemy by throwing him against a building.[90] Shortly after, Luffy arrived at the Live Stage accompanied by Zoro to reach the roof and confront Kaido. Despite telling them to stop, Queen was completely ignored, where he then transformed and stopped them with his mouth before they could cross the hole that led to the rooftop. When King came flying in with a group of flying Gifters to block the way, Queen violently threw Luffy and Zoro to the floor below. However, he later realized that these two were reunited along with the rest of the Straw Hats.[59] After returning to her human form, Queen discussed the situation with King and told him that he did not understand how the Udon prisoners had managed to escape, only to become irritated when his fellow All-Star criticized him for this error. As he puzzledly wondered if what Babanuki told her was because the prisoners forced him, Queen heard King contact the Tobiroppo to prevent the alliance from reaching the roof.

Queen and Who's-Who Ambush Drake

Queen and Who's-Who ambush Drake.

He later went to a room in the castle, where Who's-Who arrived shortly after along with X Drake, and the two attacked the latter. When Drake asked the reason for this, Queen accused him and interrogated him with Who's Who and Basil Hawkins about freeing Law, as well as declaring to Drake that the person he wanted to kill was him. At that moment, the All-Star began to question the traitor about his true loyalty and mission, however, Drake told him not to reveal anything, so Queen mocked him and stated that everyone gives up when they suffer his tortures. But suddenly an explosion occurred that allowed Drake to escape.[91]

After arriving at the Live Floor, he broke up the enemy fight by using a Gatling gun to fire bullets containing his Ice Oni virus, and also told Drake not to let him escape. As the virus infection spread among comrades and enemies alike, turning them into frenzied zombies, Queen ordered all exits on that floor closed.[65] When some Pleasures asked his why he infected them too, he replied that they just laugh and can be more useful that way. Immediately afterwards, Queen announced that the infected would die within the hour and threw the only virus antibody sample to Apoo. Then, the All-Star announced his new massacre game: all the infected can chase Apoo to claim the antidote and the latter will live if he manages to escape, while the others will die.[92]

When he saw Drake attack Apoo, Queen cursed him for joining the alliance side. While he was looking at the posters of the Straw Hats, thought it was better to kill Zoro and Sanji, since these two were the strongest of the crew after the captain; also commenting that one of Vinsmoke Judge's sons is among said crew.[93]

Afterwards, Queen continued to watch the chase of his game, where he taunted Apoo by seeing him run, but Zoro finally knocked out the latter and gave the antibodies to his crewmate Tony Tony Chopper, who explained to the infected that they must use fire to stop the advance of the virus, and that he would develop enough antibodies for all of them. Upon hearing this, Queen became angry and prepared to kill Chopper and Apoo with his Gatling gun, but the gun was then destroyed by a flying sword slash from Zoro. He then heard the latter declare that he had not come to the island to waste time in his game, but to finish off Kaidou. Suddenly a strong earthquake was felt throughout the island, where Marco then arrived flying,[94] who used his flames to temporarily reverse the effects of the Ice Oni. Seeing this, Queen wondered why Marco was there and then ordered some subordinates to retrieve the antidote.[95]

Marco Vs

Marco vs. Queen and King.

Shortly after, Queen ordered his subordinates to stop Marco, however, the latter defeated them alland then transformed into his phoenix form to take Zoro to the roof. Once King arrived to support him, both All-Stars transformed into their dinosaur forms and Queen declared to Marco that he would not let him escape easily and that all the samurai would have died by now. After Marco responded that they were stupid for underestimating the New Generation they were facing, Queen shot him with his mouth cannons, but the attack did no damage,[96] making him wonder if that ability made Marco invincible. The latter immediately restrained both All-Stars with his phoenix wings before throwing Zoro into the ceiling.[97]

