Ticket #23082
Status: Open
Opened by Hippopotamoss
Feature Request
6/8/24 6:28 pm 6/8/24 6:28 pm

Select Multiple Options in Polls

Could we have a way to allow for multiple options to be selected when having a poll in a forum thread? Maybe a toggle option or something to allow for multiple selections.

Currently, polls are only really useful if the answers are mutually exclusive, and don't work well when you start to add more options.

For example, if you have 2 options that aren't mutually exclusive it would look something like this:

  1. Option A
  2. Option B
  3. Option A & Option B
Now this is okay, but as soon as you add more options, it starts to look like this:

  1. Option A
  2. Option B
  3. Option C
  4. Option D
  5. Option A & Option B
  6. Option A & Option C
  7. Option A & Option D
  8. Option B & Option C
  9. Option B & Option D
  10. Option C & Option D
Now it's just confusing to look at and I doubt anyone really wants to sift through the options and answer the poll.

Adding a way to select multiple options would fix this issue and make polls way more readable and I think more likely to be answered.

(this is all assuming there isn't already a way to do that, in which case... please let me know lol)

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06/11/2024 11:09 am
He/Him • Level 52 : Grandmaster Modder Modder
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