A/B/X Testing & Optimization

Analyze and improve the performance of all of your campaigns. Make sure you have the best possible content delivered at the best possible time. Define KPIs for your tests and let the system do the job for you.

A/B/X Testing & Optimization

Key Features

Set up rules for testing all types of campaigns to automatically improve their effectiveness by choosing the best-performing variants.

Define an unlimited number of test scenarios in workflows and set priorities for different user paths

Send e-mail campaign variants with higher open rates or click-through rates

Display website banners that generate more clicks

Compare reactions to different creatives

Find optimal campaign delivery times

Test different numbers of fields in forms and landing pages

Use the AI e-mail subject recommendation engine to review wording in your campaigns

Set up control and test groups for all types of automation processes

How to set up tests in SALESmanago

A/B/X Testing & Optimization
  • Select campaign type (e-mail, landing page, workflow, etc.)
  • Decide what you would like to test (creatives, time, etc.)
  • Define who the test should be performed for
  • Set up the time frame
  • Choose what should happen when the test ends

Which campaign types can be optimized with A/B/X tests?

More about A/B/X Testing & Optimization in SALESmanago

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