He later saw how Hyogoro, who was infected with the Ice Oni virus, was defeating many enemies, so Queen tried to shoot him with a laser beam to prevent the old man from becoming a worse threat; but Marco stopped him by attacking him with such force that he made him cough up blood. When Queen complained to the latter about it, Marco simply reminded him that he was his opponent and that if he wants to hurt any samurai he must defeat him first. Therefore, the All-Star fired a laser beam at him, only for Marco to dodge it and then proceed to confront King, who would be thrown into a building. After returning to his human form, Queen approached the ruins of the building, only to also be thrown against a building by Marco.[98]

He then heard some of his subordinates ask him why they too had to die for the Ice Oni. However, Queen transformed and then attacked them, calling them cowards and saying that this virus was his masterpiece, and, in a sense, he made it for them. Because of that, he started telling the Pleasures that they missed their chance to get powers and now they're only good for laughs. While to the Waiters, he told them that no matter how much they wait there are no SMILES to give them powers, therefore they can only be useful if they become Ice Oni and eventually die. He also added that he could always replace them and that he has even given some a chance to live by giving them the antidote. When the samurai felt sorry for his subordinates, Queen reprimanded them saying that Chopper was a pirate, therefore the latter would not help them, and surely abandoned them all by using the antidote on himself.

Chopper Hits Queen

Queen being slapped by Chopper.

However, Chopper appeared shortly after and revealed his countervirus, which spread through the air and cured all those infected. After the doctor explained how he created the antidote, Queen was left confused as to how the latter had gained all that medical experience to do it. Even though the reindeer told him his answer to this, the All-Star simply ignored him and became even angrier when he noticed that he also cured his subordinates. At that moment, he heard Chopper declare that viruses were not intended to be used as weapons, as even the user would lose control. However, Queen refused to be lectured and tried to kill him with lightning, but just then, the Placers got in the way. Despite ordering them to get out of the way, the Placers replied that they would no longer work for him and that they were now going to protect the one who saved them. At that moment, Marco grabbed Queen by the neck, who would then be beaten by Chopper in his Monster Point.[99] The All-Star proceeded to confront the latter, where despite being physically dominated by Chopper at first, Queen noticed how the reindeer was running out of energy. After Chopper dodged one of his lasers, Queen listened to Bao Huang announced to the entire island that Luffy had been defeated by Kaidou.[100] As Chopper became sad at this news, Queen proceeded to overpower him, where he then declared to the reindeer that he was just playing with him. But before he could deliver the final blow, Sanji appeared and hit him in the head with a flaming kick, causing his neck to begin to spin. This caused Queen to unknowingly intercept a barrage of candy arrows from Perospero, who would then be expelled from there. Once he regained his balance, the All-Star was upset to see that Judge's son was responsible, so he prepared to confront him. Suddenly, he heard Momonosuke broadcast the announcement that Luffy was still alive and that he would return to defeat Kaidou.[101]

Sanji vs Queen

Queen vs. Sanji.

Shortly after, King overheard how Bao Huang accidentally announced the defeats of Ulti and Page One. When, at that moment, Tama appeared on the Live Stage,[102] Queen yelled at the little girl about what she was doing there and who she was, as well as asking Bao Huang what was going on. After this, Tama ordered those who ate her kibi dango to help Luffy and Momonosuke defeat Kaido. Even though Queen ordered the girl to be killed, the Gifters began to turn against the crew. After realizing that Tama was responsible for it, he was about to shoot her with a laser beam, but at that moment Sanji attacked him, causing the laser to explode in his mouth. Seeing the latter, Queen recognized him and called him the Judge's son again; to which Sanji angrily told him to stop calling him that, also asking him if he was part of the research group his father was in. Queen replied that they were both part of MADS years ago, where he then transformed into his hybrid form and revealed to his enemy that he was now a cyborg. When the latter told him that he had already realized, the All-Star assured him that he would not be a match for him anyway,[103] before shooting him with one of his lasers.[104]

Queen and King Punish Traitors

Queen and King punish traitors.

