The Hunger Games Wiki

AliCiaGoth8 AliCiaGoth8 • 2 days ago

The 166th Hunger Games: Interviews!

Stylists and Prep-Teams making their final touchups. Escorts reminding them about mannerisms. Mentors finishing their last sentences in their pep talk.

Another night of bring the best out of everyone. Kharis Flickerman-Fleur, The Master of Ceremonies, thought, and this is his favorite part. The host paced behind the curtains a bit, reminding himself of the jokes he made to entertain the audience before the tributes make their entrance. He accidentally cracked up because of a pun he made, but it's the least of his worries. May the odds be in everyone's favor. He thought. He can hear the mutterings of the front row seats, and that familiar nervousness crept up. But it's nowhere close to stage fright. Am I doing this enough? Am I making everyone lau…

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CellTheBear CellTheBear • 8 days ago

My story

Once I was a little stinky pink strawberry bear... and uhm yeah that never changed. The only difference is that I’m now a big stinky pink strawberry bear, oh no I just bought 723 Swiffers gosh.

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Literate-Sandpiper Literate-Sandpiper • 16 days ago

Piper’s OCs

  • 1 Terry Calligan (D8)
    • 1.1 Backstory
    • 1.2 Family
  • 2 Bryony Thatcher (D11)
    • 2.1 Backstory
    • 2.2 Family
  • 3 Ada Linker-June (D12)
    • 3.1 Backstory
    • 3.2 Family

Male | Age 15 | INFP

Terry came from a poor family living in a tiny apartment building in District 8. His mother became very sick near the beginning of his teenage years, making her unable to work. Terry and his sister immediately began long hours at a cloth making factory in order to care for her. The work was very repetitive and boring, so Terry often talked with other children to pass the time. He learned that they all came from difficult lives like his, which made his intense empathy grow stronger. The more he spoke with others, the more he began to resent the Capitol for its overbearing control. Terry just need…

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CosmicMilk CosmicMilk • 28 days ago

The 448th Hunger Games

Hello everyone! My name is Cosmic, and this is my attempt at writing a Hunger Games project to completion. The 448th Hunger Games are an idea I've had cooking in my back pocket for quite some time, waiting to be brought into the light as my futile attempts to succeed as both writer and a human being continue for years on. These Games will serve as both a way to improve my writing skills and entertain anyone who's gracious enough to exercise their free will to read and follow along.

Please feel free to follow along! Despite this project being a way for me to exercise my writing muscles, I hope they can be enjoyed by the masses or more realistically one or two people.

  • 1 Information
  • 2 Tributes
    • 2.1 Tribute Information
      • 2.1.1 District One
      • 2.1.2 District Two
      • 2…

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Spidergwen2009 Spidergwen2009 • 26 June

the Hunger Games

hey everyone, i believe that The Hunger Games is awesome

do you guys agree???

Katniss Everdeen is amazing and the best character there is in the Hunger Games

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Creamybriiiiiiiiiiiiie Creamybriiiiiiiiiiiiie • 24 June

Coin fanfiction part 3


A man stalked forward, tipping his hat at the new tributes. "Welcome to Aurora - once known as Australia. This will be the home of the new arena President Coin has commanded for - in reminiscence of the original Hunger Games, we will have interviews and training sessions, so that you once pampered Capitol children will finally learn to fight to survive." The man paused, a ghoulish grin spreading across his face. "Welcome to the 76th annual Hunger Games!"

The twenty four new tributes were rounded up and stuffed in a shabby three room shack with scratchy wool mattresses layered over the rough, itchy carpet. The other room was a bathroom, and when Calla tried to go, a massive hairy spider scuttled out of the bowl and terrified Calla f…

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AliCiaGoth8 AliCiaGoth8 • 20 June

The 166th Hunger Games: Training & Alliances!!!

The tributes filled the Training Center, taking notice of their surroundings. President Chaleur Snow seemed to be quite a recycler, as she seemed to have reused the training Center of the 74th Hunger Games, with only a few new adornments. While that time was deemed unspeakable these days. Arrays and arrays of blades, guns, and dummies could be spotted along with stations of survival. Camouflage, stealth, first aid, fire-making...Interestingly, there's also a station for...Ventriloquy? Not to mention, sitting in an obvious corner of the room was some sort of bright red noose, glowing with understated intimidation: A Punjab Lasso.

"Only those who are truly interested shall touch the lasso."

