How Do I…?


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    Do you have a question that isn’t answered on this page? If so, you can edit this page using the Wiki tools to add your question to the list, and I will try to reply as best I can. Or you can contact me by e-mail, with as detailed a description as possible of what you are trying to do within FeedWordPress, what you expect to happen, and what problems, if any, you’re running into. If what you’re looking for is a feature that does not seem to appear in current releases of FeedWordPress, you might also take a look at the list of common feature requests, at Why Don’t You Add …?

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    105 thoughts on “How Do I…?

    1. Hi,

      I am trying to display images from typepad as featured images on the feeds, but because typepad strips out the extension WordPress/YD Feedwordpress does not see the image and therefore does not import it to the media library automatically. Is there a way I can get it to do this? I am noticing that this is a common occurrence and would be a great feature.


    2. In Posts and Links you change the permalinks point to the copy on the original site or the copy on this site. I’d like the post titles to link to the original source but the Leave Comment to link to my comment form. Is this possible? Thanks!

    3. Hi there,
      I’m syndicating YouTube channels to my site and what I get is a brief of the YouTube video and I was wondering if feedwordpress can embed these videos?

      Your support is highly appreciated.

      • Hi Satish,

        The best way to do this depends a bit on the details of what you are trying to do.

        To capture thumbnails and other binary attachments, you might take a look at this add-on: FWP+: SIC ‘Em and see if the options that it offers meet your needs.

        If videos aren’t showing up as you expect them to, there may be some additional things you’d need to try. If you could, please contact me via e-mail and let me know (1) the URL(s) of the feed or feeds you are trying to syndicate posts from, (2) in as much detail as possible, what you expect to see or want to see when posts are syndicated from that feed, and (3) what you’re seeing instead. I can take a look at this for you and hopefully offer some advice about the best way to proceed.


    4. I would like to know if there is a way to change the title of the syndication? I am setting up a feed based on a Facebook page and it pulls a portion of the content in as the title. I would like to set it up so that it reads “Facebook: ” for the title.

    5. Hi I just installed your plugin (great plugin!) for a G+ page converted in RSS.

      The question is: is there a way to make the image of the G+ post a featured image of the related WordPress post?

      Thank you!

    6. I am developing a source feed in to feed via a custom feed request. I am looking for a way to customize feed request on using trailing slash that combining its category & postname or pagename.

      Would it be possible using this plugin? Thanks for advise.

      Ps:I have post this question here but got no answer yet:

    7. Hi, I love this plugin! Currently I am looking for a way to limit no. of feeds retrieved during every polling. I wanted for e.g. pick just one post(say the latest one) from each site to be published when polled. This way, I won’t crowd my site with many posts from a site that is active i.e. publishing a lot of posts over time. I tried playing with the timing but the result is not what I wished for.

      Hope you can help. Thanks!

    8. Hello FeedWordPress,

      We are loving your Plug-In thus far. We have been using it to transfer post from our current site to multiple different sites. However, we would like to be able to transfer the featured image over as well. Is this possible? I have been trying to read through forms but they have all lead me to a dead end.

      Thank you for your help,

      Kirk Funnell

    9. Is it possible to omit some fields from being imported upon Syndication?
      For instance, I want to omit the ‘excerpt’ field in an RSS feed from being imported. How do I do it?

    10. Good morning.
      I would like to know how to make the saved images the place instead of the original site.
      To understand instead of

      I would like it to enter
      <img src = “http: //mysite.ix/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/immagine1.jpg />

    11. I have an issue where some syndicated posts seem to republish multiple times. I get an email notification when a new post if published but for some reason certain posts send a ‘new post’ email up to 100 times for the same post. It doesnt appear to be updated and I have turned off the option to update in the feedwordpress settings.

    12. Is it possible to automatically set the featured image? I’m having to edit each post manually to do this right now. Everything else is absolutely perfect!

      • Hi Jose,

        FeedWordPress syndicates the posts that are available on the source website’s RSS/Atom syndication feed. But syndication feeds don’t typically contain the entire archival content of the website; the feed formats are designed primarily to make the most recent posts available. It’s possible that something else is happening here, but 10-most-recent is a very common window (for example, it is the default number of items included in WordPress feeds; see Settings → Reading → Syndication feeds show the most recent… in the WordPress admin interface to see where this is set).

        Under normal conditions, if you create a new subscription to a syndicated source, then FeedWordPress will import however many posts are available on the feed at the time you subscribed (this will most frequently be about 10-20 posts, depending on the site), and then it will import new posts as they appear on the feed. Since it keeps the old posts around by default, you will build up an archive of the site over time. If you want to go back and also import past items from back in the site’s archives, there are some techniques that you can use to find and import these items, but it takes some effort, and what’s worse, there is no standardized way to do this that works across all websites. (So, for example, there is a somewhat straightforward way to do it with WordPress sites, but that method doesn’t work with Drupal sites or sites produced by other CMSes; this is why I haven’t built a feature to do this into the FeedWordPress core — it just wouldn’t work in many cases.)

        Anyway, if you want to drop me a line with some details about the site you are trying to syndicate, I can take a look and let you know whether there is a good way to import the back-issue archives from the site. It may be do-able by installing a custom module; or I may be able to figure something else out, depending on the details. Hope this helps!

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