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Questions tagged [android-image]

This tag is for questions related to images on Android

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Image URI problems after using Ucrop

I want to choose an image from the Gallery and crop it with a one to one ratio and display it, when clicked it is supposed, to open the gallery again and repeat the whole process, when I do it for the ...
Deimos's user avatar
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How to show an entire image for a launcher icon in Android

I have the following png file house.png in the drawable folder of my Android app I would like to use it as a launcher icon and thus I use it in this XML layout file: <?xml version="1.0" ...
VanessaF's user avatar
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Remote images not loading in production generated with Expo for Android

I'm developing an application with Expo for Android, using various APIs, including Google Books to retrieve book images from its database. Everything works correctly in the development environment; ...
Shadow's user avatar
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Inserting an image within a paragraph in textview [duplicate]

I am trying to insert a number of images, each within their own paragraphs respectively. Is there a way where i can do such a thing as in without breaking the string that contains the paragraphs ( a ...
Scott M's user avatar
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Jetpack Compose displaying Adaptive Icon Painter Resources: Only VectorDrawables and rasterized asset types are supported ex. PNG, JPG, WEBP

I'm trying to display launcher icon of the app: Image( modifier = Modifier.size(24.dp), painter = adaptiveIconPainterResource(id = R.mipmap.ic_launcher_round), contentDescription = ...
user924's user avatar
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I can't get a photo from local in my Android Studio project. (GlideException: Failed to load resource)

I'm using glide in my android project. And images doesn't loading. I get "class com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.GlideException: Failed to load resource" error. And a photo url from the ...
Cihan Kocakusak's user avatar
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How to check at runtime if an imageview came from a local or remote resource?

If I'm running as a third party library within an android application, and I want to check whether the imageviews on screen were loaded from locally bundled resources or were loaded from a remote uri -...
Jon's user avatar
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How does Android's ImageWriter work under the hood?

I have a custom Camera2 OpenGL pipeline to process frames from a Camera device. I have two target EGLSurfaces that I just send the EXTERNAL_OES OpenGL texture to using a pass-through Shader. This is ...
mrousavy's user avatar
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Android: Custom NDK/C++ implementation backed by OpenGL texture/HardwareBuffer

I'm working on a Camera2 app where I have a custom OpenGL pipeline set up for processing video frames. In my pipeline, I use a couple of different third party frame-processing APIs that expect an ...
mrousavy's user avatar
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Taking photos on Android with Blazor Webassembly "Out Of Memory" Exception

I am new to Blazor Webassembly. I am trying to take a simple photo on my Android device (Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 FE). Here is the code <div> <InputFile OnChange="@OnFileSelection" ...
Aiko West's user avatar
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Handling java.lang.OutOfMemoryError with Image Loading in Android Compose using painterResource

I am encountering a recurring issue while working with the "Image" component in Android Compose. I am using the painterResource function to load images into the "Image" component. ...
eldartsa's user avatar
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Is it possible to synchronize the content draw by OpenGL and the position of a View in Android?

There are 2 views in a FrameLayout: SurfaceView View The content of SurfaceView is drawn using OpenGL in another thread: Send the Surface of SurfaceView from java to c++ Create ANativeWindow: ...
dante's user avatar
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Displaying .avif images on versions lower than android 12

Im wondering whether there is a library or a way to display .avif images on android versions lower than 12, since avif is supported from android 12+. I tried using Glide and Picasso, but it just ...
Dazai's user avatar
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How to convert an Jetpack Compose ImageVector to a Drawable

How to convert an ImageVector to a Drawable? Let's say I have the Icons.Default.Public from the implementation "androidx.compose.material:material-icons-extended package. I want to convert this ...
J. Hegg's user avatar
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Display image from content:// URI without opening file picker

As part of my app, users can select images from their device and I store the URLs to these in my database. Then, elsewhere in the app, I need to display those images. I am getting the image URI ...
max pleaner's user avatar
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