Gamemaker Crescentia Fleur's voice filled the room, and …

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Blaze12343 Blaze12343 • 17 June

The 4th quarter quell







The reaping has been postponed until further notice thank you for your compliance



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CoconutCloudie CoconutCloudie • 1 June

The Hunger Games: Custom

Welcome to the first annual custom hunger games! Here we can create brand new characters, and make a brand new hunger games with them. We are bringing back @Tobi99’s games and we need YOU to give us characters. Kind like fanfiction. Here is the info we need:




Strength & Weaknesses:

(new posting every week) (June 2024-July 2024)

enter below in the TBD (to be determined) slots.

Ask me any questions by email -

ALSO DO NOOT WRITE THE STORY, ALL I NEED IS THE CHARACTERS AND SOME IDEAS (but if u wanna write some stuff then just lemme know)

The arena for this year is… DISNEYLAND! Yep, you guessed it. This year will be all fun and games! Right? Well if you call Princess-Mutts, Roaring Rides full of danger, and T…

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Creamybriiiiiiiiiiiiie Creamybriiiiiiiiiiiiie • 23 May

Continuing on my fanfiction


So that had been... interesting. As Calla watched her interview stream on TV , she had the strange thought that it was boring. As if she was just another Capitol resident watching a tribute speak to Caesar on TV, not the actual tribute herself. Calla swallowed hard as the thought crossed her mind that maybe she did deserve to be thrown into the arena.

Two guards shouldered their way into Calla's sleeping quarters, grabbing her by the wrists and cuffing her with tight metal shackles. Calla opened her mouth to scream but no sound came out, her throat parched and dry from the lack of water since last night. "What's happening?" she croaked out.

The guards didn't answer her. Had they been her grandfather's peacekeepers, Calla would have …

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Creamybriiiiiiiiiiiiie Creamybriiiiiiiiiiiiie • 23 May

If Coin hadn't been shot fanfic


Once upon a time, Calla had looked up to Katniss Everdeen. Once upon a time, Calla had worn her hair in Katniss's beautiful signature braid. Once upon a time...

Calla buried her head in her hands, sighing. Twelve years old. Only twelve years old. In a way, Calla understood why Katniss wanted her to be in the 76th Hunger Games. President Snow had stood by and watched as Katniss fought to her death, and now Katniss wanted Grandpa Corialanus to watch as the same thing happened to Calla.

But wasn't this starting the whole Hunger Games thing again?

"Calla Snow?" On TV, the man standing in in the Calla's cell's doorway had been described as Katniss's cousin. From the way he looked at her, it was obvious they were much more than that. Bu…

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LivingMyLife119 LivingMyLife119 • 25 April

Welcome to Jay's 226th Hunger Games!

Hello! My name is Jay, and I welcome you to my 226th Hunger Games! I am planning on making this Games a special one, hopefully, since I've co-hosted one tournament, but sadly never completed it, and have also watched lots of people do their own tournaments, and I'm pretty sure I can host one now. Anyways, onto the rules!

  • 1 The Rules
  • 2 Interview with the Head Gamemaker
  • 3 The Reaping
    • 3.1 Tribute List
    • 3.2 The Form
  • 4 Tribute Parade
    • 4.1 Rules/What to Do
    • 4.2 Forms
      • 4.2.1 Individual Form
      • 4.2.2 Aggregate Form
  • 5 Training

  • Be respectful of other people's tributes and forms. Who knows, maybe being nice to someone will benefit you in the future.
  • Reservations are allowed. Take your time submitting, but don't be late. I'll have to remove your reservation if you are late.
  • You may …

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LightStone123 LightStone123 • 21 April

The 25th Games

Welcome everyone to the thirteenth Games in my series! In my last Games, the 24th, Scyler Meios of District 14 was crowned Victor! These particular Games will have a special Twist, so keep reading to find out more!

