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Questions tagged [iis-7]

IIS (Internet Information Services) Version 7 – is a web server application and a set of feature extension modules created by Microsoft for use with Microsoft Windows. Released with Window Server 2008 and Windows Vista.

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ASP.NET Core 6.0 Web API : cannot context switch to another account to start an executable

I have an ASP.NET Core 6.0 Web API that runs on IIS 7. The application pool is running under an account local to the machine but not the local system, call it 'local-system-web-account'. I am trying ...
Josh's user avatar
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IIS Http 404 Error page not getting displayed correctly

Can anyone please suggest from where this error page gets displayed and why? The default 404 error page configured to be displayed is - But when we navigate to the url - http://{servername}.com/, it ...
NewbieHere's user avatar
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Local ASP.NET Core application running on iis

I have a laptop that is connected to an access point running on it local ASP.NET Core application on IIS server. When I specify the gateway as, the server can be accessed (the application) ...
Husam Mazen Saba's user avatar
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Keep old url but redirect to new url - IIS - Asp.Net - .aspx

Running - IIS 10 - Asp.Net - Web Forms "Web Application" - .Net Framework 4.8 WebAppDemo is a web forms "application" under "Default Web Site" Default Web Site ...
blogs4t's user avatar
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Application Pools does not start after system restart - starting manually with the same credentials works

I hope maybe some of you had similar issue with IIS and Application Pools. Problem that I have is that when I do the restart of the machine my Application Pools are not started and I have to do that ...
kollodziej's user avatar
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IIS Server stops i.e application just showing to reloading all the time and did not respond

I have an application that is deployed on the IIS Server, but often it stops responding and just looking like it is reloading always. After restarting the application in IIS manager on remote desktop, ...
Nazar Hussain's user avatar
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Invalid path to Web.config in IIS when accessing Application Settings

I have a website setup in IIS 7 and when I try to access the Application Settings I get the following error. The path to the web.config is correct but it is adding \?\ to the beginning of the path. ...
Brian Kalski's user avatar
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Getting this issue while trying to host flask application on IIS

enter image description here I was following this And i get this error when i ...
Montu Jain's user avatar
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Not getting any output of a query when hosted site on IIS server but it is running fine on windows powershell

How can this problem can be solved and there is permission granted to the account used to host the site on IIS server still not getting the query the query is for finding something in AD directory
Montu Jain's user avatar
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ApplicationInitialization expected Url path format

I have a web app in Azure that I would like to warm up after deployment. My site is in a virtual folder, call it /mysite In the web.config applicationInitialization section, are the URLs expected to ...
LarryBud's user avatar
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How to URL Rewrite in IIS to URL encode incoming requests that have unencoded characters?

Basically, is it possible to use URL Rewrite to encode a set of unencoded characters in a complex long query string, but not some of the special characters such as the & in the query string? The ...
WaveRider's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core MVC and Web API on the same IIS server

I have two applications: ASP.NET Core MVC web app ASP.NET Core Web API When I run the applications on my computer, everything works and the MVC app can make get/post http requests to my API. When I ...
moshe's user avatar
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Remove-WebConfigurationProperty not removing file extension in request filtering section of IIS

Getting below error message when trying to remove duplicate file extensions from request filtering section of a web application in IIS using Remove-WebConfigurationProperty powershell command. Remove-...
Aniket Phadte's user avatar
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Using APPCMD to clear the set of custom error definitions

I would like to remove all the custom error definitions within the <httpErrors> section of the IIS configuration. The XML schema allows a <clear/> under <httpErrors> but I cannot ...
Tevya's user avatar
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windows server with IIS everytime upload a image need to set manually permission to full control to read the image with URL,

windows server everytime upload a image need to set manually permission to full control to read the image with URL, how to fix this issue to not everutime set permission after upload an image. i'm ...
smzhzr's user avatar
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