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About - Staff Member - Kelsey Gaudette


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Kelsey Gaudette

Manager, State and Local Public Sector Policy

Kelsey has over two years of experience working on Capitol Hill where she served as a Legislative Assistant for Congressman Tom McClintock of California, executing his legislative agenda and staffing him for various committees. During her tenure in the U.S. House of Representatives, she handled a broad range of policy issues including telecommunications, science and technology, broadband, financial services, oversight, and foreign affairs amongst others. Previously, Kelsey interned for Congressman Ken Buck of Colorado, Heritage Action for America, and Republic Consultants.

Kelsey holds a B.A. from George Mason University in Government and International Relations as well as a minor in Legal Studies.

Kelsey is originally from Massachusetts but has lived in the Washington, D.C. area for over six years.

Blog posts by Kelsey Gaudette