  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Rules
  • 3 Tributes
  • 4 Sponsoring
    • 4.1 Sponsor Table
  • 5 Prologue
  • 6 Wildcard Round
    • 6.1 Dylan Murrow
    • 6.2 Notcher Stott
    • 6.3 Bella Mustang
    • 6.4 Sombra Celesta
    • 6.5 Scarlet Avalon
    • 6.6 Luigi Iris
    • 6.7 Valencia Sonar
    • 6.8 Notcher Stott
    • 6.9 Elia Donsown
    • 6.10 Dylan Murrow
    • 6.11 Bella Mustang
    • 6.12 Valencia Sonar
    • 6.13 Bella Mustang
  • 7 Reapings
    • 7.1 District 0: Venus Holmes
    • 7.2 District 1: Rene Armani
    • 7.3 District 2: Melissa Gladiator
    • 7.4 District 3: Wisp Flare
    • 7.5 District 4: Quinlan Stralachi
    • 7.6 District 5: Winston Ainsworth
    • 7.7 District 6: Rosalie Sonnet
    • 7.8 District 7: Cantrip Celesta
    • 7.9 D…

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Lxvely.Rosie Lxvely.Rosie • 8 April

The 1,000th Hunger Games

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OnlyHungerGames OnlyHungerGames • 1 April

The First Annual Hunger Games / An Era Reborn

  • 1 Introduction
    • 1.1 Important Information
  • 2 Rules
  • 3 Tribute Form
  • 4 Tributes
  • 5 Sponsoring
  • 6 Before The Reaping

The arrow releases, flying from the bow as if it had been waiting to be freed all its life. Flying through the air, aim true, the arrow sinks into its target. Snow, taking one, final, sharp inhale of air, crumples to the ground, his body glowing limp as a single stream of blood escapes from the wound. The crowd explodes in raucous applause as Coin raises her arms, smiling down at the people below.

And in the seconds it took for Snow to die, a new era was born. A new Hunger Games arose, one that would quell any chances of someone like Snow... ever taking over again.

As Katniss looked up at Coin, intention buried deep behind her smile, the Mockingjay…

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Alittlebitdramatic Alittlebitdramatic • 31 March

The 32nd Hunger Games // Interactive

  • 1 The 32nd Hunger Games
    • 1.1 Introduction
      • 1.1.1 Rules
      • 1.1.2 Details
      • 1.1.3 Form
      • 1.1.4 Tributes
    • 1.2 Tribute Gallery

Welcome one, welcome all, to the Thirty-Second Hunger Games, where bloodshed and death reigns all. Like our previous years, the tributes will be mentored by our very own students at the academy. So, the question we all want the answer to; who will emerge victorious?

- First come first serve

- Don't be a sore loser!

- I love the little details so don't complain about the lead-up to the games. Everything will help you in this, so pay attention.

- Try to make interesting characters, otherwise they'll likely die earlier🔪

- Be respectful

- You can reserve a spot for 72 hours (three days) and if your form is not in by then, your spot will be given away.

- Spo…

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-thenerdiseli -thenerdiseli • 25 March

Eli's 421st Hunger Games

This tournament was indefinitely put on hold

  • 1 Reaping
    • 1.1 Form
  • 2 Tributes
    • 2.1 District 1
    • 2.2 District 3
    • 2.3 District 5
    • 2.4 District 7
    • 2.5 District 11

Welcome to the 421st Hunger Games! This is your gamemaker Elias Nerdius speaking hahaha! I'm somehow still alive after my last game almost 200 years ago, ah the wonders of modern medicine, right? So, you've been reaped for these games, or maybe you volunteered? Here, fill out this form, and make sure to write some good paragraphs or, uh, it won't be accepted if you catch my drift.

To submit your form, create a page titled "User:username/tribute name" then place the link to the page in the comments of this blog. Don't hesitate to reach out in the comments or at my message wall if you need assistance! For examp…

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AliCiaGoth8 AliCiaGoth8 • 7 March

The 166th Hunger Games: The Reaping!!!

The Announcers, Aura and Cyrus Templesmith's voices echoed on the television as President Chaleur Snow watched them declare:

"Welcome, to the 166th Annual Hunger Games!"

"Cyrus, don't you think this year's games will be quite classy?" Aura playfully asked, her dainty, manicured fingers touching the glamorous venetian mask on her face. She gave her brother a playful nudge. "Of course, Aura! Just look at these designs, Head Gamemaker Crescentia sure has some tricks up her sleeve. She used to be a costume designer for the Capitol Theatre! But she also had a knack for creating awesome twists and pulling the unexpected move, right? Ever since she got the job, she never failed to disappoint." Cyrus dipped his top hat and smiled with grace.

"Well, tha…

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LC20712 LC20712 • 5 March

Luc's 207th Hunger Games - Public Data Sheet

Welcome, tributes! This post will hold any information on every participant in my tourney, the 207th Games, including fillers and even the Hunting Party! This could come in handy later on, so you might want to come here at one point.

