One Piece Wiki

For the member of the Kyoshiro Family, see Kaku (Wano).

Kaku[12] is a masked agent of CP0.[2] He was previously an assassin of CP9, operating undercover in order to obtain the Pluton blueprints from Iceburg.[5] While undercover, he acted as one of the five foremen of Galley-La Company's Dock One, specializing in mechanics, diagnostics, and housecalls.[6]

He is a major antagonist in the Water 7 and Enies Lobby Arcs, and a supporting antagonist in the Egghead Arc, later turned reluctant temporary ally of the Straw Hat Pirates during the latter Arc.


Kaku is a young man, who has big black eyes with 3 eyelashes on top of his eye, and a long nose similar to Usopp's, only rectangular in shape. Due to this, several characters, such as Luffy, Sanji and Zoro have mistaken him for Usopp.[13][14]

When he worked for the Galley-La Company, he wore a white cap, a high-collared orange shirt with blue sleeves, jeans and white sneakers.[1]

When he was revealed to be working for CP9, he wore a black cap, a black suit jacket with an orange handkerchief in the breast-pocket over a high-collared black shirt, pants and shoes.[15][16]

When invading Iceburg's mansion, he wore an over-sized skull mask with a black fez, and blue robes.[17]

In SBS Volume 44, Oda drew members of CP9 as children. Kaku is shown with fluffy hair and a shorter nose (though still long by his age standards) and wore a cap backwards.[18]

As a CP0 agent, Kaku now wears an all-white suit, along with a top hat and a yellow tie.[2] While on duty, he sometimes wears a tribal mask with a long beard as well as a protruding shape that fits around his nose.[19]


Main Series[]

Kaku as a Child
Kaku as a child.
Kaku Manga Color Scheme
Kaku during the Water 7 Arc in the manga.
Kaku as a Shipwright
Kaku as a Water 7 shipwright.
Kaku's San Faldo Disguise Manga Color Scheme
Kaku's skeleton costume in the manga.
Kaku's San Faldo Mask
Kaku's skeleton costume in the anime.
Kaku Full Body
Kaku as a member of CP9.
Kaku's CP0 Outfit
Kaku as a member of CP0.
Kaku CP0 Mask
Kaku's CP0 mask.
Kaku Anime Concept Art
Kaku's concept art from the anime.
Kaku Digitally Colored Manga

Video Games[]


Out of all the current member of his group of Cipher Pol agents, Kaku could be best described as the most "normal". While not on a mission and in casual company he's the most affable and social of his colleagues. When he was revealed as one of the Water 7 CP9 agents, Kaku's personality becomes rather cold and dispassionate in contrast to his character on Water 7, where he was mainly seen laughing and smiling, however Kaku showed great sportsmanship after his defeat, where he laughed at Zoro's comment of working in a zoo. He also remarked "too bad" when Zoro passed Paulie's message of "you're fired" and handed over his key without Zoro having to say a word. He also appeared to be the only one of the four assassins undercover in Water 7 who expressed some regret that he could not go back to the way he had been living for the last five years.[20]

Kaku has a childish side to himself as well, being openly excited by the futurist wonders on Egghead Island. He admits he always wanted to fight a space monster.[21] He often taunts his opponents during battle, and even ate a Devil Fruit for the fun of it,[22] and exclaimed "This is fun!" during his life-and-death battle with Roronoa Zoro.[23] He also seems to place a chance to fight over easy accomplishment of a mission; when Zoro and Sogeking were cuffed together, he wished to help them, so he would not be forced to share his target with Jabra. When neither agent had the key, both agreed that the prey was up for grabs.[24] He was also very upset as soon as his hybrid (giraffe/human) form was mocked, he sliced the Tower of Justice in half, in a rage of embarrassment due to his love of giraffes.[25]

Unlike Lucci, Kaku's childishness stems from his sense on wonder and personality rather than emotional or psychological development. Kaku doesn't hold grudges nor feel slighted that Zoro beat him as he lost honorably against a strong opponent as opposed to Lucci who could not get over the fact that Luffy defeated him. He also has no problems swallowing whatever pride he has and working with an enemy or even asking for help towards mutually beneficial goals. He eve chastises Lucci for being unreasonable and not being able to put aside his feelings which could jeopardize the mission CP0 was on to capture Vegapunk. Despite his role as an antagonist, Kaku is surprisingly honest, even to his enemies and very clearly doesn't have any personal disdain towards them but fighting them as simply being a part of his job.

Kaku is the most professional when it comes to handling missions. He tries to stick to orders and not engage in activity that could draw unneeded attention or difficulty to completing a mission. When seeing Luffy at Egghead, Kaku is shown to be cautious and very obedient when he tried to tell Lucci to not fight Luffy without permission from the World Government, since Luffy is now one of the Four Emperors. While he has fun fighting Zoro and taunts him in their first fight, he is not sadistic like Lucci nor does he instigate possible challenges for his own amusement as when Lucci allowed Luffy to follow CP9 as Lucci wanted to fight the Strawhats. Further he can carry out his orders in spite of personals misgivings or taste as demonstrated by his cold justification for Saint Charlos' attempts to enslave Shirahoshi. He states it is necessary for the sake of global peace and the lower ranking royal families should be wise not to oppose the Celestial Dragons.[2] This professional nature would be seen once again when he rejected Stussy's offer of friendship, citing that he respected her nature as an assassin, but nothing more.[26]

However, Kaku is also the one to be open about his feelings about a given situation along with having more relatable and common responses to notable situations. He expressed shock and then reluctance when he saw that it was Zoro that prevented him from attacking the Sunny while desiring not to have to engage with Zoro unless necessary. Despite his loyalty to the Government, Kaku is not above speaking his mind about what he thinks of them, as he considered Marcus Mars' transformation to be hideous.[27]

He also talks like an old man, as remarked by several characters, despite being only 23 years old.[28] He uses the term "washi" (meaning I, though used mainly by elders), rather than ore (also meaning I, a masculine term used by young adults).[29] In the Funimation dub, he instead uses old fashion slang words, such as skedaddle and whippersnapper.

Abilities and Powers[]


Kaku can employ the weight of his giraffe body to deliver powerful blows.

As a current masked agent of CP0, the strongest intelligence agency of Cipher Pol, and formerly the second strongest member of CP9, Kaku is a formidable and valued agent of the World Government.

