Computational neuroscience articles within Nature


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    By tracking the activity of individual neurons using microarrays and Neuropixels probes, a study examines the representation of linguistic meaning, at the single-cell level, during natural speech processing in humans.

    • Mohsen Jamali
    • , Benjamin Grannan
    •  & Ziv M. Williams
  • Article
    | Open Access

    Measurements of activity in the entorhinal cortex of monkeys indicate that the recruitment of a cognitive map is a key part of mental navigation, and that cognitive maps can support behavior in the absence of external sensory input.

    • Sujaya Neupane
    • , Ila Fiete
    •  & Mehrdad Jazayeri
  • Article
    | Open Access

    A deep neural network with ‘knockout training’ is used to model sensorimotor transformations and neural perturbations of male Drosophila melanogaster during visually guided social behaviour and provides predictions and insights into relationships between stimuli, neurons and behaviour.

    • Benjamin R. Cowley
    • , Adam J. Calhoun
    •  & Mala Murthy
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    Using a Bayesian learning approach, a study tracks the spatial representations by individual hippocampal cells over time in freely moving rats, and provides insights into how ensemble patterns form and reconfigure during sleep.

    • Kourosh Maboudi
    • , Bapun Giri
    •  & Kamran Diba
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    Single-neuron and population activity in the macaque prefrontal and temporal cortex robustly encodes 24 species-typical behaviours, reciprocity in social interactions and social support.

    • Camille Testard
    • , Sébastien Tremblay
    •  & Michael L. Platt
  • Article
    | Open Access

    Here we show how PFL2 and PFL3 neurons in the Drosophila brain compare a representation of direction with internal spatial goals, both anchored in world-centric coordinates, and produce body-centric steering commands that act to correct deviations from the goal direction. 

    • Elena A. Westeinde
    • , Emily Kellogg
    •  & Rachel I. Wilson
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    Studies in mice show that observational fear learning is encoded by neurons in the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex in a manner that is distinct from the encoding of fear learned by direct experience.

    • Shana E. Silverstein
    • , Ruairi O’Sullivan
    •  & Andrew Holmes
  • Article
    | Open Access

    Neural population activity in the medial entorhinal cortex of mice can be organized into ultraslow oscillatory sequences, with periods extending up to the minute range.

    • Soledad Gonzalo Cogno
    • , Horst A. Obenhaus
    •  & Edvard I. Moser
  • Article |

    Offline cortical reactivations predict the gradual drift and separation in sensory cortical response patterns and may enhance sensory discrimination.

    • Nghia D. Nguyen
    • , Andrew Lutas
    •  & Mark L. Andermann
  • Perspective |

    This Perspective reviews successful applications of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and presents a case for fMRI as a central hub on which to integrate the dispersed subfields of systems, cognitive, computational and clinical neuroscience.

    • Emily S. Finn
    • , Russell A. Poldrack
    •  & James M. Shine
  • Article
    | Open Access

    Recordings of neural populations from motor cortex and striatum spanning monkeys and mice demonstrate that neural dynamics in individuals from the same species are preserved when they perform similar behaviour.

    • Mostafa Safaie
    • , Joanna C. Chang
    •  & Juan A. Gallego
  • Article
    | Open Access

    Measurements of signal propagation in more than 23,000 pairs of neurons from nematode worms show that predictions of neural function made on the basis of anatomy are often incorrect, in part owing to the effects of extrasynaptic signalling.

    • Francesco Randi
    • , Anuj K. Sharma
    •  & Andrew M. Leifer
  • Article
    | Open Access

    A speech-to-text brain–computer interface that records spiking activity from intracortical microelectrode arrays enabled an individual who cannot speak intelligibly to achieve 9.1 and 23.8% word error rates on a 50- and 125,000-word vocabulary, respectively.

    • Francis R. Willett
    • , Erin M. Kunz
    •  & Jaimie M. Henderson
  • Article
    | Open Access

    Cortical and subcortical activity can be parsimoniously understood as resulting from excitations of fundamental, resonant modes of the brain’s geometry rather than from modes of complex interregional connectivity.

    • James C. Pang
    • , Kevin M. Aquino
    •  & Alex Fornito
  • Article
    | Open Access

    In the Drosophila central-pattern-generating neural network, a mechanism for network desynchronization relying on weak electrical synapses and specific excitability dynamics of the coupled neurons translates unpatterned premotor input into stereotyped neuronal firing with fixed sequences of cell activation, ensuring stable wingbeat power.

    • Silvan Hürkey
    • , Nelson Niemeyer
    •  & Carsten Duch
  • Article
    | Open Access

    A new encoding method, CEBRA, jointly uses behavioural and neural data in a (supervised) hypothesis- or (self-supervised) discovery-driven manner to produce both consistent and high-performance latent spaces.

    • Steffen Schneider
    • , Jin Hwa Lee
    •  & Mackenzie Weygandt Mathis
  • Article
    | Open Access

    Analysis of data collected from mice learning a trace conditioning paradigm shows that phasic dopamine activity in the brain can regulate direct learning of behavioural policies, and dopamine sets an adaptive learning rate rather than an error-like teaching signal.

