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Nature’s 2023 postdoc survey

Published on: 11 Dec 2023

Nature's Postdoc Survey 2023The findings from Nature's second global Postdoc Survey were published in October.

Nature discusses the survey results in a series of three articles:

  1. The first article reveals a slight uptick in career optimism with postdocs finding they have more options to move into, outside academia.
  2. The second article looks at the various ways that postdocs use AI to make their everyday work go faster.
  3. The third article reflects on the lives and struggles of postdocs in their thirties as they tire of putting life on hold.

The survey had 3,838 respondents from 93 countries, of whom 51% described themselves as female, 27% as a member of a racial or an ethnic minority, and 61% as working outside of their home country. 

Nature's Postdoc Survey 2023