
Ortus June 2024 Newsletter!

Maria Jose Herrera June 28, 2024

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Maria Jose Herrera

June 28, 2024

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Welcome to the latest edition of the Ortus Newsletter! This month, we're excited to bring you highlights from our sessions at CFCamp and Open South Code, as well as a sneak peek into our upcoming events. Discover the latest developments in BoxLang, our dynamic new JVM language, and catch up on all the insightful presentations by our expert team. Let's dive in!

CFCamp - Ortus Sessions (Review Videos and Slides)

Session 1: BoxLang - The Future is Dynamic by Brad Wood

BoxLang was showcased as the future of dynamic, multi-runtime development. This session highlighted how BoxLang allows developers to write code that adapts to various platforms, including web, tablets, APIs, and serverless applications. Key features of BoxLang include:

  • Dynamic and Modular: Prioritizes flexibility with seamless integration into existing ecosystems.

  • Interoperability with Java: Bridges traditional and modern development paradigms.

  • Multi-Runtime Support: Runs on numerous platforms, enhancing adaptability.

  • Modern and Familiar: Combines features from CFML, Node, Ruby, Kotlin, Java, and Clojure.

  • Transpiler Support: Smooth transition from CFML to BoxLang.

  • IDE Tools: Powerful tools for an intuitive development experience.

Session 2: CBDebugger - Debug Your Box Apps with Ease! by Luis Majano

This session delved into the ColdBox Debugger, a performance monitor and profiler for ColdBox applications. Highlights included:

  • Hyper Collector: Tracks Hyper HTTP/S requests effortlessly.

  • Lucee SQL Collector: Profiles SQL queries efficiently.

  • Heap Dump Support: Aids in debugging memory leaks.

  • Revamped Request Dock: Enhances SQL/JSON formatting and manual timer addition.

This talk was geared towards developers seeking to enhance their debugging skills and streamline their development process with ColdBox Debugger v4.2.0.

Video coming soon: Subscribe to our Youtube Channel for News and Updates.

Review Slides

Session 3: Revolutionizing Task Scheduling in CFML by Luis Majano

This session explored task scheduling within the ColdBox framework for any CFML application. Attendees learned to create and manage scheduled tasks directly in their code, gaining new control and efficiency. The session included a look at a user-friendly dashboard for managing and monitoring tasks.

Video coming soon: Subscribe to our Youtube Channel for News and Updates.

Review Slides

CFCamp - Sessions on Ortus Solutions Products by Community Experts (Review Videos and Slides)

Session 1: BoxLang vs the World by Kai Koenig

Kai Koenig's session compared BoxLang to established languages like JavaScript, TypeScript, Kotlin, Scala, Ruby, and Java. He emphasized BoxLang's unique features and better tooling than existing CF platforms.

Review Slides

Session 2: Strengthening Web Development with CommandBox 6 by Yogesh Mathur

Yogesh Mathur discussed CommandBox 6's capabilities for seamless website transition and efficient deployment across Linux, Windows, and Mac platforms. This session highlighted CommandBox's history of innovation and its role in simplifying and optimizing web development processes.

Video coming soon: Subscribe to our Youtube Channel for News and Updates.

Read the Full CFCamp Recap

CFCamp 2024 was an exciting opportunity for Ortus Solutions to showcase our latest innovations and engage with the developer community. From introducing BoxLang to exploring advanced debugging and task scheduling techniques, our sessions gave attendees valuable insights and practical knowledge.

CFCamp Recap

Open South Recap and Slides: Going over BoxLang

BoxLang: A New JVM Language for Productivity and Modularity!

Recap of Luis Majano's Presentation at Open South Code 2024 in Málaga, Spain, on June 21st-22nd, 2024. Discover the future of multi-runtime development with BoxLang, the dynamic, modular, and productive new JVM language. Unveiled by Luis Majano at Open South Code 2024, BoxLang offers 100% interoperability with Java, seamless transition from CFML, and powerful IDE tools. Adaptable to various platforms, BoxLang merges modern features with traditional familiarity, setting a new standard in web development.

Watch the Presentation and Review the Slides

Did you miss the live presentation? No worries! You can catch up on all the details and insights shared by Luis Majano:

  • Watch the Video Presentation for a comprehensive overview of BoxLang, its features, and how it can transform your development workflow.
  • Review the Slide Deck Explore the detailed slides from the presentation to understand the finer points of BoxLang's architecture and advantages.

Watch Live Session

BoxLang Monthly Newsletter!

BoxLang is growing fast, and we have a lot of exciting news and updates this month. We’ve created an exclusive monthly BoxLang Newsletter to keep you in the loop.

BoxLang is a dynamic, easy-to-use Java Virtual Machine (JVM) scripting language. It combines Object-Oriented (OO) and Functional Programming (FP) features with dynamic Metadata Programming (MP) to enhance your coding experience.

BoxLang Newsletter

Upcoming Events

Into the Box 2025 Blind Tickets are Now Available!

The Future is Dynamic, and we are ready to Guide you Through It!

Ortus Solutions is thrilled to announce the release of blind tickets for Into the Box 2025, the premier event for web developers. This year's conference promises to be a game-changer, especially with unveiling our groundbreaking new product, BoxLang. Our team is working hard to get all modern CFML developers excellent tools and software features to improve their productivity.

Event Details:

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Stay Connected; Join our community

Thank you for staying up to date with Ortus Solutions. We hope you found the insights from CFCamp and Open South Code enlightening and are excited about the upcoming BoxLang developments. Don’t miss out on our exclusive BoxLang newsletter and make sure to secure your tickets for Into the Box 2025. Stay tuned for more updates and innovations from Ortus Solutions!

Stay connected with Ortus Solutions and keep up to date with the latest news, updates, and events by following us on social media:

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Recent Entries

BoxLang 1.0.0 Beta 7 Launched

BoxLang 1.0.0 Beta 7 Launched

We are pleased to announce the release of BoxLang 1.0.0-Beta 7! This latest beta version includes improvements and essential bug fixes, but more importantly it certifies the execution of ColdBox HMVC and TestBox.

What is BoxLang?

BoxLang is a modern dynamic JVM language that can be deployed on multiple runtimes: operating system (Windows/Mac/*nix/Embedded), web server, lambda, iOS, android, web assembly, and more. BoxLang combines many features from different progr

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New BoxLang Feature: Java Method References and Higher-Order Functions

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Maria Jose Herrera
July 26, 2024
Level Up Your ColdFusion Skills with our Virtual Live Training: ColdBox from Zero to Hero

Level Up Your ColdFusion Skills with our Virtual Live Training: ColdBox from Zero to Hero

Level Up Your ColdFusion Skills with our Virtual Live Training: ColdBox from Zero to Hero

Are you a CFML developer looking to take your skills to the next level? Look no further than the ColdBox from Zero to Hero Virtual Live Training! This intensive two-day course will equip you with the knowledge and expertise to build robust and scalable applications using ColdBox 7, the latest version of the most popular CFML MVC framework.

What You'll Learn:

  • Master the Fun...

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