Extended Data Fig. 10: Raman spectra of monolayer MoS2 under different fabrication processes. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 10: Raman spectra of monolayer MoS2 under different fabrication processes.

From: Monolithic three-dimensional tier-by-tier integration via van der Waals lamination

Extended Data Fig. 10

a, Raman spectra of initial MoS2, after vdW laminated CPVA, after spin-coated CPVA, and after plasma etching (MoS2 with CPVA protection) at 150 W for 20 min. b, c, \({{\rm{E}}}_{2{\rm{g}}}^{1}\) and A1g Raman position (b) and full width at half maxima (c) of monolayer MoS2 under different fabrication processes. After laminating interlayer dielectric CPVA, the \({{\rm{E}}}_{2{\rm{g}}}^{1}\) Raman position and its peak FWHM remain unchanged, suggesting the minimized defects or strain during the lamination process. In contrast, by directly spin-coating CPVA on top of MoS2 surface, \({{\rm{E}}}_{2{\rm{g}}}^{1}\) peak blue-shifts by 0.9 cm−1 and its FWHM increases by 0.6 cm−1, indicating the generation of additional defects or strains during the solution-based coating processes. Similarly, the \({{\rm{E}}}_{2{\rm{g}}}^{1}\) peak exhibits large shifts of 2.0 cm−1 with FWHM increases of 1.2 cm−1 after plasma process, indicating the MoS2 delicate lattice could still be impacted by the plasma process, even covered by 700 nm thick CPAV layer.

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