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Home // News // Inkborn Fables Tactician's Crown Kicks Off Next Friday

Inkborn Fables Tactician's Crown Kicks Off Next Friday

Find out everything there is to know about the upcoming global Teamfight Tactics tournament.

The Inkborn Fables Tactician's Crown global event will kick off on July 12nd and last until July 14th. At the event, 32 of the best TFT players in the world from four different regions - Americas, EMEA, CN, and APAC - will compete for the title of Inkborn Fables Champion.

The Tactician’s Crown tournament will be played on Patch 14.13. To learn more about the most recent patch changes, check out our Patch Summary right here!

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Player standings will be determined by a point system corresponding to a player's results in each game. First place will earn 8 points, while eighth will earn 1 point.

During Day 1 (July 12nd), the 32 players will be split into 4 lobbies and play 6 games. The lobbies will shuffle after two games, and all 32 players will advance to Day 2.

During Day 2 (July 13th) the players will once again be split into four lobbies, and once again play 6 games, retaining their point total from the day before. Once the match day is complete, only 8 players will advance to Day 3.

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Day 3 will have a slightly different format. The games will keep on going until one player first reaches 20 points and then secures a first place finish while having those 20 points. This first player who does that will be our Inkborn Fables Champion!

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Where To Watch

You can catch the Tactician's Crown directly through Teamfight Tactic’s very own Twitch and YouTube accounts. But, if you choose to watch the tournament through Riot's, you'll be eligible to earn several in-game rewards through the Drop system, as can be seen below!

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Double the fun with Pick-Ems!

In addition to the complementary Drop rewards, you can earn additional prizes by correctly predicting the outcome of the tournament. Head on over to to lock in your picks before the Tactician’s Crown weekend begins.

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If you’re confident in your predictions, you can also try out Pick’Em Advanced. The results will be trickier to predict, but the prizes will be sweeter.

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League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide