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Questions tagged [pyinstaller]

PyInstaller is a multi-platform tool designed to convert Python (.py) files into stand-alone executable files on Windows, Linux, macOS, Solaris, and AIX.

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Unable to Import Opencv while converting .py to .exe executable file even after applying multiple solutions. Missing configuration file: ['']

I have been trying to convert one of my OpenCV projects into an executable file using PyInstaller. The file is working in my command prompt, but whenever I try to run it through the .exe, I get the ...
Shashank Vyas's user avatar
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Unable to save `.exe` file converted by pyinstaller from a `.xlsx` file, saying library is missing [closed]

I created a python program which makes pixels from an image and save the colors and position of each pixel into a xlsx file. Works perfectly. When I turn it to a .exe file with pyinstaller and even ...
Aida's user avatar
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Error in execute .exe file OSError: could not get source code (win10-64x)

I want to convert my python file to exe with pyinstaller that containing following code: from ravendb import DocumentStore URLS = "" DB_NAME = "sa" store = ...
Sajad Yavari's user avatar
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Pyinstaller not in path [duplicate]

The command prompt is showing me that pyinstaller is not a valid command when I try to convert .py to .exe. I am using the latest python version: 3.12.4 I want to add it to path but can't figure out ...
Aryan Kapoor's user avatar
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Problem with including non-project folder to a python project when building into an exe file

I have a python project inside "venv" folder and it contains my python files and non-project folder which is "ActiveDirectory" referring to Active Directory PowerShell module. So ...
Hosam's user avatar
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pyinstaller won't package python-docx

Goal I want to package a simple python app (let's call it wordy), that creates a basic word document using the python-docx libary, into a single .exe file. setup PyCharm project with poetry as the ...
woodduck's user avatar
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How to handle relative resource paths while using pyinstaller / auto py to exe?

I have python script that saves the log file and another csv to a relative resource path. The pyinstaller throws file not found error. The file structure of code is. -ProjectFolder |-common | |- ...
ss301's user avatar
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My executable python file packaged via pyinstaller works on my machine but not others

I have a py file which I packaged as an executable via pyinstaller. The exe works just fine on my machine as an exe, but it will not run on my colleague's. Both PCs are on Windows 11. The following ...
Nick Nazarian's user avatar
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JQuery error in Electron: '$ is not defined'

I am building a Flask web app using pyinstaller, and I've been trying to get it to work on Electron. The project uses jQuery and Bootstrap along with a couple of other libraries. The problem is that I'...
Juno C's user avatar
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Cannot locate tkinter icon file when using pyinstaller with poetry on Windows10

I am using this answer to locate my icon file. My project is organised thus . │ main.spec │ poetry.lock │ pyproject.toml │ │ ├───my_app │ │ │ │ │ ...
Psionman's user avatar
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Calling model freezes and opens new windows in exe. ultralytics+tkinter+pyinstaller

I'm having an issue where a Tkinter app, when converted to exe, will freeze and open a new window every time a YOLO model is loaded. My original program is quite extensive, so I've recreated one ...
Kxpr's user avatar
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Why PyInstaller doesn't see modules?

I'm trying to reproduce the example code of pySiril and compile it all into an exe file so that I can freely distribute my scripts for processing astrophotography. from pysiril.siril import Siril from ...
Quark-Coder's user avatar
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Pyinstaller exe file disappears when the project files (including the dist filder) is copied to a different directory

I made a simple chat app using python and c++. the python file is converted to .exe using pyinstaller. the cpp program takes help of that exe file generated from the python. After completing my work I ...
A curious bguy's user avatar
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Issue when packing a python script with pypdfium2 into exe using pyinstaller

I have several Python scripts which use pypdfium2 library. They work correctly when I run them with Python. But when I pack them into ".exe" using pyinstaller and try to run them, I get the ...
RaR's user avatar
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Pyinstaller --onedir add pictures

I'm trying to use pyinstaller to compile a python directory into an exe My project directory looks like this: Folder images (folder with png files) I ran this command in the ...
s.eyal's user avatar
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