  • 1 District 1
    • 1.1 Male Tribute | LRIEI DEHTONI
    • 1.2 Female Tribute | PHYLLITE HEIST
  • 2 District 2
    • 2.1 Male Tribute | MASON MAJER
    • 2.2 Female Tribute | PAULINE DALINSSON
  • 3 District 3
    • 3.1 Male Tribute | MALACHI TECHNICA
    • 3.2 Female Tribute | CAPUCINE AMBRE
  • 4 District 4
    • 4.1 Male Tribute | PIKE SHINE
    • 4.2 Female Tribute | SAYLOR BROOKS
  • 5 District 5
    • 5.1 Male Tribute | CASSIUS PILLICH
    • 5.2 Female Tribute | MELODIE GORT
  • 6 District 6
    • 6.1 Male Tribute | ROB MCNEEL
    • 6.2 Female Tribute | AALIYAH "LIYA" NENE
  • 7 District 7
    • 7.1 Male Tribute | DEONTE COFFIE
    • 7.2 Female Tribut…

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Minecrafter3113 Minecrafter3113 • 28 February

The 57th Annual Hunger Games


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Saviisntreal Saviisntreal • 27 February

The 27th Hunger Games Oneshots

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QueerClove94 QueerClove94 • 2 March

How Do They Even Get Around?

Okay, so the districts are apparently HUGE.

So, how do you think they get around to the Reaping?

I mean, it makes no since. And, how big should Panem be?

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Butter-Beanie-Ween!!! Butter-Beanie-Ween!!! • 26 February

The 137th Hunger Games Blog Post!

  • 2 FORM
  • 5 Tribute Parade
  • 6 Form
  • 7 Advisories

The Head Gamemaker, Summer Heavensbee walked onto the stage and greeted all of Panem. She was a little nervous with the big crowd, but she had practiced this speech many times. Her grandfather, Plutarch Heavensbee, had been the Head Gamemaker for 10 years, then her father, Rory Heavensbee, took over, and now Summer was keeping the family tradition going. "I announce this message to all of Panem," Summer was presenting her speech, "Today marks the 137th anniversary of our broken alliance with District 13. It is on this day that I, Summer Heavensbee, announce to you, people of Panem, that I will be c…

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QueerClove94 QueerClove94 • 2 March

Which do you ship?




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QueerClove94 QueerClove94 • 2 March

Is it weird that I cry when people ship Finnick with Annie?

Okay, it’s weird, I know.

But I also cry when people say how much they love Annie.

It’s dumb, yes.

But this is how much I love Finnick.

I know I can’t stop people saying this, just don’t talk about how great Annie is or how great they are together just to annoy me, okay?

Because I cry every night because God won’t let me be with him, so don’t make my days worse.

Thank you.

- Lucy

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Allyouareismean Allyouareismean • 19 February

Rah's 212th Hunger Games - The Reaping

Hey everyone! I'm Rah, and I will be hosting the 212th Hunger Games. My last one only got 2 signups so I had to cancel it :( So I guess this is the reattempt! Your tribute can be any gender, it's not restricted to 1 male and 1 female per district.

Announcer Priya Serwin reaches to draw a name from the box...

and before everyone's eyes, the announcer is shot.


But the show must go on.

The rebels can't win.

Well, that's what the Capitol wants to believe.

But for now, enjoy being sent to your deaths.

D1: reserved for @Ghost.of.Suko


D2: reserved for @.heartsforkatniss.


D3: Athena Quartz @.heartsforkatniss.


D4: reserved for @.heartsforkatniss.

D4: reserved for @Butter-Beanie-Ween!!!





D7: reserved for @.heartsforkatniss.

D7: r…

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AliCiaGoth8 AliCiaGoth8 • 16 February

The 166th Hunger Games: Reservations! First come First Serve

Okay! I will be taking reservations today, because it's the 16th, and 6 is my lucky number. Hope u guyz will eventually create some awesome tributes!

District 1 Female: Reserved for @Mariiiiakene

District 1 Male:

District 2 Female: Reserved for @Veilchensee

District 2 Male:

District 3 Female: Alice Bluestone @Pervaza972

District 3 Male:

District 4 Female: Reserved for @CookieFox133

District 4 Male:

District 5 Female:

District 5 Male:

District 6 Female:

District 6 Male:

District 7 Female:

District 7 Male: Kaito Mokuzai @LC20712

District 8 Female:

District 8 Male: Reserved for @A happy gifted baby bee

District 9 Female:

District 9 Male:

District 10 Female:

District 10 Male:

District 11 Female:

District 11 Male:

District 12 Female:

District 12 Male:

And...lore time!


