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  • Displaying Ads after posts

    Displaying Ads after posts

    Using a custom template with your ad unit (i.e. Google Ad Sense code) and a template hook allows you to easily insert ads between posts. Creating your template In the admincp go to Styles -> Style Manager On the Choose Action... drop down, select Add New Template Give your new template a unique name. I am going to name mine "ad_after_post" Add your HTML code to the template. I am using this code: <img src="https://www.adspeed.com/placeholder-728x90-Test.gif" /> ...
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  • Changing your site's favicon

    Changing your site's favicon

    The favicon allows you to extend your brand identity to the browser tab. This can often be the only thing a user sees if they have many tabs open. The favicon is a special 16 X 16 icon that the browser automatically looks for in the root directory of your site. vBulletin also ships with one in its root directory. If vBulletin is installed in the root directory of your site, you can overwrite the provided icon to change it for your users. However, you will need to remember to do this with every version...
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  • Including Custom PHP in Templates.

    Including Custom PHP in Templates.

    We've created a new package that is intended to facilitate the replacement of custom PHP modules with custom Display Template modules. It also demonstrates how to create custom API functions in general. You will find this package attached below. Steps to replace a PHP module Module Edit the api/main.php file Find the customWidgetHtml function Copy your php code from the module into the function. Change the code to generate a string value instead of echoing content and set that to the $myhtml par...
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    Last edited by Wayne Luke; Tue 26 Apr '22, 2:38pm.

  • About .htaccess

    About .htaccess

    .htaccess is a configuration file for the Apache Web Server. It allows you to customize how your server works. Depending on how your hosting provider has the server configured, you can redirect people to different locations, secure directories and files, tell browsers how long to cache files, update PHP variables, and more. vBulletin comes with a pretty extensive .htaccess file that does a these things for you. Location vBulletin comes with a file named htaccess.txt in the original download. When ...
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  • Answered Topics

    Answered Topics

    In vBulletin 5.6.5, we added a new feature - Answered Topics.

    Topics can now be marked as "Answered." This is a special status applied to a specific post within the topic. The post that is marked as the Answer will be highlighted and show directly under the starting post in the topic.

    The ability to mark posts as the Answer in a topic is controlled by permissions. There are three different permissions to control this.
    Usergroup and Channel Permissions both...
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    Last edited by Mark.B; Sun 8 Jan '23, 12:17pm.

  • Custom Node Fields

    Custom Node Fields

    In 5.7.2, we have added a new feature - Custom Node fields.

    This new feature allows Administrators to define text and text area fields that are assigned to channels (eg forums).
    When a user creates a new topic, defined custom node fields will be available.
    1. The Administrator will create Field Categories in the AdminCP. Each category is assigned to one or more channels.
    2. Within each category, the Administrator can create one or more fields that will get assigned
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    Last edited by Mark.B; Tue 3 Jan '23, 2:21pm.

  • Using User Ranks

    Using User Ranks

    User ranks allow the administrator to set up image and HTML rewards for their users once they reach specific goals. In versions before vBulletin Connect 5.7.1, ranks could only be triggered by the number of posts and the usergroups assigned to the user. In vBulletin Connect 5.7.1, User Ranks have been expanded to allow more flexibility in creating individual ranks. Now you can build combinations of different criteria to create unique ranks for your site.

    โ€‹ Ranks can be created using th...
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  • Configuring Debug Mode

    Configuring Debug Mode

    Debug mode is useful for development purposes- it is required if you will be creating VB5 Modifications you intend to distribute for others to download. However it is also useful for trouble-shooting issues with your site as debug mode often provides more specific error messages when something goes wrong- as such if you are having trouble support will often ask you to put your site into debug mode.