    • Luke T. Coddington
    • , Sarah E. Lindo
    •  & Joshua T. Dudman
  • Article |

    Mapping of the mouse cerebellar cortex using 3D reconstruction from electron microscopy, as well as numerical simulation of neuronal activity, shows non-random redundancy of connectivity that may favour resilient learning over encoding capacity.

    • Tri M. Nguyen
    • , Logan A. Thomas
    •  & Wei-Chung Allen Lee
  • Article |

    Odour motion contains valuable directional information that is absent from the airflow alone, and Drosophila use this directional information to shape their navigational decisions.

    • Nirag Kadakia
    • , Mahmut Demir
    •  & Thierry Emonet
  • Article |

    A study presents ensemble recordings of neurons in the lumbar spinal cord indicating that activity in spinal cord circuits for movement follows low-dimensional rotational dynamics, and proposes a theory of neural generation of movements.

    • Henrik Lindén
    • , Peter C. Petersen
    •  & Rune W. Berg
  • Article
    | Open Access

    During rapid behavioural switches in flying bats, hippocampal neurons can rapidly switch their core computation to represent the relevant behavioural variables, supporting behavioural flexibility.

    • Ayelet Sarel
    • , Shaked Palgi
    •  & Nachum Ulanovsky
  • Article
    | Open Access

    Predictive models that relate brain activity to phenotype reliably fail when applied to subgroups of participants who do not fit stereotypical profiles, showing that the utility of a one-size-fits-all modelling approach is limited.

    • Abigail S. Greene
    • , Xilin Shen
    •  & R. Todd Constable
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    BNSTprEsr1 activity is required to gate the transition from appetitive to consummatory male social behaviours towards both sexes, by controlling sex- and behaviour-specific representations in VMHvl and MPOA, respectively.

    • Bin Yang
    • , Tomomi Karigo
    •  & David J. Anderson
  • Article |

    The mouse neocortex supports sensory performance through transient increases in sensory coding redundancy, neural codes that are robust to cellular variability, and inter-area fluctuation modes that transmit sensory data and task responses in non-interfering channels.

    • Sadegh Ebrahimi
    • , Jérôme Lecoq
    •  & Mark J. Schnitzer
  • Article
    | Open Access

    Release from shunting inhibition and coincident excitation implement a multiplication-like synaptic interaction in motion-sensing neurons of Drosophila melanogaster.

    • Lukas N. Groschner
    • , Jonatan G. Malis
    •  & Alexander Borst
  • Article |

    In rhesus monkeys, learning of a motor task is accompanied by uniform changes in preparatory activity in motor cortex that are orthogonal to the force-predictive neural state subspace.

    • Xulu Sun
    • , Daniel J. O’Shea
    •  & Krishna V. Shenoy
  • Article
    | Open Access

    Simultaneous recordings from hundreds of grid cells in rats, combined with topological data analysis, show that network activity in grid cells resides on a toroidal manifold that is invariant across environments and brain states.

    • Richard J. Gardner
    • , Erik Hermansen
    •  & Edvard I. Moser
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    In memory consolidation, the hippocampus has a unique way to preferentially amplify behaviour-relevant information that entails ‘replaying’ this information during periods of rest.

    • Satoshi Terada
    • , Tristan Geiller
    •  & Attila Losonczy
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    Single-cell tracing and optogenetics manipulation in mice are used to show how spatial tuning of individual pyramidal cells in CA1 can propagate to and be amplified by their local subnetwork of neurons.

    • Tristan Geiller
    • , Sadra Sadeh
    •  & Attila Losonczy
  • Article
    | Open Access

    Mesoscale connectomic mapping of the cortico–basal ganglia–thalamic network reveals key architectural and information processing features.

    • Nicholas N. Foster
    • , Joshua Barry
    •  & Hong-Wei Dong
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    Complementary types of retinal ganglion cell form mosaics with receptive fields that are farther apart than would be expected by chance, supporting the efficient coding of natural scenes.

    • Suva Roy
    • , Na Young Jun
    •  & Greg D. Field
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    In macaque motor cortex, moment-to-moment fluctuations in neurally derived decision variables are tightly linked to decision state and predict behavioural choices with better accuracy than condition-averaged decision variables or the visual stimulus alone, and can be used to distinguish between different models of decision making.

    • Diogo Peixoto
    • , Jessica R. Verhein
    •  & William T. Newsome
  • Article |

    By collecting nearly 50,000 perceptual estimates of smell, a reliable physicochemical measure that links odorant structure to odorant perception at a resolution that enables the creation of olfactory metamers was derived.

    • Aharon Ravia
    • , Kobi Snitz
    •  & Noam Sobel
  • Review Article
    | Open Access

    NumPy is the primary array programming library for Python; here its fundamental concepts are reviewed and its evolution into a flexible interoperability layer between increasingly specialized computational libraries is discussed.

    • Charles R. Harris
    • , K. Jarrod Millman
    •  & Travis E. Oliphant
  • Article |

    Both piriform cortex and its sensory inputs from the olfactory bulb represent chemical odour relationships, but cortex reshapes relational information inherited from the sensory periphery to enhance odour generalization and to reflect experience.

    • Stan L. Pashkovski
    • , Giuliano Iurilli
    •  & Sandeep Robert Datta