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QueerClove94 QueerClove94 • 2 March

QueerClove94's Introduction Post!


It's me. I'm glad to be a part of Fandom. You may have seen me before, but whatever. I am autistic. My pronouns are she/they. I am not hateful to anyone, especially the LGBTQ+ community. I am part of that myself! I hope you'll welcome me (and also like me platonically) to the Fandom. I'm so glad to be a part of it!

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Ghost.of.Suko Ghost.of.Suko • 15 February

The 136th Hunger Games

Welcome to the 136th Hunger Games!

Deaths will be randomly selected using a name generator, and it is not at all personal. Updates will not always come every day, but I will try my best to do so.

The Maximum of Tributes is Four per person, but only one of them is allowed to be a career tribute.


1st Tribute Call:

2nd Tribute Call:

3rd Tribute Call:

Chariot Rides:

District One: Full

District One Female: Alyssa O'Dell @Pervaza972

District One Male: Alexios @Idkrlly089

District Two: Full

District Two Female: Clemintine "…

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QueerClove94 QueerClove94 • 2 March

Who's Your Favorite Actor From the Series?

For me it's either Sam Claflin or Isabelle Fuhrman. I might be a little biased bc they play my two favorite characters but I think they're both awesome!

I also love love love love loved Amandla Stenberg, Jennifer Lawrence, Liam Hemsworth, Josh Hutcherson, Woody Harrelson, Rachel Zegler and Elizabeth Banks. All the actors were great. (except maybe Marvel's actor bc he killed Rue!)

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QueerClove94 QueerClove94 • 2 March

Finnick is Alive and I am Certain of it . . .

FINNICK IS ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE IS NOT DEAD!!!!! YOU AGREE WITH ME, RIGHT?!

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AliCiaGoth8 AliCiaGoth8 • 12 February

The 166th Hunger Games: The Control Room (Pre-Reaping)

166th Hunger Games || The Control Room

President Chaleur Snow surveyed the control room. She felt frost creeping into her veins again, but she knew she's unable to do anything but welcome it. As the warmth in her palms faded, she tapped on the remote, and was greeted by a magnificent victorian theatre.

"Madame President, shall I take this reaction as a liking?" Head Gamemaker Crescentia Fleur's gloomy gray gaze peered into those icy blue orbs of the young president. She nodded, marvelling at the spectacle in front of her as the screen zoomed into a ball room within the theatre.

"Yes, it's truly gorgeous," A smile graced Chaleur's lips, "And I did notice the fact that you have a preference towards the ancient styles?" She inquired.

"Indeed. I enj…

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SpoopySandwich SpoopySandwich • 7 February

Sloppy and Tote Bag's 1596th Games! (the joke tourney)

Hello. This is our first tournament and it's kind of gonna suck. ANYWAY!

(how do blogs work?)

  • 1 Tributes

District One male - Michael Jackson(japanese demon-songwriter) LC20712872943782748937

District One female - rose grandeur (career gem collector, AKA Prince Zuko)

District Two male - Zachary Morrison (very mean career)

District Two female - Nilla Plinth (knife-wielding plinth kid)

District Three male - Hugo (zombie, Tot's favorite) - Saviisreal

District Three female - Athena Quartz (popular adopted volunteer)

District Four male - Une Dyn (FILLER, career)

District Four female - Aquamarine Edén (traumatized aggressive freedom-lover)

District Five male - Samual (Sam/Sammy) Webb (mysterious charming "career" that everyone loves)

District Five female - Si…

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Butter-Bean!106 Butter-Bean!106 • 7 February

The 137th Hunger Games (REAPING)

  • 2 FORM

The Head Gamemaker, Summer Heavensbee walked onto the stage and greeted all of Panem. She was a little nervous with the big crowd, but she had practiced this speech many times. Her grandfather, Plutarch Heavensbee, had been the Head Gamemaker for 10 years, then her father, Rory Heavensbee, took over, and now Summer was keeping the family tradition going. "I announce this message to all of Panem," Summer was presenting her speech, "Today marks the 137th anniversary of our broken alliance with District 13. It is on this day that I, Summer Heavensbee, announce to you, people of Panem, that I will be choosing the Tributes this year …

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QueerClove94 QueerClove94 • 2 March

Hunger Games Characters and Their Harry Potter Counterparts

Hey, so . . . I'm obsessed with both so I have to do this.

