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Questions tagged [rdfs]

RDF Schema is a set of classes using the RDF extensible knowledge representation language, providing basic elements for the description of ontologies, otherwise called RDF vocabularies, intended to structure RDF resources.

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TypeError: RepositoryClientConfig is not a constructor

I am using node.js version 21.7.1 and graphdb version 10.0.6 to query the 'movies' repository that is in the interactive guide, I am using that as a test. My question is can I getting an error that ...
Agnes's user avatar
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RDF: when a property is used the thing in the object position is a literal of datatype X

In quite a few ontologies we have triples like this: gist:containedText a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:range xsd:string ; What they intend to express is that if you use that property (gist:...
justin2004's user avatar
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How to select only direct subClassOf element in a GraphDB custom ruleset?

In a GraphDB custom ruleset, I need to access only the explicitly declared superclass of an element, but I can't find any predicate (like sesame:directSubClassOf), nor use the implicit/explicit ...
sreynaud_b27's user avatar
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How to structure an OWL property that be "Nobody"?

I am attempting to create an OWL ontology that includes a claimedBy property that could be a person, organization, or similar "agent" (foaf:Agent essentially), or could be unowned (owl:Thing ...
MidnightLightning's user avatar
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Jena Riot infers invalid RDF (with literals as subjects)

I'm feeding RDF inferred by the Jena riot CLI tool into the shacl cli tool. My schema definition contains something like this: lob:account_number rdfs:domain lob:Account; rdfs:range xsd:string ...
Andrew Matthews's user avatar
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changing cism: Stereotype rdf:resource when exporting RDFS File

I'm using schema composer Tool of EA with which I generate RDFS-Augmented files? The person that uses these Files needs following: cims:stereotype rdf:resource="
user14793079's user avatar
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When to use rdf:Type vs rdfs:subClassOf

I am fairly familiar with ontologies and OWL and use them all the time. But one idea has always eluded me and when I try to find a good answer there are always contradictions. That is, when to use rdf:...
Jeffrey Phillips Freeman's user avatar
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Validating an JSON-LD JSON object against RDF

I have a JSON object that should be JSON-LD. I would like to programatically validate that is the case. The JSON-LD Spec has a @context and a @type that point a description document. In my particular ...
four43's user avatar
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How to handle multiple graphs in Blazegraph?

I'm using a public graph that I download and load on Blazegraph. I'm now familiar with SELECT and CONSTRUCT requests on this graph. I don't know if that matters, but the graph includes multiple ...
Corlin's user avatar
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What is the preferred approach to express pure SHACL shape inheritance

I have a quick question about the best way to express inheritance between pure SHACL shapes. E.g. :aShape a sh:nodeShape . :bshape a sh:nodeShape . Are the following 2 options equivalent, and which ...
MaatDeamon's user avatar
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RDF vs. RDF Model vs. RDF Data Model

I don't understand whether "RDF", "RDF Model", and "RDF Data Model" are describing different concepts or no, and if yes, what are the differences. For instance, in this ...
Bahar's user avatar
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How to correctly query the Pizza Ontology with SPARQL?

This request returns all pizzas with mushroom topping: PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX owl: <> PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3....
N_m's user avatar
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RDFS subClassOf: Can a class be a subclass of itself?

I want to create an ontology where a concept can be a subclass of another concept. For example: a concept called "Planting" with sub-concepts "Propagation" and "Germination&...
June M's user avatar
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Not able to get all subclasses from Protégé query

I'm trying to get all classes information with a query like this: tire that HasWidth some Width125. What I expect to have is the list of all classes that have or could have the indicated width. That's ...
Dallas's user avatar
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Why are rdfs and owl not working in this query?

This SPARQL query should print a list that has a first column stating the name of the disease the patient has, a second column stating the other factor for the death of the patient and finally a third ...
aida's user avatar
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