Beacons for offline tracking


Integration with Beacon technology enriches monitoring of potential and actual client behavior with their interactions from real world. Beacons allow to localize with great precision customers inside agency, business premises, shop, office and near them. Devices and technological support are provided by

What is a beacon and how it works?

Beacon is nothing else as simply electronic tool placed in specific place. It communicates with applications on mobile devices using Bluetooth Low Energy. It sends 3 basic data:

  • It’s own ID – thanks to which we can identify the beacon and its localization
  • Signal strength – allowing us to establish distance between user and beacon. Under optimal conditions signal reaches 70 meters.
  • Additional detail – used to assemble beacons.

Such data get to SALESmanago Marketing Automation platform via mobile application, where they are automatically interpreted and prepared to be used in marketing and sales operations.

How beacons co-work with SALESmanago?

It’s pretty simple. When identified user (with his mobile application) appears within beacon’s reach, information about customer’s presence and his distance to beacon is transferred in real time to SALESmanago system.

In SALESmanago Marketing Automation system there is a user-defined list of beacons with assigned localization.

Combining information about which contact, when and for how long appears near given beacon, we learn about his interests and habits (when he visits our venue or passes by). This data is collected on user’s contact card.

Exemplary uses of beacons

  1. Automatic response after customer’s visit in the venue with discount offer, depending on completing transaction and its value.
  2. Notifications about discounted products, chosen from ones viewed by customer previously on website but not purchased, sent during his visit in the store.
  3. Automatic SMS or push notifications with offer tailored to behavioral and purchase profile, sent after customers enters the venue.
  4. Dedicated automatic SMS, email or push notifications, encouraging customers passing by to visit the venue.
  5. Dynamic personalization of website content based on customers offline behavior inside the venue, like discount on product near which he spent most time.

Effects of use

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  • Improving sales conversion in venues
  • Using ROPO effect (customers do research and view products online and buy them offline). Data about both behavior gathered at one contact card
  • Complete customer profile: online and offline behavior and transaction data.
  • Increasing the number of people visiting the venue.
  • Improving efficiency of discount operations. 57% of consumers engage in advertising campaigns related to their localization more willingly.

Customer Reference

„SALESmanago is an extremely user friendly and efficient tool for Email Marketing. The ease to access and navigate behavioral analysis before and after e-mail campaigns is exceptionally good.”
Sandip Chhatui, Marketing Manager, Clonect Solutions Private Limited