Katniss - SOOOOOOO Hermione. The intelligent ladies of the trio in both series', always thinking of the logic.

Peeta and Sejanus - Duh - Ron! Not only are they the love interest of each one above, but they're the kindest of the trio. Sure, Ron has his moments, but so do Peeta and Sejanus.

Gale - HARRY POTTAH! I mean, not much to explain here. The brave guys who would do anything for the trio.

Prim - Ginny! I love both! They are both really good people an forgive everyone.

Rue & Clove - Luna. Before you hate on me and say Clove is nothing like Luna, here me out. Luna is like Rue for her sweet nature and Clove for her quirkiness and fighting ability.

Haymitch - Snape. They are both ambitious…

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ThePresidentOfPanem ThePresidentOfPanem • 26 January

Welcome to Jay's 226th Hunger Games!

Hello! My name is Jay, and I welcome you to my 226th Hunger Games! I am planning on making this Games a special one, hopefully, since I've co-hosted one tournament, but sadly never completed it, and have also watched lots of people do their own tournaments, and I'm pretty sure I can host one now. Anyways, onto the rules!

  • 1 The Rules
  • 2 Interview with the Head Gamemaker
  • 3 The Reaping
    • 3.1 Tribute List
    • 3.2 The Form
  • 4 Tribute Parade
    • 4.1 Rules/What to Do
    • 4.2 Forms
      • 4.2.1 Individual Form
      • 4.2.2 Aggregate Form
  • 5 Training

  • Be respectful of other people's tributes and forms. Who knows, maybe being nice to someone will benefit you in the future.
  • Reservations are allowed. Take your time submitting, but don't be late. I'll have to remove your reservation if you are late.
  • You may …

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Saviisntreal Saviisntreal • 26 January

The 29th Hunger Games

  • 1 The 29th Hunger Games
    • 1.1 Intro:
    • 1.2 Tributes:
      • 1.2.1 Rules for creating a tribute:
    • 1.3 Chariot Rides:

District 1 Female : Izzy Dearborn @Labyrinth Mesatheria

District 1 Male: Cadmus Benton @Nina Zenik for life

District 2 Female : Alessia Miller @Alice exists

District 2 Male : Haldon (Hal) Stein @Shyband28

District 3 Female : Autumn Rose Meadows @Sukoshikira

District 3 Male : Osmius "Ozzy" Leid @Minecrafter3113

District 4 Female : Keyla Cornwall @Pervaza972

District 4 Male : Jimmy Marinus @.heartsforkatniss.

District 5 Female : Astrid stewards @Superduperbored1234

District 5 Male : Bren Olonin @THEactualCEASAR

District 6 Female : Trudy Bishop @Butter-Bean!106

District 6 Male : Port Ferry @SpoopySandwich

District 7 Female : Anna-Grace Oakwood @GlimmerBelcour…

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SpoopySandwich SpoopySandwich • 23 January


Just testing something out

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QueerClove94 QueerClove94 • 2 March

The Birthdays of Each Hunger Games Character

So I paid attention to their personalities and matched them with zodiac signs and then the rest is random.

Katniss Everdeen - May 8th

Peeta Mellark - July 13th

Gale Hawthorne - November 1st

Prim Everdeen - May 23rd

Rue Barnette - October 3rd

Clove Kentwell - August 18th

Finnick Odair - July 22nd

Mrs. Everdeen - November 6th

Lucy Gray - July 23rd

Coriolanus Snow - December 31st

What are your thoughts?

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Pervaza972 Pervaza972 • 20 January

Pervaza's 360th Hunger Games

Hello and welcome to the 360th Hunger Games! This is my first ever tournament and I hope you guys will enjoy this if you decide to join! However, beware. Aside from the usual death, blood and gore we are all used to, this is going to include some more... unusual choices for arena, weapons, supplies and so on. Please read the whole blog before signing so that you are sure what you are in for.

