Search Engine Turbocharger

Help your visitors explore your products with Search Engine Turbocharger powered by Artificial Intelligence recommendations, Natural Language Processing, Customer Data, and AI Voice Search

Advanced Search Engine Turbocharger settings allow you to create dedicated marketing campaigns, thanks to which you will perfectly respond to the current customers’ needs
Analytical panel allows you to analyze what customers are looking for on the website and measure the effects and revenues generated by Search Engine Turbocharger
For the correct mechanism performance, it is necessary to properly configure it to enhance the standard search engine operation on a website with new technologies powered by Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing (NLP)


NLP technology and AI to deliver answers perfectly matching all queries


your search engine page with AI‑based product recommendations to increase the results of your campaigns


your searchandising success through the analytics dashboard to optimize feature recommendations


merchandising expertise to drive maximize incremental revenues and achieve your sales goals


engagement in the presented searches and score the effectiveness of each result


custom collections pages for special occasions by building unique campaigns with perfectly matched products


the way of products searching thanks to the unbeatable AI Voice Search Engine


your online store search engine results by delivering answers perfectly matching all queries


search analytics dashboard and advanced reports to measure your success

Intelligent Search Engine Turbocharger provides results perfectly tailored to the interests of the customers, even with abbreviations and misspelling in a query
The mechanism intelligently interprets the entered queries and returns products 100% matched to the customer's needs
It is also possible to use AI Voice Search that will speed up the whole search process
  • Capabilities
  • AI Recommendations & Natural Language Processing technology
  • AI Voice Search
  • Query suggestions matched to the contact profile
  • Relevance-weighted search results
  • Merchant-centric optimizations
  • Award points via API
  • Dedicated search engine campaigns for special occasions
  • Useful results even when misspelled
  • Synonym detection
  • Support abbreviations
  • Search analytics dashboard
  • Testing searches results
  • Simple implementation without IT support
Maximize eCommerce revenue growth… the lean way