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Djinn, D'jinni or Djinniah[1] is the name given to an elemental genie of Air.

Much the same as in fairy tales, Djinns are powerful creatures that are capable of great feats. Once captured, they are then bound to the captor and have to fulfill three wishes. Following their completion, they are free once more.

Andrzej Sapkowski[]

"Going back to genies, there are four sorts, just as there are four Planes. Djinns are air creatures; marides are associated with the principle of water; afreet are Fire genies and d'ao, the genies of Earth—
Word has it old Monck had a way of forcing a djinn to serve him. There were rumours that he had more than one. He was said to keep them in bottles and make use of them when need arose. Three wishes from each genie, then it's free and escapes into its own dimension."
pg.250 - 251, The Last Wish (UK edition)

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt[]

Bestiary entry[]

The pitcher emitted a puff of glowing red smoke. The smoke pulsated, then gathered up into an irregular sphere floating in front of the poet's head...
–The First Longing, a Tale Fantastic in All Ways.
A djinn is a powerful air spirit, a condensation of the power of that element endowed with consciousness and character - the latter usually nasty. According to legend, djinn can grant even the most far-fetched wishes, though they do so very begrudgingly.
Unusually powerful mages can capture and tame these beings. The mage can then draw on its energy, using it to cast spells without having to call on Power from traditional sources. Only a sparse handful have managed this feat, however, for djinn fight to avoid such a fate with stubborn determination. To imprison a djinn and bend it to one's will, one must first weaken it - and that is no easy feat.
Fighting a djinn is extraordinarily difficult. They can fling off spells in an instant that the most accomplished human mages could never cast with years of preparation. What's more, by manipulating the element of air they can summon powerful storms, hurricanes, and gales. Luckily, as magic beings, they are vulnerable to silver - yet steel will do them no harm.

Combat tactics[]

Fighting a djinn is about working quickly, and not something a witcher should attempt without good cause, or good pay. If you must face a djinn, dimeritium bombs are too useful to go without, giving a witcher the chance to close the distance without being frozen, burned, or electrocuted. Djinn can teleport short distances to escape harm, even after being affected by dimeritium bombs. A witcher must be able to quickly react to this and continue to pressure the djinn, using additional bombs as necessary to continue suppressing spells.

The closer a djinn is to death or capture, the more dangerous it becomes. The massive area-of-effect spells it can cast come faster, and it may teleport more often the more desperate it becomes. The Aard and Igni signs empower a djinn greatly, while Axii and Yrden calm it down and make it easier to combat.

It is highly recommended to turn OFF level upscaling before this fight, as the Djinn will do multi hit lightning strikes, an unblockable lightning area-of-effect and a ranged icicle attack, which are all individually able to one-hit-kill Geralt if upscaled to his level, while it will take over 100 attacks for Geralt to deplete its HP bar under these circumstances, making the fight either impossible, or very close to it.

Associated quest[]


  • In the short story, "The Last Wish", Dandelion released a Djinn which wreaked havoc in Rinde. This djinn had been captured by the mage Geoffrey Monck, who had captured numerous djinns and harnessed their powers for his own gain.
  • A caught djinn is usually kept in a charmed jar with a seal on the spigot and a Wizard's mark.
  • It's falsely believed freeing a djinn from its jar will have it grant the person three wishes. In reality, the person must also be in possession of the magical seal to have their three wishes granted.
  • A wish granted by a djinn cannot be undone except by another djinn.


  • The Djinn fight in the side mission The Last Wish is notable for being impossibly hard if the enemy upscaling option is turned on, resulting in very little damage to the Djinn even if Geralt is at a level above 15, with the Djinn on the other hand being able to kill Geralt in just two hits.


