Ticket #22734
Status: Accepted
Opened by Sul4ur
Bug Report
4/24/24 1:26 pm 4/24/24 1:26 pm
4/25/24 4:03 pm 4/25/24 4:03 pm

The editor (which is used for wall posts, content description, etc) sucks!

Out of all bugs in PMC, the worst and buggiest thing is the editor. It has many many obvious bugs, that you should be able to notice just by using the editor for just a few minutes.

Here are only a few of the bugs:
  • You can't make quotes
    like this.
    Whatever you do you can't make a quote without editing the source instead.

  • If you try to select a text, and while selecting, your cursor moves out of the editor box, the editor will scroll itself all the way up, and it's very annoying.

  • You can't use half of the tools in the toolbar while making a comment in a content. But you can use all of them while editing your comment

  • I don't know if it relates, but newly made wall posts cannot be edited unless the site is refreshed.

It also uses BBCode, which I just don't get why markdown is not used. Markdown is wayy better than BBCode. In fact, using MarkDown instead of BBCode fixes most of these bugs!

I get it, I get that changing BBCode to MarkDown is definitely not easy, and it is a huge change. But if it's possible, then please fix these bugs.

Thank you.

OS: Windows 8 (Also happens in Android 11)

Browser(s): Opera GX (Also happens in Chrome)

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04/28/2024 9:58 am
He/Him • Level 88 : Elite Scapegoat Programmer
Paril's Avatar
The main issue is more about the WYSIWYG editor rather than the underlying representation; markdown won't solve anything as it's just a different method of representing the same data we use in bbcode (and it wouldn't be easily doable either since we use a lot of custom codes for things like mentions).

It's on my list to update our WYSIWYG editor at some point but it's fairly low priority.

For quotes, you can; select the block type under the block selector (it starts off as "Paragraph").
For text selection, that's a browser thing, we don't control that directly. On my end on Chrome, the editor doesn't warp back up if I leave the box.
For the toolbar thing, that's probably a mis-class on our side; is this on resources?
The newly made post thing is a bug.
05/31/2024 10:42 am
He/Him • Level 33 : Artisan Nerd Creeper Hugger
Sul4ur's Avatar
All of the issues no longer seem to happen anymore, except for the toolbar thing.

I mistakenly said that it happens in comments, but it actually happens on wall posts and content logs instead. Idk, but maybe it used to happen in comments too.

Edit: It also happens on wall posts, but not even editing will bring more options. There is just limited options there.

I still do deal with other problems of this WYSIWYG editor, and there's a lot.
And I also understand the markdown issue, So I have another suggestion:

Why not upgrade the code editor rather than the text editor? I mean, it's easier to do and has less bugs!
It's just like how it's in Modrinth:

After clicking on the "B":

04/25/2024 4:03 pm
Level 71 : Legendary
Cyprezz's Avatar
set status to Accepted, assigned Cyprezz, Paril.

04/25/2024 1:36 am
Level 33 : Artisan
Sul4ur's Avatar
modified ticket description.
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