How do I make new posts from my feeds appear on a separate page instead of being imported into the main stream of posts


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    Q: How do I make new posts from my feeds appear on a separate page instead of being imported into the main stream of posts?

    A. This isn’t what FeedWordPress does. Sorry.

    FeedWordPress is designed as an aggregator that imports posts from remote sources into the WordPress posts table, storing them much like any other post on your blog. (With a bit of extra information stored to keep track of the original source of the post.) Like any other post on your blog, the posts that are created by FeedWordPress will appear in the main stream of posts.

    You could, in theory, do some ugly hacking to pull this off within FeedWordPress — perhaps by [[How do I add a category or tag to posts from a particular feed?|applying a special category or tag to all syndicated posts, then by having your templates exclude that category or tag from the main post loop and display only items from that category or tag on the page that you want to display them on. Contact me if you’re really curious as to how this might work. However, what you want is probably best served by a different kind of plugin, which simply displays a mash-up of the content from your current feeds, rather than one which works by importing syndicated posts into the WordPress posts table.

    I have no plans to add such a fundamentally different mode of operation to FeedWordPress; it would be better implemented as a separate plugin.

    (If you are interested in such a separate plugin, and cannot find one that suits your needs, you should feel free to contact me to discuss the project; I’d be happy to discuss developing one.)

    Does that answer your question? If not, use the Talk page to comment on this post or contact me by e-mail for help. Be sure to describe what you are trying to do, and the problems you are running into, with as much detail as possible.

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