Later, when King finally joined Queen in the fight, the two began eliminating all the Beast Pirates who betrayed them, with Marco temporarily out of action and Sanji overwhelmed by both. However, the latter managed to get up and proceeded to confront Queen again, while King prepared to eliminate Zoro, who was seriously injured and bandaged. But at that moment, Marco managed to recover and block the attack, where Queen was surprised that he was still alive. As they prepared to permanently eliminate the former member of the Whitebeard Pirates, who admitted to them that he had nothing left to fight with, Queen and King were attacked by Sanji and Zoro respectively.[105]

Although they fell to the ground, both All-Stars got up unharmed and proceeded to get up, where Queen declared to the two Straw Hats that they would need something better to defeat them, and then shot them with his lasers, although the duo managed to dodge it. Taking advantage of the fact that Zoro was blocking King's attack, Queen was about to attack him with his Bridal Grapper, but Sanji blocked it with his Diable Jambe. When he saw this power, Queen remembered the modifications Judge made to his children, so he asked Sanji if it was because of that. Even though the latter declared that he was human, Queen still believed otherwise, as not just anyone could burst into flames unless they were a lunarian. When Sanji gave him a response to this, the All-Star proceeded to defend himself against his opponent's kicks with Busoshoku Haki; adding that he would show him the power of a cyborg that not even Vegapunk can create.[106]

Later, Queen was surprised when a huge pink dragon appeared crashing onto the Live Floor.[107] Immediately afterwards, one of the Marys issued a report on the situation on the roof: Yamato was there injured, while Kaidou faced the previous pink dragon, with Luffy riding on him. Hearing this, Queen was surprised that Yamato was the one who was restraining Kaidou until now.[108]


Queen breaks Sanji's bones.

When King began indiscriminately attacking everyone around him on the Live Floor, Queen scolded him for touching him as well; although his fellow All-Star simply replied that he wished he had slit her throat, which angered Queen even more.[109] He then continued fighting Sanji, attacking with his Bry Pan, causing the latter to start having problems. At that moment, the All-Star told Sanji to use the power of the Raid Suit, as he knew that he had used it to make himself invisible when facing King. When Queen continued to goad him, calling him Vinsmoke, Sanji angrily told him not to call him that and refused to use the Raid Suit due to his hatred for the Germa 66. Queen then shot him with his Black Coffee, which his opponent managed to dodge, where the latter proceeded to attack him again with Bien Cuit: Grill Shot. After the attack knocked him down a bit, Queen transformed into his brachiosaurus form and praised Sanji for the strength of his kick. He then decided to show the "true power" of his fruit, so he used his Brachiotoguros technique, causing his tail and neck to split from his body to wrap around Sanji like a snake. As he crushed him, Queen mocked his opponent for letting his guard down, where he also pointed out that not even the strongest Busoshoku Haki user has resisted. After saying that he was disappointed, he again asked Sanji to use the power of the Germa 66 and in exchange he would let him go. When the latter still refused, Queen proceeded to explain to him about the missiles installed in his empty torso that are activated with his voice command, but these attacked him when he named them by mistake. Despite being enraged by this, he only managed to name them a second time, getting attacked again and freeing Sanji in the process.

Queen's Blade Shatters Against Sanji

Queen's sword breaks while trying to kill Sanji.

Although Queen believed that the opponent must have already been very injured by the grip, Sanji managed to recover as if nothing had happened. When the All-Star reassembled the two parts of his body and transformed into his hybrid form, he attempted to decapitate Sanji with one of his swords, although it ended up breaking, much to his surprise.[110] Knowing that it couldn't have been Busoshoku Haki, he recalled how Judge wanted to create modified humans with exoskeletons, who had better stamina, physical strength and quick healing, as well as an unfeeling heart. At that moment, Queen began to fire his laser beams at Sanji, who began to flee; while some of his subordinates shot the latter with his bullets, but they didn't work against Sanji. Seeing this, Queen marveled and began to pursue his target, again asking him to use the Raid Suit to demonstrate the science of the Germa.[111]