Kaku can also function as a lie detector. He demonstrated the ability to tell whether something is true or not by feeling a person's wrist and then tell the truth by determining the speed of the person's pulse.[30]

Physical Abilities[]

From his training as a Rokushiki master, Kaku has worked hard to develop his tremendous physical power since childhood and could match the formidable Roronoa Zoro in terms of strength. He has incredible speed and agility, being able to move extremely fast and leap from buildings from amazing heights and distances without a scratch, showing extraordinary leg strength. His jumping abilities earned him the nickname "Mountain Wind" (山風, Yamakaze?) during his time in the Galley-La Company.[8]

Tactical Skills[]

Kaku is a highly skilled and creative combatant, as despite having no previous experience with a Devil Fruit, he managed to hold off Roronoa Zoro largely by making up techniques on the spot, such as folding himself into a cube,[31] using his nose as a battering ram, or using his neck as a Rankyaku medium.[32] A highly intelligent and cunning individual, Kaku was able able to become a master shipwright within a 5-year period merely as a form of espionage and surveillance over his "boss" Iceburg. He is also skilled at developing or masquerading with personalities: ranging from fun-loving and almost childish to cold and ruthless (the former seems to be his true mentality, while the latter is a product of his assassin occupation).


Kaku Evaluating the Merry

Kaku checking the status of the Going Merry.

Since Kaku worked as a shipwright during his mission in Water 7, this means he has gained masterful carpentry skills to the point that he was seen as one of Galley La's best shipwrights. Since he was an evaluator, he has great knowledge about ships. He evaluated the Going Merry[33] and explained to the Straw Hats the reasons why it cannot be repaired.[34] Like Rob Lucci, a testament of his skills is that he was able to achieve them in five years while others spent their whole life growing their skills, and that this was an undercover job. He was also able to recognize the real Pluton blueprints even when Franky was flipping through the pages quickly.


Main article: Rokushiki
Rankyaku Amane Dachi

Kaku using Rankyaku.

Kaku is extremely skilled in all six forms of Rokushiki, but his expertise seems to be in Rankyaku, due to his many variations of the technique. When used in conjunction with his Zoan-type Devil Fruit, his Rankyaku was capable of slicing apart a massive tower and deflecting blows that can cut through steel.[35][36] His Tekkai, while transformed in his hybrid form was potent enough to withstand Zoro's Tatsu Maki, though he noted its strength; which he previously used to slice through several stone floors and overpower one of the fish-men, who are, on average, ten times stronger than ordinary human beings.[37] With a Doriki of 2200,[11] he is the second strongest assassin in his generation of CP9, which is said to be by far the strongest in the organization's history.


Further information: Four Sword Style

Kaku is the strongest swordsman of CP9,[38] being able to use two giant chisels as makeshift swords when he clashed with Zoro in Iceburg's room.[39] During his battle against Zoro in Enies Lobby, Kaku revealed that he is a user of Four Sword Style (四刀流, Yontōryū?, literally meaning "Four Swords Style") by using two Shirasaya and both legs (with Rankyaku),[40] an unorthodox Gentle Blade Swordsmanship that emphasis lightning fast coordination and sheer speed to overwhelm his foes. He wielded both of his swords in reverse, similar to Strawberry and Doma.[41] His overall sword skills are great enough to hold his own against Zoro, a powerful master of Three Sword Style, and even overwhelmed him on certain points during their fight.

Devil Fruit[]

Further information: Ushi Ushi no Mi, Model: Giraffe
Kaku Hybrid Form

Kaku's Human-Beast Form.

When he returned to Enies Lobby, Kaku ate the Ushi Ushi no Mi, Model: Giraffe, a Zoan-type Devil Fruit given by his boss, Spandam, which allows him to transform into a giraffe-human hybrid and a full giraffe at will, massively increasing his strength, weight, and durability, while also lending him the benefits of unusual features, such as the greater reach afforded by the long neck of a giraffe. As Kaku ate the fruit just after the Straw Hat Pirates had arrived at Enies Lobby,[42] he did not have much control over it, as shown when displayed his Devil Fruit powers to Zoro, accidentally transforming into a full giraffe when he intended to change into his Human-Beast Form. Jabra even laughed at the fact that he turned into a giraffe.[43]

When in Beast or Human-Beast Form, he can make further use of Rankyaku, as he gains two additional legs. The power of his Rankyaku is also increased, as seen when he used Rankyaku: Amane Dachi to slice through the Tower of Justice, which he and Zoro were fighting in.[44]

His Human-Beast Form also has a square-shaped nose and limbs because of the shape of Kaku's nose while in human form.[31] With this trait and his high speed, he created a more powerful version of Shigan, the Bigan, by withdrawing his long neck into his body and then firing it at his opponent, which was powerful enough to create a large shockwave, and, after being deflected, retain enough momentum to punch a square hole clean through a boulder.[32]

Kaku's new form was very unusual to him, as he was testing the new form out on Zoro. All his transformations, including the "Square Form", used the same move, and even Zoro remarked that the move Kaku was using was extremely repetitive.[45]


Ushi Ushi no Mi Model Giraffe Awakened Form

Kaku's Awakened powers.

Kaku has also achieved Devil Fruit Awakening, letting him assume a new, much more powerful hybrid form, which greatly enhances his physical strength, speed, as well as his recovery rate. Unlike most Awakened Zoans, Kaku's personality was not overtaken by the animal nature of the Devil Fruit. In his awakened form, his already long giraffe neck becomes longer and more serpentine.[46]


Main article: Haki

Busoshoku Haki[]

Kaku possesses the ability to use Busoshoku Haki.[7] In his rematch against Zoro after the timeskip, while "Awakened", he hardened his nose and clashed with him.[47]

Kenbunshoku Haki[]

Kaku possesses the ability to use Kenbunshoku Haki.[7]


During his disguise as a shipwright, Kaku uses a variety of pavers/chisels as projectile weapons.[48][49] After revealing himself as a CP9 Agent, he mainly wields two Shirasaya as part of his Four Sword Style. Two years later after his promotion to CP0, he seemingly does not use his Shirasaya blades anymore.