  • 1 Rules and other useful info
  • 2 Reaping
    • 2.1 Introduction
    • 2.2 Form
  • 3 Tributes
  • 4 Tribute Parade
  • 5 Training
    • 5.1 Introduction
    • 5.2 Instructions
    • 5.3 Skills menu
      • 5.3.1 Weapon skills
      • 5.3.2 Survival Skills
    • 5.4 Form:
  • 6 Training scores
    • 6.1 Popularity
  • 7 Alliances
    • 7.1 Alliance form
    • 7.2 Current alliances
  • 8 Interviews
    • 8.1 Introduction
    • 8.2 Rules, regulations and other info
  • 9 Interview ceremony
  • 10 Strategy & Reques…

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Saviisntreal Saviisntreal • 7 January

The 27th Hunger Games

  • 1 The 27th Hunger Games
    • 1.1 Tributes
      • 1.1.1 District 1
      • 1.1.2 District 2
      • 1.1.3 District 3
      • 1.1.4 District 4
      • 1.1.5 District 5
      • 1.1.6 District 6
      • 1.1.7 District 7
      • 1.1.8 District 8
      • 1.1.9 District 9
      • 1.1.10 District 10
      • 1.1.11 District 11
      • 1.1.12 District 12
    • 1.2 Arena
      • 1.2.1 Known Muttations
      • 1.2.2 Arena Uniform
    • 1.3 Pre-Games
      • 1.3.1 Reaping
      • 1.3.2 Tribute Parade
      • 1.3.3 Training
      • 1.3.4 Training Scores
      • 1.3.5 Alliances
      • 1.3.6 Interviews
      • 1.3.7 Betting
      • 1.3.8 Strategies
    • 1.4 The Games
      • 1.4.1 Day 1(Bloodbath)
      • 1.4.2 Day 2
      • 1.4.3 Day 3
      • 1.4.4 Day 4
      • 1.4.5 Day 5
      • 1.4.6 Day 6
      • 1.4.7 Day 7
      • 1.4.8 Day 8
      • 1.4.9 Day 9
    • 1.5 Placing
    • 1.6 Aftermath
    • 1.7 Trivia

Name: Satin Labelle

Gender: Female

Age: 18

District: 1




Name: Shine Beaufort

Gender: Male

Age: 18

District: 1




Name: Cleo Parker

Gender: Female

Age: 18

District: 2


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.heartsforkatniss. .heartsforkatniss. • 6 January

the 84th hunger games

So.This is my Tournament,the 84th Hunger Games.

The deaths will be randomly selected,its not personal.

Dont expect updates every single day,because i have school and extracurriculars.

You can have max. two tributes,but you cant have two Careers.


New Head Gamemaker,Anna Reap,walks into a room.She struts in with a self-assurance that many envy.Her golden eyes glisten in the sun,with that hint of danger behind them."Well hello there,ma'am"says a colleague of hers "Dont call me Mam.I am not your mother"snaps Anna."They said ma'am,not mam."whispers another associate,mild-manneredly."DONT SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT!!"screams Anna Reap,her golden eyes widening in fury.

You can sense these games are going to be cruel.

Now let the Reaping begin!


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ThePresidentOfPanem ThePresidentOfPanem • 4 January

Chapter One of Frozen Over

Chapter One.

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CallunaDaDwagon1 CallunaDaDwagon1 • 3 January


    • 1.1 FABRICS
      • 1.1.1 Prototypes
      • 1.1.2 Corset
      • 1.1.3 Dress Base
      • 1.1.4 'Rainbow'
    • 1.2 TOOLS
      • 1.2.1 Sewing Materials
      • 1.2.2 Patterning
      • 1.2.3 Finalizing
    • 2.1 PATTERNING
      • 2.1.1 Tape Method
      • 2.1.2 Transferring My Pattern
      • 2.2.1 Sewing the Prototype
      • 2.2.2 Adjusting the Fit
    • 2.3 PATTERNING PT. 2
      • 2.3.1 Adding Modifications to the Old Patterns
      • 2.3.2 Making the New Patterns
      • 2.4.1 Sewing
      • 2.4.2 Adding 'Boning' and Laces
      • 2.4.3 Painting Flowers
    • 3.1 PATTERNING
      • 3.1.1 Bodice Patterning
      • 3.1.2 Skirt Patterning
      • 3.1.3 Transferring Patterns
      • 3.2.1 Bodice
      • 3.2.2 Skirt
      • 3.2.3 Joining the Two
    • 3.3 PATTERNING PT. 2
      • 3.3.1 Adding Modifications to the Old Patterns
      • 3.3.2 Making the New Patterns
      • 3.4.1 Sewing Bodice
      • 3.4.2 Se…
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LC20712 LC20712 • 6 January

Luc's 207th Hunger Games

Welcome, tributes, to the 207th Annual Hunger Games! This will be my second tourney, which serves as a sequel to one I hosted back in May. But don't worry, you don't need to read anything to understand it.

