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grrigore's user avatar
Android Developer @roweb
  • Member for 7 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
13 votes

How to make an ImageView with rounded corners?

9 votes

How to set a gradient background to a Material Button?

3 votes

Add views dynamically according to seekbar position

3 votes

Make the RatingBar secondary color opaque

2 votes

Android most efficient Table Layout

2 votes

Android: How to display a widget over another one using ConstraintLayout?

2 votes

datasnapshot.getvalue() does not work and crashes app

2 votes

Fullcalendar Angular - Tooltip.js CSS is not applied (CSS encapsulation issue)

2 votes

Android how to set custom width on text view row

2 votes

how to align textview to center bottom of image

2 votes

Replace new line from the end of string SQL and update columns

2 votes

Why is my .gitignore file not ignoring specific files?

2 votes

Added two libraries and now project won't compile

2 votes

Android Studio - Error: Commit already called

2 votes

how to convert java code with interface to kotlin,

1 vote

Center android scroll div to box veritcally

1 vote

How to position the view with margin that will look same for all devices?

1 vote

Why is there is strange padding/margin around toggle button?

1 vote

Android with Firebase not receiving notification from Node.js Firebase app

0 votes

In current theme failed to find style 'floatingActionButtonStyle'

0 votes

Serial Monitor not responding to input while trying to set HC-05(ZS-040) to AT mode

0 votes

Github API getting files data from directories

0 votes

Check EditText text in Kotlin

0 votes

RxJava and Realm request make app skip frame

0 votes

Android WebView - reset HTTP session

0 votes

NullPointerException on Response using Retrofit