Five years before the current storyline, four assassins of the secret organization, CP9, took guises in the city of Water 7. As part of his mission, Kaku infiltrated the Galley-La Company by applying for a job as a shipwright in the attempt to retrieve the blueprints for Pluton from Iceburg, mayor and former pupil of legendary shipwright, Tom.[50] Kaku became famous in the Galley-La Company, known notably for jumping off tall areas, clearing massive distances, earning the nickname: "Mountain Wind" (山風, Yamakaze?). He became a respected agent of the group as well.[8] He gained the identity of a ship mechanic and diagnostic.[6]

Water 7 Saga[]

Water 7 Arc[]

When the pirate Mikazuki refused to pay for the repairs on his ship, the Galley-La workers beat up the Big Helmet Pirates.[51]

The Straw Hat Pirates returned to Dock 1, and Kaku stopped Monkey D. Luffy from entering the workers-only area. Luffy comically called him Usopp at first due to his long nose. Nami handed Kaku the letter from Kokoro, and he explained that Iceburg is the mayor of Water 7 and the president of the Galley-La Company. After being told the location of the Straw Hat Pirates' ship, Kaku decided he would check the ship's condition and jumped off a cliff. The Straw Hats watched in shock while Iceburg explained to them that Kaku always did that and explained he was a chief mechanic from Dock 1.[52]

Kaku Evaluating the Merry

Kaku evaluates the Going Merry.

Kaku leaped across the rooftops and made his way to the shore. As Sanji joked to himself about Nico Robin being able to fly, he looked up and spotted Kaku passing overhead and mistook him for Usopp. Kaku boarded the Going Merry and began evaluating the damage. Woken from his nap, Roronoa Zoro also mistook Kaku for Usopp. However, after thinking about it, he realized his mistake and demanded to know who Kaku was.[53]

Kaku Gives Luffy And Nami Sad News

Kaku informs Luffy about Merry.

With his inspection done, Kaku returned to Dock 1. He confirmed that the ship was irreparable due to a broken keel and would have no chance in reaching the next island.[54] Luffy offered more money, but Kaku explained that money was not the issue and expressed surprise that they were able to make it to Water 7. Kaku sat and listened as the others tried to convince Luffy. When Luffy and Nami discovered that their money was gone, Lulu recalled seeing Kaku with the Franky Family, but Kaku denied it.[55]

The morning after Iceburg was shot, Kaku and Lulu discussed the situation and determined that it was not a robbery and may have been the government. While they sat outside Iceburg's room, Lulu explained to Kaku that the doors did not appear to have been opened and the only clue was a common mask.[56] Kaku, Lulu, and Paulie were happy to hear that Iceburg had awoken and joined the others at the mayor's bedside. Iceburg then revealed that his two attackers were a big man wearing a mask and Nico Robin.[57] Lucci revealed that Robin came to the island with the Straw Hats, so Kaku concluded that they were behind the shooting. Tilestone then barged into the room and announced that Luffy and Franky were fighting in Dock 1. The workers left and interrupted the fight.[58]

When Franky complained about the interruption, Kaku pointed out that they were fighting in Galley-La's workspace. As the fight continued, Franky fired his Weapons Left, and Kaku back flipped over him. While Franky was distracted, Tilestone knocked him up into the air, where Kaku caught him and threw him to the ground. After Paulie told Luffy that Iceburg identified Robin as the shooter, Kaku threw a chisel at Luffy, cutting his cheek.[59] Realizing that their pistols would not work, the Galley-La workers attacked instead with cannons and saws. Kaku pinned Luffy to a wall with chisels and Tilestone blasted the pirate with a cannon. Angry that the workers were stealing his prey, Franky used Coup de Vent to blow away them away and to destroy the shipyard. Luffy and Franky escaped in the destruction, so the workers decided to prepare for the Aqua Laguna and the Straw Hats.[60]

In case of another attack, Galley-La employees crowded their headquarters while Tilestone, Lucci, Lulu, Kaku, and Paulie personally guarded Iceburg's door.[61] During the night, Kaku questioned why Iceburg wanted to speak with Paulie alone, and the others moved away from the door to give them privacy. Afterwards Paulie left to fulfill another task, leaving the other four to guard the door. Later when a bomb went off at the entrance, Tilestone and Lulu rushed off, and Kaku yelled for them to stop but then sat back down exasperated.

After donning costumes and setting up doubles, Kaku and Lucci followed Paulie to Iceburg's office and asked what was hidden in the floor.[62] They revealed that they are from CP9,[63] and Kaku watched as Lucci beat up Paulie.[64] They were surprised when Paulie revealed that the blueprints are fake, but were interrupted when Luffy crashed through the wall. Kaku aimed a kick at Luffy, cracking the wall, and pinned Paulie to the floor, after Lucci pinned Luffy. The masked pair then returned to Iceburg's bedroom, where the five agents removed their masks and revealed their true identities to Iceburg.[65]

Iceburg Interrogated By CP9

Kaku and CP9 interrogate Iceburg.

With Iceburg cornered, they interrogated him and realized that the blueprints were not with him, but they deduced that they were with Franky by reading Iceburg's pulse. They prepared to kill Iceburg, but Luffy, Paulie, Zoro, Nami, and Tony Tony Chopper arrived to confront them.[66][67] During the ensuing clash, Zoro asked Kaku if his diagnosis on the Going Merry was a lie. Kaku reiterated that although his Water 7 guise was false, his analysis was genuine and the ship could not sail. Kaku and his fellow agents displayed their fighting techniques and overpowered their opponents. Having decided to leave no evidence of their attack and their identities, they set Iceburg's mansion on fire,[68] hoping to kill him in it, and left the Straw Hats to take the fall.[69]

CP9 Invades the Warehouse

CP9 tracks Franky to his warehouse.

As the agents made their way through the city in search of Franky, Kaku spotted the Franky Family who were announcing that they had kidnapped Usopp. The agents forced them to reveal Franky's location and headed there.[70][71] After Franky was subdued, Spandam ordered CP9 to bring him in. As they left, Usopp tried to stop them but faltered before Lucci's gaze, and recognizing him as a Straw Hat,[72] Kaku subdued him and had Kalifa tie him up. Kaku then sent the Going Merry into the midst of the Aqua Laguna and to its apparent demise.[73] With Franky and Usopp captive, they set out for Enies Lobby on the Puffing Tom.[74]

On the way to Enies Lobby, CP9 encountered some complications when Sanji stowed away on the Puffing Tom and initiated his own rescue operation. He managed to free Franky and Usopp and they attempted to retrieve Robin.[75] Despite Sanji's best efforts, CP9 prevented Robin's escape and recaptured Franky.

Enies Lobby Arc[]

Kaku Eating Ushi Ushi no Mi

Kaku prepares to eat his Devil Fruit.

