Add-ons and Filters

Popular Add-Ons

Many add-ons and filters have been developed for or by the FeedWordPress community. Here are some of the most commonly used.

  • Add Attribution for FeedWordPress provides a convenient interface for adding attribution or other boilerplate text to syndicated posts without having to edit your WordPress theme.
  • Add-on: Limit Posts By Date allows you to filter out syndicated posts by their date, age, or the number of incoming posts.
  • Add-on: Limit Size of Posts allows you to set upper limits on the length of posts, making FeedWordPress display a shortened excerpt when a syndicated post exceeds a given number of characters, words or sentences.
  • Strip HTML for FeedWordPress is an add-on module which allows you to automatically strip out HTML tags from the body of posts that FeedWordPress has syndicated.
  • Add-on: Open links in new windows is an add-on module which automatically rewrites links within the content of syndicated posts, so that the links within the body of the post will open in a new browser window.

Developing Add-Ons and Filters

FeedWordPress creates hooks using the WordPress plugin architecture. You can exploit these to write PHP plugins that alter FeedWordPress’s behavior or filter incoming posts. See How do I write add-ons for FeedWordPress? for a quick-start guide on how to prepare the modules.



  • syndicated_item — applied to each item coming off the Atom/RSS newsfeed; allows you to alter any XML field or to filter out this item and skip ahead to the next post
  • syndicated_post — applied to each potential post for the WordPress database; allows you to alter any database field or to filter out this item and skip ahead to the next post

Post Content and Data

  • syndicated_item_title — filter, alter or act on the post title for each incoming post being considered for syndication

  • syndicated_item_author — filter, alter or act on the author name and author meta-data for each incoming post being considered for syndication

  • syndicated_item_content — filter, alter or act on the HTML content for each incoming post being considered for syndication

  • syndicated_item_excerpt — filter, alter or act on the text excerpt for each incoming post being considered for syndication

  • syndicated_item_categories — applied to an array of category names representing the categories provided for that individual post by the source feed

  • syndicated_item_tags — applied to an array of category names representing the inline tags provided for that individual post by the source feed

  • syndicated_item_published — filter, alter or act on the Unix-epoch timestamp for the first publication of a syndicated post

  • syndicated_item_created — filter, alter or act on the Unix-epoch timestamp for the creation of a syndicated post

  • syndicated_item_updated — filter, alter or act on the Unix-epoch timestamp for the most recent update to a syndicated post

  • syndicated_item_guid — filter, alter or act on the guid (globally unique identifier) that identifies a particular syndicated post

Post Meta-Data

Post Processing

Post Display

Feed Data


Add-Ons Awaiting Development

These add-ons represent add-on features that have been commonly requested, but which are better provided through an add-on than through additions to the FeedWordPress core code. If you would like to support the development of any of these features, you can do so with a small donation to help cover the costs of the time for development and testing. If you need an add-on or filter to implement a feature that isn’t listed here, you may be
interested in the custom development services available to FeedWordPress users.

  • Alternative Caching Options — an add-on module to allow you to store SimplePie feed cache data in locations other than the WordPress options database table — in a separate table, in another database, or in flat files in the filesystem.

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16 thoughts on “Add-ons and Filters

  1. My rss feed has a source for each item, and I cannot get Add Attribution to display the item source-name. It always defaults back to the name of the feed. I am using [source-name], but it still won’t show the right attribution for the item. Please help!

  2. I want to filter i.e. not import any posts which contain certain keywords. For example, if an RSS feed post contains the keywork “Bingo” I do not want to import that post..

    I have the Advanced Filter plugin installed but cannot see an option to do what it is I want to do.

    How do I achieve this?

  3. I use FeedWordPress to create various mash-up sites of my own network of websites. But one thing that is missing, two things:

    1) The it creates real regular wordpress posts types – most plugins that add to posts cannot add to your posts, such as the Chitika ad plugin.

    2) Need a way of assigning a thumbnail featured image per feed!!!!!

  4. Pingback: Feed WordPress 101: A Few More Tricks For Your Site - CogDogBlog

  5. hi . i have tagging plugin that have a problem with feedwordpress that not tagging any post was sending with feedworpress .

    i use this action to save the tags : save_post but not working . but any post sending without feedwordpress my tagging plugin has work how i can solve this problem ?

  6. I’m looking for how to grab the wordpress post ID for an incoming post. I’ve set the feeds to point to the local permalink option. I am sideloading any images (via a FWP add-on I’m writing) and need the post_id so I can assign a featured image. Reading the help file (API, etc.) I cannot seem to figure it out. Help…?

    • Ok, looks like I solved it – problem was not being able to find call parameters for various functions. That handled, I’ve developed a plugin for finding an image in a feed post, grabbing one and assigning it to the thumbnail if there isn’t already one assigned. I plan to grow this to allow processing of posts already in the DB as well as choosing which image# (ideally set per feed) to use for the thumbnail.

      I do have another issue, been around awhile I think:

      This feed is a good example:
      Feed validates OK, pops up on readers, etc. But FeedWordPress says it’s an invalid feed, “probably due to incorrect xml characters in the feed.” Point me in the direction and maybe I can solve this?

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