Quick Start

We're so happy to have you here and we're excited that you've decided to build wonderful tools for creators! There are a few things you need to know before you start making the awesome happen.

Platform Capabilities

We provide two ways of interacting with Patreon Data

  • API

  • Webhooks

You can interact with both in various ways.

  • Get a paginated list of a creators pledges

  • Get the current users profile and campaign (if they are a creator)

  • Get real time updates on pledge activity with Webhooks and Zapier

API Set Up

Step 1: Create a Client

Before you can interact with the Patreon API, you have to create a client. CTA Create a client By default a client allows a creator to access their profile and pledges.

Step 2: Select a method for interacting with the API

We expose raw end points that you can interact with using a custom HTTP request. You can also use one of our libraries.

Step 3: Select a method for interacting with the API

Webhook Setup

Webhooks allow you to receive real-time updates from our servers. While there will eventually be many events about which you can be notified, we presently only support webhooks that trigger when you get a new member, or an existing member edits or deletes their pledge.

By creating a webhook, you can specify a URL for us to send an HTTP POST to when one of these events occurs. This POST request will contain the relevant data from the user action in JSON format. It will also have headers

  • X-Patreon-Event: [trigger]

  • X-Patreon-Signature: [message signature]

where the message signature is the hex digest of the message body HMAC signed (with MD5) using your webhook's secret viewable on the webhooks page. You can use this to verify us as the sender of the message.

Note: Please never reveal your webhook secret!

Step 1: Register a webhook URL

Simply register the URL and select the triggers that you want to listen to!

Step 2: Set up the endpoint on your servers

This goes without saying, but be sure to set up the end point on your server and respond to appropriately to inbound webhook requests.

Programmatically Adding Webhooks

In addition to manually adding webhooks, you can also create, read, update, delete and list webhooks with our API. This feature is currently in early beta. If you would like to know more, please contact us in the developers forum.