Extended Data Fig. 6: 1D nanomechanical simulation of devices 1, 3, and 4. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 6: 1D nanomechanical simulation of devices 1, 3, and 4.

From: Terahertz phonon engineering with van der Waals heterostructures

Extended Data Fig. 6

a, Phonon oscillation data (gray line) and the simulation result (brown line) using \({K}_{\text{gh}}=7.3\times {10}^{19}\,\text{N}\,{\text{m}}^{-3}\) and \({K}_{\text{hw}}=3.8\times {10}^{19}\,{\text{N m}}^{-3}\) for device 1. b, Phonon oscillation data (gray line) and the simulation result (brown line) using \({K}_{\text{gh}}=8.8\times {10}^{19}\,\text{N}\,{\text{m}}^{-3}\) and \({K}_{\text{hw}}=4.6\times {10}^{19}\,\text{N}\,{\text{m}}^{-3}\) for device 3. c, Phonon oscillation data (gray line) and the simulation result (brown line) using \({K}_{\text{gh}}=8.1\times {10}^{19}\,\text{N}\,{\text{m}}^{-3}\) and \({K}_{\text{hw}}=4.0\times {10}^{19}\,\text{N}\,{\text{m}}^{-3}\) for device 4. On average, the heterolayer force constant values are \({K}_{\text{gh}}=(8.1\pm 0.4)\times {10}^{19}\,\text{N}\,{\text{m}}^{-3}\) and \({K}_{\text{hw}}=(4.0\pm 0.3)\times {10}^{19}\,\text{N}\,{\text{m}}^{-3}\) across the three devices.

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