Eventually, the CP9 agents arrived at Enies Lobby with Robin and Franky. At the Tower of Justice, they met up with the other agents that they had not seen in years and their boss, Spandam. Fukurou then tested the others' Doriki and revealed that Kaku had a level of 2200.[76] He and Kalifa were later given Devil Fruits by Spandam and under the urging of Lucci, they proceeded with eating them.[42]

When they heard that the Straw Hats, the Franky Family, and their Galley-La allies started attacking Enies Lobby, the CP9 agents (except Blueno) stood at the balcony and saw Luffy standing on the roof of the courthouse, having emerged victorious from his fight with Blueno.[77] After the rest of the Straw Hats arrived at Luffy's location,[78] Franky revealed that he had been carrying the Pluton blueprints all along and the CP9 agents could only watch as he burned the blueprints in Spandam's face. After Spandam pushed Franky off the balcony, the CP9 agents witnessed Franky and the Straw Hats entering the Tower of Justice with some assistance.[79]

Zoro vs

Kaku faces off against Zoro.

After the Straw Hats split to find the key to Robin's Seastone handcuffs, Zoro came across Kaku and the two quickly battled each other with Kaku revealing his own sword-fighting style.[80] Later in the fight, Kaku ended up causing the floor to cave in by transforming into his full giraffe form instead of his half-giraffe form. The two fell into the room where Sogeking and Jabra were fighting,[81] and were involved in their fight as well. Jabra started to break out in uncontrollable laughter after seeing Kaku's full giraffe form. Kaku managed to transform into his half-giraffe form, but this only made Jabra laugh more hysterically and made Sogeking accidentally handcuff himself and Zoro together.[82]

All this mocking eventually got to Kaku and in his anger, he used an attack that sliced the tower in half where it remained lopsided. After a bit of arguing with Jabra on whose prey was whose, they offered to help separate Sogeking and Zoro from their handcuffs by using their keys. However, neither had the appropriate key and the two agreed to work together to defeat the pirates and escape the oncoming Buster Call, which was accidentally initiated by Spandam.[83] Zoro managed to hold them at bay by using Usopp as a sword (moreover having Usopp hold one of his swords while he used Usopp like a hilt)[84] until Nami freed them of their handcuffs.[85]

Zoro Defeating Kaku with Asura

Kaku is defeated by Zoro's Asura.

As Zoro and Kaku continued their one-on-one match, it seemed that Kaku had the upper hand thanks to improvising with his Devil Fruit and his swordplay until he was defeated by Zoro activating a new power called Asura.[86] Zoro then passed on a message from Paulie to CP9, telling Kaku that he and the rest of CP9 were fired. Kaku expressed regret that he could no longer be a shipwright and that he genuinely enjoyed the profession. Zoro jokingly responded that he would always have the zoo. He laughed and gave Zoro his key before passing out.[87] Kaku's key was the final key to be obtained by the Straw Hats and also the key to Robin's handcuffs.[88]

Summit War Saga[]

CP9's Independent Report[]

Kaku and the other CP9 agents survived the destruction of Enies Lobby by hiding with Blueno's Air Door.[89] When World Government agents arrived, the CP9 escaped on the Sea Train tracks, with Jabra carrying Kaku due to his severe injuries.[90]

Kaku and Fukurou Earning Money for Lucci

Kaku acts as a slide to earn money.

In St. Poplar, they entertained children to raise money for Lucci's medical bills. In his full giraffe form, Kaku acted as a "giraffe slide."[91] While waiting for Lucci to recover from treatment,[92] Kaku sat at a café with Fukurouu, Blueno, and Jabra.[93]

After Lucci fully recovered and was discharged,[94] the group went bowling and Kaku kept score.[95] However, their bowling match was interrupted when the Candy Pirates ransacked the island, so CP9 quickly dispatched the pirates on their ship. However, since Lucci crushed the skull of the captain, the crowd was horrified and the CP9 realized they could not stay in St. Poplar.[96] They sailed off to their homeland, Guanhao, where they watched a new generation of CP9 being trained.[97]

Captain Very Good arrived to capture them, but they refused to let him disturb their old home. As the CP9 battled, and eventually defeated the Marine troops led by Very Good, Lucci contacted a physically crippled Spandam using a Den Den Mushi, and promised to come for him very soon.[98] With that CP9 began their aim to eliminate their former director by leaving Guanhao and setting sail.[99]

During the Timeskip[]

Sometime during the timeskip, Kaku and the other former members of CP9 began training to become stronger. They eventually uncovered a plot in which Spandine was scheming some kind of takeover with former Level 6 prisoners from Impel Down as well as parties from the Underworld. They attacked and destroyed the parties involved and for their efforts were reinstated as agents of Cipher Pol.[100]

Dressrosa Saga[]

Dressrosa Arc[]

When CP0 came to Dressrosa a second time, Lucci talked to Kaku who was in the underground of the island, investigating the Revolutionary Army exploits.[101]

Whole Cake Island Saga[]

Levely Arc[]

CP0 at the Levely

Kaku and CP0 protecting Charlos.

Kaku accompanied fellow CP0 agents Lucci, Stussy, and Gismonda in the Pangaea Castle's Socializing Plaza, where World Noble Charlos attempted to enslave Princess Shirahoshi. Although Sai and Leo attempted to attack the World Noble, Lucci stopped them before they could do so. Kaku proceeded to explain to the attackers that stopping them saved many countries and that the World Nobles should not be challenged. When Lucci mentioned the Celestial Dragons' right to do whatever they wanted, Nefertari Vivi objected and then demanded that Shirahoshi be released. At that moment, the agents saw how Neptune prepared to attack them, so Charlos ordered CP0 to kill him, to which Lucci agreed. However, Donquixote Mjosgard intervened by beating up his fellow World Noble and had Shirahoshi released. [102]

Wano Country Saga[]

The following events are Non-Canon and therefore not considered part of the Canon story.

One Piece: Stampede[]

He was present during the Pirates Festival alongside other members of CP0.[103]

Concludes non-canon section.

Wano Country Arc[]

Kaku later joined Lucci and Stussy on a World Government takeover of Wano Country should Kaidou fall. Kaku was asleep as Lucci spoke with one of the CP0 agents via Den Den Mushi.[104]

The following events are Non-Canon and therefore not considered part of the Canon story.

One Piece Film: Red[]

After the events of Elegia, Kaku, along with CP0, listened to Uta's childhood song "Where the Wind Blows".[105]

Concludes non-canon section.

Final Saga[]

Egghead Arc[]

CP0 Mission

CP0 en route to Egghead.

