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Video-based AI for beat-to-beat assessment of cardiac function


Accurate assessment of cardiac function is crucial for the diagnosis of cardiovascular disease1, screening for cardiotoxicity2 and decisions regarding the clinical management of patients with a critical illness3. However, human assessment of cardiac function focuses on a limited sampling of cardiac cycles and has considerable inter-observer variability despite years of training4,5. Here, to overcome this challenge, we present a video-based deep learning algorithm—EchoNet-Dynamic—that surpasses the performance of human experts in the critical tasks of segmenting the left ventricle, estimating ejection fraction and assessing cardiomyopathy. Trained on echocardiogram videos, our model accurately segments the left ventricle with a Dice similarity coefficient of 0.92, predicts ejection fraction with a mean absolute error of 4.1% and reliably classifies heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (area under the curve of 0.97). In an external dataset from another healthcare system, EchoNet-Dynamic predicts the ejection fraction with a mean absolute error of 6.0% and classifies heart failure with reduced ejection fraction with an area under the curve of 0.96. Prospective evaluation with repeated human measurements confirms that the model has variance that is comparable to or less than that of human experts. By leveraging information across multiple cardiac cycles, our model can rapidly identify subtle changes in ejection fraction, is more reproducible than human evaluation and lays the foundation for precise diagnosis of cardiovascular disease in real time. As a resource to promote further innovation, we also make publicly available a large dataset of 10,030 annotated echocardiogram videos.

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Fig. 1: EchoNet-Dynamic workflow.
Fig. 2: Model performance.
Fig. 3: Beat-to-beat evaluation of the ejection fraction.

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Data availability

This project introduces the EchoNet-Dynamic dataset, a publicly available dataset of de-identified echocardiogram videos, which are available at

Code availability

The code for EchoNet-Dynamic is available at


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This work is supported by a Stanford Translational Research and Applied Medicine pilot grant, a Stanford Cardiovascular Institute pilot grant and a Stanford Artificial Intelligence in Imaging and Medicine Center seed grant. D.O. is supported by the American College of Cardiology Foundation – Merck Research Fellowship and NIH F32HL149298. B.H. is supported by a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. A.G. is supported by the Stanford Robert Bosch Graduate Fellowship in Science and Engineering. J.Y.Z. is supported by NSF CCF 1763191, NIH R21 MD012867-01, NIH P30AG059307 and by a Chan-Zuckerberg Biohub Fellowship.

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Authors and Affiliations



D.O. retrieved, preprocessed and quality-controlled Stanford videos and merged electronic medical record data. D.O., B.H., A.G. and J.Y.Z. developed and trained the deep learning algorithms, performed statistical tests and created all of the figures. D.O., C.P.L., P.A.H. and R.A.H. coordinated the public release of the de-identified echocardiogram dataset. D.O., P.A.H., D.H.L. and E.A.A. performed the clinical evaluation of model performance. N.Y. and J.E. retrieved, preprocessed and quality-controlled data from Cedar-Sinai Medical Center for model testing. D.O., B.H., E.A.A. and J.Y.Z. wrote the manuscript with feedback from all authors.

Corresponding authors

Correspondence to David Ouyang or James Y. Zou.

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The authors declare no competing interests.

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Peer review information Nature thanks Giorgio Quer, Partho Sengupta and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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Extended data figures and tables

Extended Data Fig. 1 Hyperparameter search for spatiotemporal convolutions on the video dataset to predict ejection fraction.

Model architecture (R2+1D, which is the architecture selected by EchoNet-Dynamic for ejection fraction prediction, R3D and MC3), initialization (solid line, Kinetics-400 pretrained weights; dotted line, random initial weights), clip length (1, 8, 16, 32, 64, 96 and all frames) and sampling period (1, 2, 4, 6 and 8) were considered. a, When varying clip lengths, performance is best at 64 frames (corresponding to 1.28 s) and starting from pretrained weights improves performance slightly across all models. b, Varying sampling period with a length to approximately correspond to 64 frames before subsampling. Performance is best with a sampling period of 2.

Extended Data Fig. 2 Individual beat assessment of ejection fraction for each clip in the test dataset.

Left, patients with low variance across beats (s.d. < 2.5, n = 3,353); right, patients with high variance across beats (s.d. > 2.5, n = 717). Each patient video is represented by multiple points that represent the estimate of each beat and a line that indicates 1.96 s.d. from the mean. A greater proportion of beats are within 5% of the ejection fraction estimate made by the human observer (the shaded regions) in videos with low variance compared with individual beat assessment of ejection fraction in high-variance patients.

Extended Data Fig. 3 Model performance during training.

a, b, Mean square error (MSE) loss for the prediction of left ventricular ejection fraction during training on the training (a) and validation (b) dataset. Pixel-level cross-entropy loss for semantic segmentation of the left ventricle during training on the training (c) and validation (d) dataset.

Extended Data Fig. 4 Relationship between clip length, and speed and memory.

Hyperparameter search for model architecture (R2+1D, which is used by EchoNet-Dynamic for ejection fraction prediction, R3D and MC3) and input video clip length (1, 8, 16, 32, 64 and 96 frames) and impact on model processing time and model memory usage.

Extended Data Fig. 5 Variation in echocardiogram video quality and relationship with EchoNet-Dynamic model performance.

a, b, Representative quintile video frames are shown with the respective mean pixel intensity (a) and the s.d. of the pixel intensity (b) compared with the mean absolute error of the ejection fraction prediction of EchoNet-Dynamic (EF MAE) and the Dice similarity coefficient for segmentation of the left ventricle (LV DSC). Box plots show the median as a thick line, the 25th and 75th percentiles as upper and lower bounds of the box, and whiskers extend to 1.5× the interquartile range from the median. n = 1,277.

Extended Data Fig. 6 Impact of degraded image quality on model performance.

Random pixels were removed and replaced with pure black pixels to simulate ultrasound dropout. Representative video frames with dropout are shown across a range of dropouts. The proportion of dropout was compared with model performance with respect to the R2 of the prediction of ejection fraction and the Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) compared with human segmentation of the left ventricle.

Extended Data Table 1 Summary statistics of patient and device characteristics in the Stanford dataset
Extended Data Table 2 Performance of EchoNet-Dynamic compared with alternative deep learning architectures in assessing cardiac function
Extended Data Table 3 Videos with the most discordance between model prediction and human label of ejection fraction
Extended Data Table 4 Model parameters and computational cost

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Ouyang, D., He, B., Ghorbani, A. et al. Video-based AI for beat-to-beat assessment of cardiac function. Nature 580, 252–256 (2020).

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