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About - Staff Member - Kyle Johnson


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Kyle Johnson

Director of Trade Policy

Kyle Johnson serves as the Director of Trade Policy. Prior to joining ITI, he served at the U.S. Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration, where he led the Information Technologies Team. In that role, he supervised ICT hardware industry experts working to strengthen the global competitiveness of U.S. industry through industry analysis, trade policy development, addressing trade barriers, supporting semiconductor and ICT industry supply chain resilience, and assisting with trade promotion strategies.

Previously at Commerce, Kyle served in several staff roles focused on developing and implementing trade policy and promotion efforts to support trade and international competitiveness in innovative U.S. technologies. He contributed to Commerce’s work addressing technical barriers to trade, particularly relating to cybersecurity policies, ICT standards, and labeling. He coordinated an ICT-focused working group under the former U.S.-China JCCT, ensuring the group addressed China market access issues and created industry-government meetings to highlight emerging technology areas. He oversaw the formation of a working group to improve trade policy and promotion programs related to smart cities technology, and supported development of trade-related programming under the U.S.-ASEAN Smart Cities Partnership. He also co-led the development and implementation of APEC projects promoting risk-based cybersecurity policy development and regional harmonization on e-labeling policies and standards.

Before his roles at Commerce, Kyle worked as a Legislative Correspondent with Senator Byron Dorgan, served as an intern with the commercial section of U.S. Embassy Singapore, and taught English as a foreign language in South Korea. Kyle holds an MA from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) in International Economics and East Asia Studies, and a BA from the University of North Dakota in Political Science and Communications.

Blog posts by Kyle Johnson

  • The Trouble with Tariffs   (May 03, 2024)

    Tariffs continue to capture the spotlight in Washington and across the U.S. campaign trail. In recent years, they have become a favored policy tool proposed to solve challenges in technology, shipbuilding, ...

  • Now is the Time to Rebuild U.S. Global Trade Leadership   (March 12, 2024)

    On March 1, the Biden Administration provided its outlook on U.S. trade policy for 2024. The annual report, produced by the Office of the United State Trade Representative (USTR), notes that trade can ...

  • IPEF: An Opportunity to Address Barriers to Trade   (April 14, 2023)

    Nearly one year ago, the United States and 13 partners in the Asia-Pacific region launched the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF). The Asia-Pacific region holds much promise for U.S. ...