Lucci, Kaku and Stussy received a mission to return the Seraphim S-Bear to Egghead and eliminate Vegapunk and his six satellites without damaging his inventions,[19] after which they would await the arrival of Admiral Kizaru.[106] As they sailed to the island, Kaku explained to Lucci that there is only one Vegapunk, but that the scientist split himself into six entities because he had a busy schedule. However, Lucci stated that geniuses are annoying as he found the latter impossible to believe, whereupon both agents reexamined their mission. At that moment, Kaku heard his partner wonder if there was a connection between the imminent elimination of Vegapunk and the Lulusia Kingdom incident, so he and Stussy told him not to get involved to avoid problems.[107]

When they reached the shores of Egghead, the three agents put on their masks and stepped out onto the deck of the ship. After destroying the weapons of one of the Sea Beast Weapons and requesting access to the island, the CP0-group were informed that Jewelry Bonney was heading to the island, to which Lucci ordered them to kill her on sight.[108] Pythagoras then contacted the agents and thanked them for returning S-Bear, before asking them to leave, as the Seraphim could return alone. However, Kaku complained about the long journey they had to get there and asked that they at least be given some tea since they were frozen, to which Pythagoras replied that they could rest at the nearby G-14 base. Lucci then interrogated the latter about the disappearances of agents CP5, CP7, and CP8 sent to Egghead, but these accusations were denied by both Pythagoras and Lilith. In response to being denied access again, Kaku asked Lucci how to proceed, so the latter ordered that they would use S-Bear's powers to reach the island, while the ship would be destroyed by Sea Beast Weapons.

Once all this was done, the agents along with the S-Bear arrived at Egghead, where he was quickly amazed by the futuristic island. After a mechanical dragon suddenly appeared, some agents started shooting at it, so Kaku was excited to fight and also wondered if it was a space monster. However, when he used a Rankyaku, Stussy revealed that it was just a hologram, making Kaku angry at her for not telling him about it sooner. The agent immediately proceeded to use his Geppo to reach the Labophase, believing that Vegapunk was there, although when he crossed the line that the cloud had he was hit by a laser beam. Falling to the ground injured, he heard Stussy explain that the previous attack was due to a defense system called Frontier Dome, so he scolded her for having such a bad personality; although Stussy just laughed and sarcastically asked Kaku if he was feeling hot.

At that moment, Atlas arrived, ran towards them and prepared to attack them for the destruction they caused. However, Lucci quickly seriously injured the satellite, while Kaku commented on how ruthless his partner was. Immediately afterwards, Luffy and some of his crew arrived and ran into the agents.[109] Seeing that they were the Straw Hats Pirates, Kaku stated that it was annoying to see them there, as well as noticing that Jewelry Bonney was present. He then proceeded to tell Lucci not to attack Luffy, as they needed permission now that the latter became Emperor, something which Stussy also agreed with. Although Lucci demanded that the Emperor not meddle in a World Government matter, Luffy was angry at what the agent did to Atlas. Then, even when Kaku still told him that they had no authorization, Lucci proceeded to transform into his awakened Zoan form and confronted the pirate, who responded using his Gear 5.

S-Bear using Beams

S-Bear attacks CP0.

Suddenly, Sentomaru arrived with three more Seraphim: S-Hawk, S-Snake, and S-Shark. Seeing this, he ordered S-Bear to destroy one of them, although Stussy told him that they were at a disadvantage. When Sentomaru ordered the Seraphim to attack the agents, Kaku finally understood that the authority chips they had were inferior to those of Vegapunk's bodyguard, where they then dodged S-Bear's attack. While Stussy explained how the Pacifista' hierarchy of authority works, Kaku reflected that even if they themselves destroyed the Seraphim it would only cause casualties to the World Government, so he cursed Lucci for acting without thinking. However, the latter incapacitated Sentomaru, which would now give the agents control of the Seraphim.[110] Immediately afterwards, Kaku and Stussy continued to watch the duel between Lucci and Luffy, who suddenly began to spin like a whirlwind. When he noticed that some agents were being defeated by the Seraphim, he pointed out to Stussy that they were not stopping and that they should take care of it themselves but without doing too much damage to them.

CP0 Command Seraphim

CP0 with command over the Seraphim and ready to invade the Labophase.

Later, when Lucci recovered from his defeat against Luffy, Kaku noted that it was admirable that Sentomaru, who was still unconscious, continued to do his duty as Vegapunk's bodyguard, although he noted that it was also a shame. There Stussy suggested that they wait for the Marines as ordered, but Lucci replied that by then the enemy would have escaped. Therefore, the CP0 agents, along with the four Seraphim under his command, prepared to continue their mission. While Lucci noted that there were only six individuals to kill, Kaku told him that he should not forget about the defense system, although his partner responded that it did not matter and that he would not allow anyone to escape.[111] After the latter wondered how to get past the Frontier Dome, Kaku stated that that would be a problem.

Zoro Faces Awakened Kaku

Kaku faces Zoro in his awakened form.

Shortly after, the agents noticed how the Frontier Dome had been unexpectedly deactivated, so he told Lucci that it was his chance to attack, but the latter believed that it could be a trap. However, the two along with Stussy used their Geppo to head to Labophase. When they crossed the Frontier Dome, he signaled to Lucci that everything was fine, so his partner thought that Vegapunk was out of luck. Suddenly, Stussy pointed out to his companions that the Thousand Sunny was there, although Kaku was more surprised that there was a robot there; Lucci wanted the ship to be destroyed, so Kaku attacked with his Rankyaku: Amane Dachi, but the attack was stopped. At that moment he was surprised to discover that the person responsible was Zoro, who was upset because they interrupted his nap.[112] The agent then proceeded to confront the latter, awakening his devil fruit and declaring to Zoro that this time he would not defeat him. But when he used his Kiriman-Gyro attack, the enemy swordsman proceeded to block him with their swords. After Zoro told him that he had already fought monsters in Wano and that he was fed up with them, Kaku was thrown to the ground by his opponent. However, he then got up without problems, where he was amused watching the Seraphim do their job for them by destroying the laboratory on Lucci's orders. Suddenly, Stussy bit Kaku on the neck, causing him to fall asleep,[113] and then handcuffed him with Seastone.[114]

Zoro & Kaku Team

Kaku and Zoro team-up to strike at S-Hawk.