After a small confrontation,[112] he ended up chasing Sanji, where Some suddenly appeared in the way.[113] Seeing that the geisha was really healthy, Queen became invisible and beat her for deceiving him.[38] Then he arrived at the Pleasure Hall, where he appeared in front of Sanji in his brachiosaurus form and then transformed into his hybrid form to face him again. Suddenly, he watched eagerly as Sanji finally pulled out the Raid Suit; however, the latter simply destroyed it, leaving Queen completely frustrated. After hearing Sanji contact Zoro, the All-Star saw his opponent disappear, so he asked him if it was scientific enhancement, where he was then violently attacked by Sanji, who told him not to make him angry anymore.[114] Although the attack sent him through many rooms, Queen managed to recover and then explained to Sanji that Zoro could not defeat King, as the latter was a survivor of the Lunarians; telling him that this race was capable of surviving in any environment and in the past they were called "gods". When Sanji asked how they became extinct, Queen replied that he would have to find out himself and then shot him with a laser beam.[28]

When he continued to confront Sanji, the All-Star attacked him with his Sparking Queen, although Sanji managed to avoid it. He then used his Henry Queen, electrocuting the opponent with such force that he fell to the ground injured. At that moment, as he continued to shoot him with more lasers from his eyes, Queen revealed to Sanji that he copied the powers of the Germa 66, as Judge's children are the culmination of her scientific work. Furthermore, he explained to his opponent that he was going to show them to him when the latter had put on the Raid Suit, since by defeating him in this way he would prove to be a better scientist than Judge. When Sanji told him not to involve him in it, Queen grabbed his opponent with his robotic arm and confessed that he had played dumb earlier; explaining to Sanji that he had researched all of Germa's science and had therefore copied the abilities of the latter's brothers. Queen then proceeded to use the Winch Queen, spinning Sanji through several walls. However, the adversary was able to escape destroying the All-Star's mechanical arm, who angrily asked him how dare he. Sanji then stood up and reminded him not to talk about the Vinsmoke Family, so Queen scolded him for believing he could control his right to free speech. Without wasting time, Sanji used Flanchet Flyer to attack Queen directly in the stomach, who despite resisting the attack felt great pain. Seeing this, Sanji told the All-Star that he was wrong if he believed that he had the fight dominated, since there was no way that his kick would not have had an effect on him and that they were both exhausted.

Queen defeated

Queen is defeated and sent off Onigashima by Sanji.

After hearing his opponent declare that he had accepted his fate and was not the same person he fought on the Life Floor, Queen proceeded to turn invisible and asked Sanji to prove to him if he was telling the truth about it. The latter then disappeared, surprising Queen as the Raid Suit had been destroyed, but he then realized that Sanji did not turn invisible, but rather he was moving faster than the eye can see. When Queen decided to wait until the enemy ran out of energy to defeat him, he saw Some, who was chasing her pet mouse. Seeing that the geisha had recovered, the All-Star decided to give her another blow as punishment. However, Sanji then hit him with several techniques from his new Ifrit Jambe, which ended up defeating Queen,[115] and sending him flying out of Onigashima.[34]

Ryokugyu Subdues Queen

Queen is subdued by Ryokugyu.

Following the alliance's victory, Queen was located at the former Prisoner Mine along with King and many other crew members. A week later, Admiral Ryokugyu came and attacked the complex, impaling Queen with a tree branch which rapidly dehydrated him and made him shrink considerably. Queen demanded to maintain his weight, but Ryokugyu then brutally stomped on Queen multiple times. Ryokugyu then requested a battleship to be sent to Wano, presumably to detain Queen and his crewmates.[116]

Major Battles[]

Filler Battles[]


Video Games[]

Playable Appearances[]


