Extended Data Fig. 9: Cre-dependent Piezo1 activation with MMG stimulation in the pseudo primate brain. | Nature Nanotechnology

Extended Data Fig. 9: Cre-dependent Piezo1 activation with MMG stimulation in the pseudo primate brain.

From: In vivo magnetogenetics for cell-type-specific targeting and modulation of brain circuits

Extended Data Fig. 9

(a) Phantom model of a primate brain for long-range stimulation at the magnetically targeted position. (b) 3D printed primate brain phantom. Matrigel-embedded Piezo1 cells are cultured in the 3D large animal brain phantom to make in vivo-comparable conditions. (c) RT-PCR analysis of HEK293 cells co-transfected Cre and FLEX-Piezo1 confirming increased c-Fos expression in response to MMG stimulation. (d) Bioluminescence imaging (BLI) showing a higher luciferase expression in response to Cre-dependent magnetomechanical activation of Piezo1-based transcription in 3D primate brain phantom model. (e) MMG stimulation induces transcription of the intracellular Ca2+ -dependent luciferase reporter. All data are presented as mean ± s.d.; ***p = 0.006; two-tailed unpaired Student’s t-test; n = 3 biological replicates.

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