Kaku and Lucci, who were both asleep, were taken to the control room of the Labophase. Zoro and Luffy stayed with the two agents to keep an eye on them, while the others went out to search for Stella.[115] Suddenly, S-Bear and S-Hawk arrived in the room and began shooting at the two unconscious men; however, they were protected by Zoro. When Luffy and Shaka arrived to help, the latter tried to get the two Seraphim to stop but failed, making him think that one of the Vegapunks wanted to kill them all. Upon hearing this, Kaku and Lucci stood up and proposed a temporary alliance to Luffy and Zoro; however, the pirates did not like the proposal.[116] Zoro explained to Lucci and Kaku that even if the handcuffs were removed, he did not see a future in which the two agents would allow themselves to be captured again. Kaku then declared the opposite, telling them that when it was all over they would allow themselves to be handcuffed without resistance. Although this convinced Luffy, Zoro still did not trust them, where they were then all attacked by S-Hawk. After Zoro rescued him again, the agent made him understand that he would not be able to fight if he continued to protect them. When Lucci responded to Shaka that CP0's mission was to eliminate all the Vegapunks, Kaku scolded his partner for telling one of them. However, Lucci didn't care and proceeded to reveal to Shaka that they were also going to kill Stussy for betraying them, which angered Kaku even more. Despite this, the satellite gave the keys to Luffy, who decided to free the agents to stop the Seraphim. After a small dispute between Lucci and the pirates, both agents were freed just as the S-Bear attacked them. The four then proceeded to attack the two Seraphim, where Kaku immediately struck S-Hawk along with Zoro using his Rankyaku: "Hakurai".[117]

Despite continuing to attack them, both opponents were completely unharmed. At that moment, Zoro mentioned that the enemies' physiology was similar to that of King, whom Shaka recognized as Arbel, a member of the rare Lunarian Tribe. Therefore, the satellite told them that they used the latter's Lineage Factor to enhance the Seraphim's resistance. Knowing this, Zoro explained to the group that they had to attack the enemies when the flames on their backs went out or they would not be able to defeat them, as well as apologizing for not realizing it sooner. Lucci replied that it doesn't matter because at least now they know what to do, however, Zoro then listed such obvious characteristics of King, causing Kaku along with his partner and Luffy to yell at him for not realizing something like that sooner. Shortly after Shaka left the room to go find Vegapunk,[118] the group continued to confront the Seraphim. However, despite continuing to attack them, the fire behind the enemies did not go out. Immediately afterwards, Luffy noticed that the S-Hawk had disappeared, where Lucci suggested that the latter must have gone to eliminate the weaker members of the Straw Hats first. The Emperor then ordered Kaku to accompany Zoro, who went to chase S-Hawk, so that he wouldn't get lost. Although displeased, the agent chased after Zoro asking him to wait, where he then yelled at Luffy for mistaking him for Usopp.[106]

Shortly afterward, once the Seraphim were contained within Lilith's seastone-coated bubbles, Kaku joined the rest of his allies while he recovered from his injuries from fighting two Seraphims.[119] York was then taken hostage by the pirates, who forced her to contact the Five Elders to find out the situation and the World Government's plans.[120] While still on the stretcher recovering, Kaku complained about his defeat to the two Seraphim, where Lucci calmed him down and asked him to continue resting. After noticing the latter whispering something, Kaku asked him what it was, only for Lucci to reply that it was nothing and he was just talking to himself.[121] When Lucci learned Kizaru had infiltrated Egghead, he attempted to kill Vegapunk before Stussy took the blow, Kaku was then quickly trapped in a bubble by Sanji before he could do anything.[122] Later Kaku and Stussy both overheard an Itsumade destroying part of the lab and conversing with York, realizing from Stussy it was one of the Five Elders. Kaku mocked Stussy for being left behind by the Straw Hats, finding it ironic after she betrayed him and Lucci, but she brushed him off by calling it a voluntary choice.[123] Kaku overheard Stussy's conversation with Edison on the Straw Hats' status of escape. When Stussy claimed she had no purpose left with Vegapunk dead, Kaku had a somber look.[124] He then listened as Edison comforted Stussy.[125]

Sometime after, Stussy freed Kaku from the seastone-coated bubble, allowing him to regain his bearings. Despite her kindness toward him, Kaku bluntly refused her offer of friendship, stating that he had only seen her as a respected and cold-blooded associate. He went on to warn her of Lucci's impending fury toward her for her betrayal, reminding her that he would have no way to stop him from attacking her.[26]

Major Battles[]

Early Concepts[]

In One Piece Color Walk 4 Eagle, an early design of Kaku had him with a normal nose rather than his long rectangular nose.

Also, in One Piece Green: Secret Pieces, it is revealed that he was supposed to fight Sanji instead of Zoro and partly Sogeking.

Early W7 designs
Early concept designs of Kaku and other Galley-La Company employees.
CP9 Early
Early concept designs of Kaku and other CP9 agents.

Translation and Dub Issues[]

Kaku's name most likely comes from the Japanese word "kaku" (, kaku?, literally meaning "angle", but also means "horn" if read as "tsuno"), a reference to his rectangular nose along with its length.

Although Kaku is 23 years old, he speaks as if he were much older, as he adds the suffix "-ja" to most of his sentences. "-ja" is commonly used amongst old men. He also uses "washi", a term of addressing oneself used by old men.

In the FUNimation dub, to match the "old man" style of talking, he uses old fashioned expressions such as "two shakes of a lamb's tail" or words like "skedaddle".


Video Games[]

Playable Appearances[]

Enemy Appearances[]

Support Appearances[]


  • Zoro giving Kaku Paulie's "you're fired" message is a pun on Kaku's giraffe theme; kubi (?), the Japanese word used for "fired", can also mean "neck".[20]
  • Kaku's name (角) means "angle", in reference to his rectangular nose and body when using his Devil Fruit powers.
  • Kaku's long nose, much like Usopp's, may be a reference to Italian fairy tale Pinocchio, fitting the Italian theme of Water 7 and some of the CP9 characters.
  • Kaku ranked at 70th place in the sixth Japanese popularity contest.
  • Kaku's key was the one that worked on Robin's handcuffs.
  • When CP0 came to Dressrosa a second time, Rob Lucci talked to a man with Kaku's speech patterns. In the anime, the CP0 agent was directly shown to be Kaku, although this revelation is non-canon. During the Levely Arc, Kaku was revealed to actually be part of CP0.
  • Kaku's favorite foods are bananas and castella.[7]
  • Ironically, despite his long nose, Kaku disguised himself using a skull (and therefore noseless) mask.
  • Kaku has the fastest known time to have awakened a Devil Fruit after consumption[42], awakening it sometime in-between the Enies Lobby and Egghead arcs.[46]

SBS-Based Trivia[]

