
Rest API Workshop before Adobe CFSummit 2024!

Maria Jose Herrera |  July 08, 2024

Building a REST API for the Modern Developer!

Get ready to elevate your skills at our exclusive 2-day workshop in Las Vegas, Nevada, just before the Adobe CFSummit 2024! This hands-on workshop is your gateway to mastering modern REST API development using ColdBox and other modern tools.

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BoxLang 1.0.0 Beta 4 Launched

Jon Clausen |  July 05, 2024

We are thrilled to announce the release of BoxLang 1.0.0-Beta 4! This latest beta version includes some improvements and essential bug fixes.

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Into the Box 2024 - Conference Slides are out!

Maria Jose Herrera |  July 03, 2024

Did you miss the live event? Get a glimpse of the fantastic content our speakers covered by reviewing their slides. Dive into topics like AWS, Cloud, Hosting, Migration, Security, CFML, Java, CommandBox, ContentBox, and more. Don't miss these valuable resources, and join us for upcoming events!

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Ortus June 2024 Newsletter!

Maria Jose Herrera |  June 28, 2024

Welcome to the latest edition of the Ortus Newsletter! This month, we're excited to bring you highlights from our sessions at CFCamp and Open South Code, as well as a sneak peek into our upcoming events. Discover the latest developments in BoxLang, our dynamic new JVM language, and catch up on all the insightful presentations by our expert team. Let's dive in!

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BoxLang June 2024 Newsletter!

Maria Jose Herrera |  June 28, 2024

We're thrilled to bring you the latest updates and exciting developments from the world of BoxLang. This month, we're diving into the newest beta release, introducing a new podcast series, showcasing innovative integrations, and sharing insights from recent events. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just getting started, there's something here for everyone to explore and enjoy.

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BoxLang 1.0.0 Beta 3 Launched

Luis Majano |  June 28, 2024

We are thrilled to announce the release of BoxLang 1.0.0-Beta 3! This latest beta version is packed with exciting new features and essential bug fixes, including robust encryption functionality, enhanced Java interoperability, and more efficient event handling. Key highlights include the introduction of query caching capabilities, seamless coercion of Java Single Abstract Method (SAM) interfaces from BoxLang functions, and support for virtual thread executors. So, let’s dive into the details of what’s new in BoxLang 1.0.0-Beta 3 and how you can start leveraging these updates today!

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What is BoxLang? Open South Code 2024

Maria Jose Herrera |  June 26, 2024

Discover the future of multi-runtime development with BoxLang, the dynamic, modular, and productive new JVM language. Unveiled by Luis Majano at Open South Code 2024, BoxLang offers 100% interoperability with Java, seamless transition from CFML, and powerful IDE tools. Adaptable to various platforms, BoxLang merges modern features with traditional familiarity, setting a new standard in web development.

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How was CFCamp this year?

Cristobal Escobar |  June 21, 2024

CFCamp 2024 was a remarkable event for the ColdFusion and CFML community, and Ortus Solutions was proud to be a significant part of it. Here’s a detailed recap of our sessions and contributions at the event.

Keynote: Introducing BoxLang by Luis Majano

Our keynote session introduced BoxLang, a new modular dynamic language for the JVM. This language is designed to make development easier, more expressive, and more fluent. BoxLang, now in its beta version, is a professional open-...

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BoxLang 1.0.0 Beta 2 Launched

Luis Majano |  June 21, 2024

We're thrilled to announce the release of BoxLang 1.0.0-Beta2! This beta introduces a plethora of exciting new features and bug fixes, including encryption functionality, improved Java interoperability, and streamlined event handling. We are also excited to announce that these betas will be incrementing weekly until we reach our stable version in the coming months. So let's dive in!

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BoxLang Unleashes the Power of Python: Introducing bx-jython!

Maria Jose Herrera |  June 19, 2024

BoxLang Unleashes the Power of Python: Introducing bx-jython!

BoxLang, the dynamic, modular, and productive scripting language, just got even better with the introduction of bx-jython!...

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