But keep in mind that this won't be your average Hunger Games. The gamemakers this year will be working hard to make sure everyone will be challenged in the games, in an ultimate battle for survival that'll pin you against other district children... and some mysterious third party competitors.

  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Rules
  • 3 Tribute Form
  • 4 Tributes
  • 5 Participant Gallery
    • 5.1 Tributes
    • 5.2 The Arena
  • 6 Day 1
    • 6.1 10:00 (The Bloodbath)

The 206th Hunger Games had a rough start. With the sudden death of head gamemaker Quintius Kipps from a heart attack, preparation came to…

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Dragonsum1 Dragonsum1 • 16 December 2023

hello everyone!

i just wanted to say- your geussed it- hi! im new to fandom, and i hope you tune on every saturday for a bit of my voice in these blog posts! updates on clu (scratch, maaaaaaaaaybe roblox) and other things. cya, my dear freinds!

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Joho56 Joho56 • 16 December 2023

Panem's Stories: The First Rebellion

After multiple years under The Capitol's totalitarian regime District 13 begins calling for a more democratic government: justice for the oppressed Districts. This is their stories.

"Why then do we continue in this miserable condition? Because nearly the whole of the produce of our labour is stolen from us by human beings." - Animal Farm

  • 1 Background
  • 2 Districts
  • 3 The Story
    • 3.1 Caligula August, 12th of March 2597.

After watching the recent The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes movie I have been fascinated on the stories before of the original trilogy and the stories outside of the actual Hunger Games as I find those stories become repetitive. So as we have saw the result of the First Rebellion with four books and five movies but no proper story of the F…

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Therealslimserket Therealslimserket • 4 December 2023

Covey Name Generator

This is my first time posting on my user blog, so if I do something wrong, let me know :)

Anyway, yesterday I put together a Covey name generator on Perchance! I can confirm it is not powered by AI - I manually researched and compiled all the names and colors myself. I just wanted to share it for anyone who would like to use it either for fun or to name their own original characters.

If you'd rather peruse all the options instead of using the generator, I've listed them below. Unisex or gender neutral options are bolded.

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Braveheart800 Braveheart800 • 25 November 2023

The Statesman

The story of Trillium Duskflow of Tyler's The 75th Hunger Games - The Extermination. Wrote by the creator of Trillium himself.

In a spark of curiosity, I checked back on Tyler's blog to see if anything developed as a case of renewed interest from BOSAS, and sure enough there was as Tyler has graciously came back to the writing of his games. You should really check out the wiki he has made for his games as all the work he's put into it is BRILLIANT.

I present to you, The Statesman.

  • 1 Directory
    • 1.1 Characters
      • 1.1.1 Tributes
      • 1.1.2 District 9 Team
  • 2 The Statesman
    • 2.1 Part One: Showing Strength
      • 2.1.1 Mirrors
      • 2.1.2 Teeth
      • 2.1.3 Origin
    • 2.2 Falls

Ashleeyn Beaureguard - Victor of the 44th Hunger Games, mentor of Trillium & Maida

Tor Sommid - Capitol escort for District 9


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Sindowne Sindowne • 19 November 2023

The 475th Hunger Games: Last Life

What's this? Another Blake project that will never be finished? You're goddamn right it is!

  • 1 Rules
    • 1.1 Do's
    • 1.2 Don'ts
    • 1.3 Other
  • 2 Tributes
  • 3 Tribute Information
    • 3.1 The Capitol
    • 3.2 District Zero
    • 3.3 District One
    • 3.4 District Two
    • 3.5 District Three
    • 3.6 District Four
    • 3.7 District Five
    • 3.8 District Six
    • 3.9 District Seven
    • 3.10 District Eight
    • 3.11 District Nine
    • 3.12 District Ten
    • 3.13 District Eleven
    • 3.14 District Twelve
    • 3.15 District Thirteen
    • 3.16 District Fourteen
  • 4 Tribute Gallery

My name is Windows95Man, and I only live by one rule, and the rule is, NO RULES!

Okay but seriously, these games are rated for mature audiences due to the level of gratuitous violence being inflicted on children. I get that this is based on a YA series, but also, like, I'm trying to improve my writing and part …

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