  • Kaku's birthday, August 7, comes from word "Nose" (はな, Hana?), a reference to his long, rectangular nose, since 8-7 can be derived from ha-na.[10]
  • Usopp's nose is slightly longer than Kaku's.[126]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 34 Chapter 323 (p. 16) and Episode 230, Kaku makes his debut as a Galley-La foreman.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 90 Chapter 907 (p. 12) and Episode 886, Kaku is seen during the Levely.
  3. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 36 Chapter 345 (p. 18) and Episode 243, Kaku is affiliated with CP9.
  4. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 34 Chapter 323 (p. 18-19) and Episode 230, Kaku is initially seen as part of the Galley-La.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 36 Chapter 345 (p. 16) and Episode 243, Kaku reveals his true identity as a CP9 agent.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 34 Chapter 325 (p. 15) and Episode 230, Kaku is introduced.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0371), Information about Kaku is revealed.
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 34 Chapter 325 (p. 19) and Episode 231, Kaku is known as the "Mountain Wind".
  9. SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 47 (p. 26), Kaku's age is revealed.
  10. 10.0 10.1 SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 43 (p. 128), Kaku's birthday is revealed.
  11. 11.0 11.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 40 Chapter 379 (p. 7) and Episode 266, The eight CP9 members' individual Doriki levels are revealed.
  12. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 90 Chapter 907 (p. 12) and Episode 886, Kaku's name is romanized.
  13. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 34 Chapter 325 (p. 15) and Episode 230, Kaku is mistaken by Luffy for Usopp.
  14. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 34 Chapter 326 (p. 4, 6) and Episode 230, Kaku is mistaken by Sanji and by Zoro for Usopp.
  15. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 37 Chapter 349 (p. 18) and Episode 247, Kaku is seen dressed as an assassin after removing his disguise.
  16. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 37 Chapter 350 (p. 4) and Episode 246, Kaku is seen dressed as an assassin in front.
  17. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 36 Chapter 342 (p. 18) and Episode 242, Kaku is seen wearing his costume.
  18. SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 44 (p. 86), Kaku is drawn as a child.
  19. 19.0 19.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 105 Chapter 1062 (p. 17) and Episode 1092.
  20. 20.0 20.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 43 Chapter 418 (p. 3) and Episode 300, Kaku reverts to his human form.
  21. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 106 Chapter 1068 (p. 9, 12-13) and Episode 1099.
  22. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 40 Chapter 385 (p. 6) and Episode 271, Kaku consumes the fruit given to him by Spandam.
  23. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 42 Chapter 402 (p. 10) and Episode 286, Kaku enjoys clashing swords with Zoro.
  24. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 42 Chapter 402 (p. 10) and Episode 286, Kaku reverts to his human form.
  25. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 42 Chapter 402 (p. 5-8) and Episode 286, The giraffe-transformed Kaku slices half of the Tower of Justice in response to his surroundings' (Jabra, Zoro and Sogeking) mockery.
  26. 26.0 26.1 One Piece Manga — Chapter 1119 (p. 2).
  27. One Piece Manga — Chapter 1112 (p. 8), Kaku sees Mars' Itsumade form as repulsive.
  28. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 34 Chapter 325 (p. 16) and Episode 230, Kaku states he is 23 years old.
  29. One Piece Manga — Vol. 43 Chapter 416 (p. 16), A note appears in the beginning of the page.
  30. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 36 Chapter 346 (p. 8-14) and Episode 244, Kaku checks Iceburg's pulse when Lucci asks about the blueprints of Pluton.
  31. 31.0 31.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 42 Chapter 402 (p. 4) and Episode 286, Kaku changes his form from original to square.
  32. 32.0 32.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 43 Chapter 417 and Episode 299.
  33. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 34 Chapter 326 (p. 6) and Episode 231, Kaku inspects the Going Merry.
  34. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 34 Chapter 327 (p. 18) and Episode 232, Kaku tells the Straw Hats even the Galley-La carpenters cannot fix the Going Merry.
  35. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 42 Chapter 402 (p. 5-12) and Episode 286, Kaku angrily bifurcates the Justice Tower with Rankyaku: Amanedachi.
  36. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 42 Chapter 402 (p. 6-8) and Episode 286, The giraffe-transformed Kaku slices half of the Tower of Justice.
  37. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 43 Chapter 417 (p. 8) and Episode 299.
  38. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 42 Chapter 401 (p. 5) and Episode 286, Kaku is the the best swordsman in CP9.
  39. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 37 Chapter 348 (p. 9-11) and Episode 245, Kaku holds his chisels as swords.
  40. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 42 Chapter 401 (p. 6) and Episode 286, Kaku is actually a Yonto.
  41. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 42 Chapter 401 and Episode 286, Kaku holds his swords in reverse.
  42. 42.0 42.1 42.2 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 40 Chapter 385 (p. 2, 6) and Episode 271, Spandam presents Kaku and Kalifa with Devil Fruits.
  43. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 42 Chapter 401 (p. 19) and Episode 286, Kaku uncontrollably transforms into a full giraffe instead a half-giraffe.
  44. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 42 Chapter 402 (p. 6-8) and Episode 286, The giraffe-transformed Kaku slices half of the Tower of Justice.
  45. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 43 Chapter 417 (p. 10-11) and Episode 300, Zoro replies to Kaku that both the fact that he can maximize the giraffe's power and the fact that he is a Four Sword Style user aren't good enough reasons to defeat him.
  46. 46.0 46.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 106 Chapter 1072 (p. 14-15) and Episode 1104, Kaku's Awakened Devil Fruit form is shown.
  47. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 106 Chapter 1072 (p. 14) and Episode 1104, Kaku clashes with Zoro.
  48. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 36 Chapter 337 (p. 16) and Episode 239.
  49. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 36 Chapter 338 (p. 10) and Episode 239.
  50. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 36 Chapter 346 (p. 4) and Episode 244, Lucci reveals they've been concealing themselves for 5 years.
  51. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 34 Chapter 323 (p. 16-19) and Episode 230.
  52. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 34 Chapter 325 (p. 14-19) and Episode 231.
  53. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 34 Chapter 326 (p. 4-6) and Episode 231.
  54. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 34 Chapter 327 (p. 18-21) and Episode 232.
  55. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 35 Chapter 328 (p. 4-10, 14) and Episode 233.
