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7 Benefits of a Strong Science Employer Brand

Published on: 25 Apr 2023

Nature Careers employer brandingWhat do companies like Google, Patagonia, and Salesforce have in common? They’re all rockstars of employer branding.

In today's competitive job market, with many organizations facing staff shortages, employer branding is essential. This is certainly true in the life sciences and health sciences, where events such as the COVID-19 pandemic and growth in certain fields such as artificial intelligence, have exacerbated demand for scientists.

Whether you’re academia or corporate, building a strong science employer brand gives researchers a clearer picture of who you are, what you stand for, and what a career with you could look like - as well as how you differ from other employers in the field.

With 59% of recruiting leaders worldwide investing more in their employer brand, and 86% of people saying they wouldn’t join a company with a bad reputation, can you afford not to invest in your employer brand?

For science employers, strong branding not only helps you to attract and retain talented scientists, but for universities, can also boost your opportunities for collaboration and research funding. Let’s take a moment to explore the benefits of strong employer branding:

Benefit #1
More applications and a better job acceptance rate

When your organization has a reputation for being a great place to work, it can help set you apart from other employers and means you receive more applications for your vacancies. 50% more according to LinkedIn! A good reputation will also mean that potential employees will be more likely to accept your job offers.

In addition to receiving more applications for open positions, a strong brand can also lead to more spontaneous applications from jobseekers reaching out to you directly to inquire about potential job opportunities.

Benefit #2
Reduced recruitment costs

One of the most significant benefits of building a solid life science or clinical science employer brand is the reduction in recruitment costs. When your job postings receive more applications, you’re able to spend less on recruitment advertising as a result!

Benefit #3
Faster recruitment

Another benefit of a strong science employer brand is a faster recruitment process. With more applicants applying to your job postings, you can expect to have a larger pool of qualified candidates to choose from, so you can fill vacancies more quickly.

Benefit #4
Higher quality applicants

A strong science employer brand can help you attract higher-quality scientific talent. It can also lead to applications from top scientists who are not actively searching for work, but are open to opportunities and attracted by your reputation.

Benefit #5
Improved staff productivity and retention

When employees feel proud to work for your organization, they are more likely to be motivated to work productively and to stay with your organization for a longer period of time. Reduced turnover in turn helps to lower recruitment costs.

Benefit #6
Increased research funding

A strong science employer brand can also help you secure more research funding. In part because of the circular effect whereby a strong employer brand helps you attract and retain talented scientists, which can lead to more successful research outcomes, and thereby increased funding.

Benefit #7
Increased collaborations

Finally, a strong employer brand can help you increase your international collaborations. Science organizations with strong reputations in the scientific community are more likely to be sought out by researchers and institutions from around the world for collaborative projects.

In conclusion

In conclusion, employer branding can boost your organization's reputation and help you attract talented researchers, setting in motion a virtuous cycle that gets the funding, collaboration, and people needed for your organization's scientific research.

Employer branding with Nature Careers

At Nature Careers we offer a range of services to help science employers - from universities to pharma and biotech - promote their brand and stand out from the crowd.

Nature Careers is part of Springer Nature: publisher of 3000+ journals. We have published research by over 640 Nobel Laureates and our brands receive 131 million page views every month from scientists, healthcare professionals, and science enthusiasts around the world.

Here are some ways we can help you showcase your employer brand to our audience of talented researchers:

  1. Employer Hub
    Let us create your Employer Hub on Nature Careers, complete with your organization's story, news, images, and video, to show potential candidates what a career with you could look like, as well as how they can thrive in the environment you provide.
  2. Banner advertising
    Run brand-building banner ads across our Springer Nature websites, including and the Nature Careers website. Target your ads by science subject area, journal, keywords, and geography. You can also reach scientists via our journal e-alerts and Nature Careers e-newsletter.
  3. Branded Content
    Tell your employer story in branded content articles on The articles, crafted by our expert writers, can showcase your people, your research, and your state-of-the-art facilities. Your content will link to your Nature Careers employer profile and open vacancies.


For even more ways to build your science employer brand with Nature Careers, view Employer Branding.