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Creature Type
(Subtype for creature/kindred cards)
4 cards
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as of Fallout
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Synth (short for synthetic humanoid) is an creature subtype introduced for the crossover Fallout set.[1]

Description[ | ]

The Synth type is used to represent a race of humanoid robots, also known as androids or artificial humans. All Synths are artifact creatures.

Lore[ | ]

The biomechanical Synths are manufactured within the Institute's laboratories. While Generation 1 and 2 synths were entirely mechanical designs utilizing simplistic AIs, Generation 3 synths produced from the late 2220s onward were biological constructs near-indistinguishable from humans. Despite their creators' insistence to the contrary, Generation 3 synths display signs of sentience.

While viewed with suspicion and paranoia by most wastelanders (particularly the Brotherhood of Steel, who consider them an existential threat to humanity), some view them with sympathy, such as the Railroad, who compare their treatment at the hands of the Institute to slavery. Many synths are unaware that they are synths, having pre-programmed selected memories.

Notable Synths[ | ]

References[ | ]

External link[ | ]