    Debug mode requires two small file edits in vBulletin 5. This is because VB5 has two...
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  • Excluding Custom Files from Suspect File Diagnostic

    Excluding Custom Files from Suspect File Diagnostic

    If you have custom files, you can create an md5 sums for your smilie directory if you want. Inside the /do_not_upload folder of your download package is a checksum sub-folder. That will create custom md5_sums files.
    1. Copy the included sample_checksum_config.php file to smilies_config.php.
    2. Enter in your forum root.
    3. Give it a product id like 'smilies'.
    4. Delete the existing directories and files in the scanpaths.
    5. Add in '/core/images/smilies', under the directories comment.
    6. Run the command
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    Last edited by Wayne Luke; Thu 29 Sep '22, 8:06am.

  • Creating a Redirect Channel

    Creating a Redirect Channel

    In older versions of vBulletin, you could specify a URL to redirect a forum to another location. This could be on your site or elsewhere. With the release of vBulletin 5, this functionality was removed. You can recreate this functionality using Template Hooks. I will outline the steps to create a channel redirect here.

    Note: This functionality is not available on vBulletin Cloud at this time.
    This tutorial involves changing options, creating custom templates and building a temple hook. Allowi...
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  • Displaying Ads after posts
    by Wayne Luke
    Using a custom template with your ad unit (i.e. Google Ad Sense code) and a template hook allows you to easily insert ads between posts. Creating your template In the admincp go to Styles -> Style Manager On the Choose Action... drop down, select Add New Template Give your new template a unique name. I am going to name mine "ad_after_post" Add your HTML code to the template. I am using this code: <img src="https://www.adspeed.com/placeholder-728x90-Test.gif" /> ...
    Fri 5 Jul '24, 8:14am
  • Changing your site's favicon
    by Wayne Luke
    The favicon allows you to extend your brand identity to the browser tab. This can often be the only thing a user sees if they have many tabs open. The favicon is a special 16 X 16 icon that the browser automatically looks for in the root directory of your site. vBulletin also ships with one in its root directory. If vBulletin is installed in the root directory of your site, you can overwrite the provided icon to change it for your users. However, you will need to remember to do this with every version...
    Tue 21 Nov '23, 10:39am
  • About .htaccess
    by Wayne Luke
    .htaccess is a configuration file for the Apache Web Server. It allows you to customize how your server works. Depending on how your hosting provider has the server configured, you can redirect people to different locations, secure directories and files, tell browsers how long to cache files, update PHP variables, and more. vBulletin comes with a pretty extensive .htaccess file that does a these things for you. Location vBulletin comes with a file named htaccess.txt in the original download. When ...
    Mon 11 Sep '23, 11:57am
  • Answered Topics
    by Mark.B
    In vBulletin 5.6.5, we added a new feature - Answered Topics.

    Topics can now be marked as "Answered." This is a special status applied to a specific post within the topic. The post that is marked as the Answer will be highlighted and show directly under the starting post in the topic.

    The ability to mark posts as the Answer in a topic is controlled by permissions. There are three different permissions to control this.
    Usergroup and Channel Permissions both...
    Sun 8 Jan '23, 11:43am
  • Custom Node Fields
    by Mark.B

    In 5.7.2, we have added a new feature - Custom Node fields.

    This new feature allows Administrators to define text and text area fields that are assigned to channels (eg forums).
    When a user creates a new topic, defined custom node fields will be available.
    1. The Administrator will create Field Categories in the AdminCP. Each category is assigned to one or more channels.
    2. Within each category, the Administrator can create one or more fields that will get assigned
    Thu 29 Dec '22, 2:19am
  • Using User Ranks
    by Wayne Luke

    User ranks allow the administrator to set up image and HTML rewards for their users once they reach specific goals. In versions before vBulletin Connect 5.7.1, ranks could only be triggered by the number of posts and the usergroups assigned to the user. In vBulletin Connect 5.7.1, User Ranks have been expanded to allow more flexibility in creating individual ranks. Now you can build combinations of different criteria to create unique ranks for your site.

    โ€‹ Ranks can be created using th...
    Tue 25 Oct '22, 12:04pm