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Questions tagged [brush]

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Is it possible to do brush snapping in d3.js when there isn't a regular interval?

I have a bar chart in d3 that uses focus/context. When the user brushes to select the dates, I want to snap to the dates available, rather than them being able to brush to any date between the ...
sprucegoose's user avatar
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2 answers

Why don't I see the image in my "Border"?

I'm making a legend inside an XAML file, and I'm using a Border to show what it all looks like. I have three such objects: <Border x:Name="box_Interior_PalletGroup_Color" Height="20&...
Dominique's user avatar
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In d3 multiline chart with focus and context, how do I restrict brushing of context to specific dates?

I have a multiline chart created with d3.js using focus and context, where I can use the context to brush to a different extent of dates. My data only includes dates that are the first of each month, ...
sprucegoose's user avatar
0 votes
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Custom color for unbrushed areas in D3 graphs (Angular)

I want to apply some color for brushed part and some color for non brushed areas in d3 charts. const brush = d3.brush() .extent([[0, 0], [width, height]]) .on('start', brushstart) .on('end', ...
ARULSARAVANAN B's user avatar
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D3 event.selection is not working in brush listeners in 5.16.0 version

const brush = d3.brush() .extent([[0, 0], [width, height]]) .on('end', brushed); svg.append('g') .attr('class', 'brush') .call(brush); function brushed(event: any) { const selection = ...
ARUL75F's user avatar
-1 votes
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brush overlaps events on other elements [duplicate]

A g container has been added to my Svg container, which has a class 'graph' - all the lines of axes, graphs, points, etc. I want to add event handlers to all these elements when the cursor hovers over ...
Надя's user avatar
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brush in shiny is resetting despite resetOnNew=FALSE. What can I do about it?

I want to keep the brush on a shiny plot even if the data changes. Have a look at the following example: library(shiny) library(ggplot2) ui <- fluidPage( plotOutput("po1", brush = ...
Noskario's user avatar
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Can I programmatically brush a plot in shiny? Can I have the same brush multiple times?

I have two plots in a shiny app that have the same x axis. I have a brush in x direction and want that both plots have the same brush. Is there any way to do that? library(shiny) library(ggplot2) ui &...
Noskario's user avatar
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How to alter SVG elements in React js and use Recharts at the same time?

I'm using recharts line chart along with a brush element. I've managed to set a fixed width (length) to the brush traveller by accessing it's SVG element and removing the edges which users use to ...
PRATYUSH MANNA's user avatar
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How to set a background colour in xaml.cs file? [duplicate]

I have a XAML, containing following entry: <TextBlock Text="{Binding Info40}" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Background="{Binding Info40_OK}"> ...
Dominique's user avatar
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how to preserve brush job when image size is changed?(with Konva JS)

what i want to make is kind of image markup tool. so user can upload image with various sizes(for example, 512 * 512, 512 * 768). And also user could use brush tool on the image. and this function is ...
yong kini's user avatar
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Why are there small black dots on the lines I draw?

Because I need to draw pressure-sensitive line segments。 I'm using react - konva const canvas = canvaEl; const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')!; const tempCanvas = document....
Lei Mo's user avatar
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How to add highlighting of brused points on scatter3 in MATLAB

When I worked with the 2D chart, my points were marked with a red circle around After i move to scatter3, and marking points here only changing color to red: How to return the red circle around the ...
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How to save matlab figure with brushed elements

In MATLAB i can save chart using File->Save As, and saving it as figure .fig. But it did not save items which i brushed on. How can i save chart with brushed items? I open figure using command: ...
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D3js how to select paths and highlight them with a brush function

I'm working on a parallel plot that is like this: I'm trying to implement the brush function that selects for every column the number of paths and highlight them if they are in a precise range. The ...
Francesca Restante's user avatar

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