  56. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 35 Chapter 334 (p. 9-10, 16) and Episode 237.
  57. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 35 Chapter 335 (p. 17-19) and Episode 238.
  58. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 35 Chapter 336 (p. 10-13, 17-19) and Episode 238.
  59. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 36 Chapter 337 (p. 2-19) and Episodes 238239.
  60. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 36 Chapter 338 (p. 4-15, 19) and Episode 239.
  61. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 36 Chapter 341 (p. 16-17) and Episode 241.
  62. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 36 Chapter 342 (p. 8-11, 16, 19) and Episode 242.
  63. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 36 Chapter 343 (p. 7-9) and Episode 242.
  64. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 36 Chapter 344 (p. 18-19) and Episode 243.
  65. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 36 Chapter 345 (p. 2-9, 14-19) and Episode 243.
  66. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 36 Chapter 346 (p. 4-15, 17-19) and Episode 244.
  67. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 37 Chapter 347 (p. 2-19) and Episodes 244245.
  68. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 37 Chapter 348 (p. 2-19) and Episode 245.
  69. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 37 Chapter 349 (p. 17-19) and Episode 246.
  70. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 37 Chapter 350 (p. 4-7, 16-17) and Episode 246.
  71. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 37 Chapter 351 (p. 19) and Episode 247.
  72. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 38 Chapter 358 (p. 11-16) and Episodes 250251.
  73. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 38 Chapter 359 (p. 2-5) and Episode 251.
  74. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 38 Chapter 360 (p. 4-6, 14-16) and Episode 252.
  75. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 39 Chapter 368 (p. 6) and Episode 258.
  76. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 40 Chapter 379 (p. 3-7) and Episode 266, After returning to Enies Lobby, Fukurouu measures and tries out the four's Doriki.
  77. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 41 Chapter 389 (p. 16-19) and Episode 274.
  78. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 41 Chapter 390 (p. 16-19) and Episode 274.
  79. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 41 Chapter 399 (p. 9-19) and Episode 284.
  80. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 42 Chapter 400 (p. 19) and Episode 285, Kaku faces off against Zoro.
  81. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 42 Chapter 401 (p. 17-19) and Episode 286, Kaku transforms to his giraffe form only to cave in the floor.
  82. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 42 Chapter 402 (p. 2-5) and Episode 286, Kaku transforms to a half-giraffe form before he is mocked by Jabra and Sogeking.
  83. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 42 Chapter 402 (p. 5-12) and Episode 286, Kaku angrily bifurcates the Justice Tower with Rankyaku: Amanedachi.
  84. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 42 Chapter 406 (p. 10) and Episode 289, Kaku is surprised to see Zoro's idea when handcuffed with Sogeking.
  85. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 43 Chapter 412 (p. 19) and Episode 296, Kaku watches as Zoro and Sogeking are finally released of their handcuff.
  86. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 43 Chapter 417 and Episode 300, Zoro defeats Kaku.
  87. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 43 Chapter 418 (p. 2-4) and Episode 300, Kaku is lying defeated.
  88. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 44 Chapter 420 (p. 2) and Episode 301, Kaku's key is actually the key for Robin's handcuffs.
  89. One Piece Manga — Vol. 50Vol. 51 Chapters 491493, cover story: CP9's Independent Report Vol. 1-3.
  90. One Piece Manga — Vol. 51 Chapters 494 and 495, cover story: CP9's Independent Report Vol. 4-5.
  91. One Piece Manga — Vol. 51 Chapters 496499, cover story: CP9's Independent Report Vol. 6-9.
  92. One Piece Manga — Vol. 51 Chapter 501, cover story: CP9's Independent Report Vol. 11.
  93. One Piece Manga — Vol. 52 Chapter 504, cover story: CP9's Independent Report Vol. 13.
  94. One Piece Manga — Vol. 52 Chapter 506, cover story: CP9's Independent Report Vol. 15.
  95. One Piece Manga — Vol. 52 Chapter 508, cover story: CP9's Independent Report Vol. 16.
  96. One Piece Manga — Vol. 52Vol. 53 Chapters 509514, cover story: CP9's Independent Report Vol. 17-22.
  97. One Piece Manga — Vol. 53 Chapters 517519, cover story: CP9's Independent Report Vol. 24-26.
  98. One Piece Manga — Vol. 53Vol. 54 Chapters 521525, cover story: CP9's Independent Report Vol. 27-31.
  99. One Piece Manga — Vol. 54 Chapter 528, cover story: CP9's Independent Report Vol. 33.
  100. SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 109.
  101. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 80 Chapter 801 (p. 2) and Episode 746, Lucci talks to Kaku.
  102. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 90 Chapter 907 (p. 11-15) and Episode 886.
  103. One Piece Movie — One Piece: Stampede.
  104. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 102 Chapter 1028 (p. 4) and Episode 1053.
  105. One Piece Movie — One Piece Film: Red, Credits.
  106. 106.0 106.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 107 Chapter 1078 (p. 2, 8) and Episode 1111.
  107. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 105 Chapter 1062 (p. 16-17) and Episode 1092.
  108. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 106 Chapter 1067 (p. 12-13) and Episode 1098.
  109. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 106 Chapter 1068 (p. 2-4, 9-10, 12-17) and Episodes 10981099.
  110. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 106 Chapter 1069 (p. 3, 13-15, 17) and Episodes 10991100.
  111. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 106 Chapter 1070 (p. 4-5, 15-17) and Episodes 11011102.
  112. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 106 Chapter 1071 (p. 6, 10-12) and Episodes 11021103.
  113. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 106 Chapter 1072 (p. 14-17) and Episode 1104.
  114. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 106 Chapter 1073 (p. 9) and Episode 1105.
  115. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 106 Chapter 1074 (p. 8-9, 11) and Episode 1106.
  116. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 106 Chapter 1075 (p. 13-15) and Episode 1108.
  117. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 106 Chapter 1076 (p. 3-9) and Episodes 11081109.
  118. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 107 Chapter 1077 (p. 4-8) and Episode 1110.
  119. One Piece Manga — Vol. 108 Chapter 1090 (p. 4-6).
  120. One Piece Manga — Vol. 108 Chapter 1089 (p. 13-17).
  121. One Piece Manga — Vol. 108 Chapter 1090 (p. 4-5).
  122. One Piece Manga — Vol. 108 Chapter 1091 (p. 17).
  123. One Piece Manga — Chapter 1112 (p. 9).
  124. One Piece Manga — Chapter 1115 (p. 6-7).
  125. One Piece Manga — Chapter 1116 (p. 4-6).
  126. SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 37 (p. 46), Oda explained who had the longer nose, Kaku's or Usopp's.

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