  • Like his fellow All-Stars King and Jack, Queen is named after the playing card rank, fitting with the card-themed names of the Beasts Pirates.[117]
    • Given that King's name was bestowed on him by Kaidou, it is possible that Queen was born with a different name before having it changed.[118]
  • Queen's appearance is reminiscent of the character Heart from Fist of the North Star.
  • He also seems to take some visual cues from Obelix, a character from the Franco-Belgian comic The Adventures of Asterix.
    • Further evocative of this similarity is their shared affinity for wild boars, though Queen uses the creatures as a means of transport rather than a food source.
  • Queen's favorite food is oshiruko.[6]


  1. 1.0 1.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 91 Chapter 920 (p. 8) and Episode 910, Queen makes his shadowed debut in Kin'emon's flashback.
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 92 Chapter 925 (p. 16-17) and Episode 918, Queen makes his present-day debut.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 101 Chapter 1017 (p. 10-11) and Episode 1039.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 101 Chapter 1023 (p. 7) and Episode 1046.
  5. 5.00 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 93 Chapter 935 (p. 8-9) and Episode 930, Queen is fully shown while he sings about his figure.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #1309), Information about Queen is revealed.
  7. 7.0 7.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 93 Chapter 935 (p. 8-9) and Episode 930, Queen's bounty is revealed.
  8. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 94 Chapter 945 (p. 16) and Episode 944.
  9. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 104 Chapter 1053 (p. 11) and Episode 1080.
  10. 10.0 10.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 102 Chapter 1034 (p. 8-9) and Episode 1061, Sanji destroys Queen's arm.
  11. 11.0 11.1 SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 103 (p. 100), Queen (alongside the other Tobiroppo and All-Stars) is depicted as a child.
  12. One Piece Manga — Vol. 106 Chapter 1074, cover story: Germa 66's Ahh... An Emotionless Excursion Vol. 30.
  13. SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 96 (p. 172), Queen's potential look if he is thin.
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 93 Chapter 937 (p. 5) and Episode 933, Queen watches the Sumo Inferno.
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 93 Chapter 936 (p. 4-9) and Episodes 931932, Queen starts the Sumo Inferno.
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 94 Chapter 944 (p. 10-17) and Episodes 942943, Queen takes the Sumo Inferno to its next level.
  17. 17.0 17.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 98 Chapter 986 (p. 14) and Episode 995, Queen is shocked by the sudden arrival of the Nine Red Scabbards at Onigashima.
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 94 Chapter 947 (p. 9-16) and Episodes 946947, Queen knocks out Big Mom.
  19. 19.0 19.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 94 Chapter 952 (p. 5-6) and Episode 953, Queen tries to excuse himself from Onigashima
  20. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 94 Chapter 948 (p. 7) and Episode 947, Daifugo talks about the Mummy virus and the excite bullets.
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 94 Chapter 945 (p. 14-19) and Episode 944, Queen prepare to fight Big Mom.
  22. 22.0 22.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 93 Chapter 935 (p. 16-17) and Episode 931, Queen talks with Hyogoro.
  23. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 100 Chapter 1007 (p. 5) and Episode 1023, Queen's cruelty towards his subordinates.
  24. 24.0 24.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 101 Chapter 1022 (p. 10-11) and Episode 1045, Queen and King attacking Gifters.
  25. 25.0 25.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 95 Chapter 954 (p. 14-15) and Episode 955, Queen learns about the Numbers' arrival.
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 93 Chapter 941 (p. 6) and Episode 938, Queen talks to Kaidou.
  27. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 97 Chapter 979 (p. 12-15) and Episode 985, Kaidou offers the Tobiroppo a chance to challenge any All-Star for their position, which neither Jack nor King opposed.
  28. 28.0 28.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 102 Chapter 1033 (p. 4) and Episode 1059.
  29. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 97 Chapter 980 (p. 8) and Episode 986, Apoo calls out to Queen.
  30. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 97 Chapter 976 (p. 11) and Episode 980, Queen performing on stage while accompanied by Apoo as disc jockey.
  31. 31.0 31.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 99 Chapter 997 (p. 11) and Episode 1011.
