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  • vBulletin Conditional Validation

    vBulletin Conditional Validation

    Template conditionals (<vb:if>, <vb:else>, <vb:elseif>, and {vb:if}) allow a lot of power within the vBulletin template system. The general philosophy here is to support a limited subset of PHP logic that is sufficient for most purposes. The default behavior is to exclude functionality unless there is a specific reason to include it. The reason is that there are a lot of complicated expressions allowed within PHP and this makes validation more difficult to validate safety in th...
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  • vBulletin Markup

    vBulletin Markup

    Note: This article needs to be expanded.

    Introduced in version 4.0 the vBulletin Markup system includes a rich of tags and shortcodes for creating dynamic templates. The template syntax was designed to retrieve and format information from vBulletin without having to write PHP Code. Used alongside HTML, CSS, and Javascript, it allows a developer to create dynamic experiences within vBulletin. vBulletin's Template Syntax will take into account the user's settings such as...

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  • Template Types

    Template Types

    vBulletin has several different template types that come with different permissions. These template types are created as security measures to prevent arbitrary PHP code from being executed on vBulletin Cloud. Full Templates This is the type used by vBulletin's default templates and is accessible in self-hosted (download) copies of the software. Full Templates have full access to all of vBulletin's Markup. Full Templates are not accessible on vBulletin Cloud. Limited Templates Introduced in vBulletin...
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  • Understanding MySQL's Table Status Output

    Understanding MySQL's Table Status Output

    AdminCP → Maintenance → Diagnostics → System Information MySQL's SHOW TABLE STATUS command helps gather information about tables in a database. When executed, it provides a detailed overview of various metrics related to each table in the database. This information can be valuable for database administrators and developers to optimize performance, troubleshoot issues, and better understand their databases' structure. Let's delve into the output of MySQL's SHOW TABLE STATUS command and underst...

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  • vbevent.php


    (vBulletin 6+) This script will handle running the vbulletin offline events (Such as sending notifications for a post). This avoids having users trigger AJAX calls when hitting the site. It also avoids the problem where the background tasks fail to run because there is not enough traffic to trigger all of the scripts in a timely fashion. To use do the following: Copy the script from the do_not_upload directory of your vBulletin files to your web server. Preferably outside of the web root directory. S...
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  • vbcron.php


    This script will handle running the vbulletin schedule tasks (see the Scheduled Tasks menu in the Admincp). This avoids having users trigger ajax calls when hitting the site. It also avoids the problem where the scheduled tasks fail to run because there is not enough site traffic to trigger all of the scripts in a timely fashion.

    To use do it the following

    1. You will find this script in your do_not_upload directory. Copy the script to your web server. Preferably outside of the w...
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    Last edited by Wayne Luke; Tue 9 Apr '24, 10:14am.

  • Common Mime Types

    Common Mime Types

    vBulletin allows the upload of file attachments. Servers and browsers generally recognize the type of file using two methods; file extensions and MIME types. This document is to allow you to match extensions with MIME types so they are properly handled by browsers. table {width: 80%; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto} table td:first-child { text-align:center} tr:nth-child(even) {background: #CCC} tr:nth-child(odd) {background: #FFF} th{ color: white; background: black; }​ Media Images DefaultExtensi...
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    Last edited by Wayne Luke; Fri 10 May '24, 8:10am.

  • vBulletin Cookies

    vBulletin Cookies

    vBulletin creates a number of cookies for functional purposes in the software. These default cookies do not track the user or report to a third-party. User Data Cookies These cookies track logged in users. They last for the session unless the user selects "Remember Me" on log in. It "Remember Me" is checked, the cookies will last for at least a year and are refreshed with every visit to the site. userid: Userid of Logged in User. password: hash of the user's password. sessionhash: Tracks the curre...
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  • vBulletin Password Handling

    vBulletin Password Handling

    ​ Note: vBulletin Cloud sites cannot use custom password schemes at this time. The core security of your site is the User Password and how it is stored. In the beginning, vBulletin used a simple MD5 hash to represent the password. However as Floating Point Processors (i.e. GPU and ASICs) have become more powerful, this method proved to be risky and reduced security. If we significantly changed the password scheme, then users wouldn't be able to login and would need to change their passwor...
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    Last edited by Wayne Luke; Thu 15 Jun '23, 7:40am.
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  • vBulletin Conditional Validation
    by Wayne Luke
    Template conditionals (<vb:if>, <vb:else>, <vb:elseif>, and {vb:if}) allow a lot of power within the vBulletin template system. The general philosophy here is to support a limited subset of PHP logic that is sufficient for most purposes. The default behavior is to exclude functionality unless there is a specific reason to include it. The reason is that there are a lot of complicated expressions allowed within PHP and this makes validation more difficult to validate safety in th...
    Fri 5 Jul '24, 10:14am
  • vBulletin Markup
    by Wayne Luke
    Note: This article needs to be expanded.

    Introduced in version 4.0 the vBulletin Markup system includes a rich of tags and shortcodes for creating dynamic templates. The template syntax was designed to retrieve and format information from vBulletin without having to write PHP Code. Used alongside HTML, CSS, and Javascript, it allows a developer to create dynamic experiences within vBulletin. vBulletin's Template Syntax will take into account the user's settings such as...

    Wed 3 Jul '24, 10:31am
  • Template Types
    by Wayne Luke
    vBulletin has several different template types that come with different permissions. These template types are created as security measures to prevent arbitrary PHP code from being executed on vBulletin Cloud. Full Templates This is the type used by vBulletin's default templates and is accessible in self-hosted (download) copies of the software. Full Templates have full access to all of vBulletin's Markup. Full Templates are not accessible on vBulletin Cloud. Limited Templates Introduced in vBulletin...
    Wed 3 Jul '24, 10:12am
  • Understanding MySQL's Table Status Output
    by Wayne Luke

    AdminCP → Maintenance → Diagnostics → System Information MySQL's SHOW TABLE STATUS command helps gather information about tables in a database. When executed, it provides a detailed overview of various metrics related to each table in the database. This information can be valuable for database administrators and developers to optimize performance, troubleshoot issues, and better understand their databases' structure. Let's delve into the output of MySQL's SHOW TABLE STATUS command and underst...

    Thu 22 Feb '24, 10:13am
  • vbevent.php
    by Wayne Luke
    (vBulletin 6+) This script will handle running the vbulletin offline events (Such as sending notifications for a post). This avoids having users trigger AJAX calls when hitting the site. It also avoids the problem where the background tasks fail to run because there is not enough traffic to trigger all of the scripts in a timely fashion. To use do the following: Copy the script from the do_not_upload directory of your vBulletin files to your web server. Preferably outside of the web root directory. S...
    Mon 8 Jan '24, 10:28am
  • vbcron.php
    by Wayne Luke

    This script will handle running the vbulletin schedule tasks (see the Scheduled Tasks menu in the Admincp). This avoids having users trigger ajax calls when hitting the site. It also avoids the problem where the scheduled tasks fail to run because there is not enough site traffic to trigger all of the scripts in a timely fashion.

    To use do it the following

    1. You will find this script in your do_not_upload directory. Copy the script to your web server. Preferably outside of the w...
    Mon 8 Jan '24, 10:24am