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7 reasons why STEM recruiters use content marketing

Published on: 9 Nov 2023

In STEM and indeed many industries, HR and talent acquisition professionals find themselves increasingly acting like marketers.

One powerful tool at the disposal of marketers — and recruiters — is content marketing.

Content marketing is a long-term, always-on, strategic marketing practice, through which brands can attract and retain customers over time. It is focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent non-brand-centric content to establish and nurture a relationship between brand and customer. 

For HR professionals, the use of “customer” in the above description of content marketing can be substituted with “candidate”. The modern-day job candidate is just like a customer.

If your HR department is holding back when it comes to content marketing, here are 7 reasons to take the bull by the content horns:

Reason #1

The number one obstacle candidates face when searching for a job is not knowing what it’s like to work at an organization. Content marketing is the perfect vehicle for showcasing your values, company culture, perks, and benefits — telling jobseekers who you are, what you stand for, and what a career with you can look like. You can also create content to directly address candidates' common questions, concerns, and pain points. 

Reason #2
Brand reach

Your content marketing can be distributed across multiple channels, including social media, and can boost your organic traffic — raising visibility for your employer brand and your vacancies. 


Reason #3
Build a connection

Content marketing can humanize your organization, build your credibility and trust, and establish your organization as a thought leader and authority in your field.


Reason #4
Stand out

Content marketing enables you to showcase your advantages over competitors. And in a tight labor market, that can matter even more.


Reason #5
Better fit

Content marketing can educate future candidates about the organization to better manage their expectations before applying. The new hires will be a better fit for your organization as they were better informed beforehand.


Reason #6

Content marketing can be used to maintain a strong sense of belonging and purpose among the workforce and keep current employees engaged and motivated, thereby reducing staff turnover.


Reason #7
Reduced cost and time-per-hire

Crucially, with content marketing boosting your applications and reducing turnover, you’re able to fill roles faster and spend less on recruiting.

Content marketing with Nature Careers

As part of your HR content marketing strategy, you’re welcome to showcase your existing content and create new content with Nature Careers. 

An Employer Hub on our Nature Careers jobs website is a chance to showcase your employer content, including videos, to our audience of 100,000+ monthly jobseeker scientists.

You can also work with us to create captivating branded content articles or videos that tell your employer story on Your branded content, crafted by our expert custom media team, can showcase your people, research, and state-of-the-art facilities, and aligns your organization with Nature’s reputation while reaching Nature audiences.

Contact your local sales rep for more information.