  32. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 100 Chapter 1007 (p. 10-13) and Episode 1023.
  33. 33.0 33.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 100 Chapter 1015 (p. 4) and Episode 1036, Queen confirms that he was merely toying with Chopper.
  34. 34.0 34.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 102 Chapter 1035 (p. 2) and Episode 1061.
  35. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 93 Chapter 939 (p. 17) and Episode 936, Queen comments on Hyogoro's strength.
  36. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 100 Chapter 1006 (p. 10-13) and Episode 1022.
  37. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 93 Chapter 935 (p. 8-9) and Episode 930, Two Beasts Pirates members talk about Queen's love for Komurasaki.
  38. 38.0 38.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 102 Chapter 1034 (p. 12-13) and Episode 1061.
  39. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 102 Chapter 1034 (p. 6-7) and Episode 1061.
  40. One Piece Manga — Vol. 106 Chapter 1073, cover story: Germa 66's Ahh... An Emotionless Excursion Vol. 29.
  41. 41.0 41.1 41.2 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 96 Chapter 970 (p. 11) and Episode 972, Twenty years ago, Queen fought Kanjuro and Denjiro.
  42. 42.0 42.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 100 Chapter 1006 (p. 17-18) and Episode 1022.
  43. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 100 Chapter 1014 (p. 6) and Episode 1034, Chopper, while using Monster Point, notes that he has been unable to truly harm Queen.
  44. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 102 Chapter 1034 (p. 7-9) and Episode 1061, Queen uses Winch Queen on Sanji.
  45. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 102 Chapter 1034 (p. 11-15) and Episode 1061.
  46. 46.0 46.1 46.2 46.3 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 102 Chapter 1034 (p. 4-10) and Episode 1061.
  47. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 102 Chapter 1028 (p. 10-11) and Episode 1053.
  48. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 102 Chapter 1029 (p. 2-3) and Episode 1055.
  49. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 100 Chapter 1006 (p. 13-15) and Episode 1022.
  50. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 100 Chapter 1014 (p. 7) and Episode 1035, Queen uses "Black Coffee" against Chopper.
  51. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 101 Chapter 1023 (p. 6) and Episode 1046.
  52. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 102 Chapter 1028 (p. 9-10) and Episode 1052, Queen vs. Sanji
  53. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 102 Chapter 1028 (p. 15-16) and Episode 1053, Queen vs. Sanji
  54. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 101 Chapter 1023 (p. 4-5) and Episode 1046, Queen describes the All-Star group.
  55. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 100 Chapter 1007 and Episode 1023.
  56. 56.0 56.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 94 Chapter 949 (p. 7-9) and Episode 949, The Excite Bullets and Mummy are first seen.
  57. 57.0 57.1 57.2 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 98 Chapter 993 (p. 5-6) and Episode 1005, Queen spreads Ice Oni through the Live Floor.
  58. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 94 Chapter 947 (p. 11-14) and Episodes 946947, Queen quickly gets up after being thrown into a cliff while transformed.
  59. 59.0 59.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 98 Chapter 989 (p. 13) and Episode 1000, Queen catches Luffy and Zoro as they fly away.
  60. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 102 Chapter 1028 (p. 13-15) and Episode 1053.
  61. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 101 Chapter 1023 (p. 6-7) and Episode 1046.
  62. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 98 Chapter 990 (p. 14-15) and Episode 1001.
  63. One Piece Anime — Episode 1023.
  64. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 102 Chapter 1028 (p. 17) and Episode 1053.
  65. 65.0 65.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 98 Chapter 991 (p. 12) and Episode 1002.
  66. 66.0 66.1 One Piece Manga — Vol. 106 Chapter 1070, cover story: Germa 66's Ahh... An Emotionless Excursion Vol. 27.
  67. One Piece Manga — Vol. 106 Chapters 10721074, cover story: Germa 66's Ahh... An Emotionless Excursion Vol. 28-30.
  68. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 84 Chapter 840 (p. 3) and Episode 802.
  69. One Piece Manga — Vol. 106 Chapter 1072 (p. 17).
  70. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 84 Chapter 840 (p. 4) and Episode 802.
  71. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 96 Chapter 969 (p. 12) and Episode 971.
  72. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 99 Chapter 999 (p. 4) and Episode 1003.
  73. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 93 Chapter 934 (p. 15) and Episode 930.
  74. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 93 Chapter 935 (p. 8-10, 16-17) and Episodes 930931.
  75. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 93 Chapter 937 (p. 5) and Episode 933.
  76. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 93 Chapter 939 (p. 10, 17) and Episodes 935936.
  77. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 93 Chapter 940 (p. 10-12) and Episode 937.
  78. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 94 Chapter 943 (p. 7) and Episode 941.
  79. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 94 Chapter 946 (p. 2-6) and Episode 945.
  80. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 94 Chapter 951 (p. 14-19) and Episode 952.
  81. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 98 Chapter 990 (p. 9, 14) and Episode 1001.
  82. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 102 Chapter 1034 (p. 12) and Episode 1061.
  83. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 97 Chapter 977 (p. 16-17) and Episode 982.
  84. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 97 Chapter 978 (p. 11-14) and Episode 982.
  85. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 97 Chapter 980 (p. 7-9) and Episode 986.
  86. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 97 Chapter 981 (p. 4) and Episode 987.
  87. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 97 Chapter 984 and Episode 992.
  88. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 98 Chapter 985 (p. 14-15) and Episode 994.
  89. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 98 Chapter 987 (p. 7-8, 14-16) and Episodes 996997.
  90. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 98 Chapter 988 (p. 6-9) and Episode 998.
  91. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 98 Chapter 990 (p. 6-8, 14-15) and Episode 1001.
  92. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 98 Chapter 994 (p. 8-13) and Episodes 10061007.
  93. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 99 Chapter 995 (p. 11) and Episode 1008.
  94. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 99 Chapter 997 (p. 8-12) and Episodes 10101011.
  95. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 99 Chapter 998 (p. 4-5) and Episode 1012.
  96. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 99 Chapter 999 (p. 10-11, 13-15) and Episode 1014.
  97. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 99 Chapter 1000 (p. 4) and Episode 1014.
  98. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 100 Chapter 1006 (p. 13-18) and Episode 1022.
  99. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 100 Chapter 1007 (p. 4-13) and Episode 1023.
  100. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 100 Chapter 1014 (p. 5-9) and Episodes 10341035.
  101. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 100 Chapter 1015 (p. 2, 4-8) and Episode 1036.
  102. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 101 Chapter 1016 (p. 12-13) and Episode 1038.
  103. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 101 Chapter 1017 (p. 2, 5-11) and Episodes 10381039.
  104. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 101 Chapter 1019 (p. 3) and Episode 1041.
  105. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 101 Chapter 1022 (p. 10-17) and Episodes 10451046.
  106. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 101 Chapter 1023 (p. 2-7) and Episode 1046.
  107. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 101 Chapter 1025 (p. 9) and Episode 1049.
  108. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 102 Chapter 1026 (p. 3-5) and Episode 1050.
  109. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 102 Chapter 1027 (p. 12, 14) and Episode 1052.
  110. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 102 Chapter 1028 (p. 9-17) and Episodes 10521053.
  111. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 102 Chapter 1029 (p. 2-4) and Episode 1055.
  112. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 102 Chapter 1030 and Episode 1055.
  113. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 102 Chapter 1031 (p. 14) and Episode 1057.
  114. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 102 Chapter 1031 (p. 14-19) and Episode 1057.
  115. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 102 Chapter 1034 (p. 4-15) and Episode 1061.
  116. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 104 Chapter 1053 (p. 11-12) and Episode 1080.
  117. SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 98 (p. 118), The meaning of Queen's name is revealed.
  118. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 102 Chapter 1035 (p. 10) and Episode 1062.

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