View allAll Photos Tagged art


Guaté Mao donne des visages aux rues

Son terrain de jeu ce sont les blocs de ciment, les poubelles murales ou les façades décrépites… Autant de supports qu’il orne de ses pochoirs.


Guaté Mao gives faces to the streets

His playing field is cement blocks, trash bins or decrepit facades ... So many supports he adorns with his stencils.


Guaté Mao daje twarze ulicom

Jego polem gry są bloki cementowe, kosze na śmieci czy zgrzybiałe fasady ... Tak wiele mediuw, które zdobi swoimi szablonami;


artist unknown to me ...

in my Art Series ...


Taken on Oct 20, 2019

Thanks for your visits, faves, invites and comments ... (c)rebfoto

Street Art / Graffiti Tunnel.

Jörg Schubert / #schubertj73


Beim Besuch von Dasa Arbeitswelt in Dortmund, eine fesselnde Tunnellebenssituation gesehen.

Hat mich fasziniert vom Lichtspiel, Farben, Perspektive, als ich es gesehen habe.

Ich dachte, das wäre ein weiteres interessantes Motiv für ein Street Art Bild.

Problem, die Lichtverhältnisse, Licht Spiegelungen im Raum.

Nach einigen Versuchen die richtige Belichtung, Standpunkt herausbekommen.

Fotografie digital später bearbeitet.


Street art / graffiti tunnels.

Jörg Schubert / #schubertj73


When visiting Dasa Arbeitswelt in Dortmund, saw a fascinating tunnel life situation.

Fascinated by the play of light, colors, perspective when I saw it.

I thought this would be another interesting subject for a street art picture.

Problem, the lighting conditions, light reflections in the room.

After a few tries, get the right exposure and position.

Photograph digitally edited later.

Sydney, Australia, New South Wales.

Art - Texture applied to photo image.


Thanks to everyone that views and comments on my images - very much appreciated.


© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. On all my images, Use without permission is illegal.


Sony ILCE-7RM5

Linocut on paper 10x15cm

I hope all have a spicy hot week!!

During a stay in Munich I saw this really nice art on the wall of a Mercedez Benz dealer.

art is unpredictable ...


;-) ...




105.0 mm





The Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao.


More processing experiments :D

rejected by *** Eyecatcher & unique Shots ***.


© All Rights Reserved

Full Credits:

=== === ===

"Weekend" gacha set. Beautiful, very feminine and picant from ART&KO Designs.


You will find it from August 1 at the Gachaland event inworld


Escalier du Petit Palais à Paris



Lens : Samyang 12mm F2.8 Hypergone (fisheye).

Dxo, Photoshop.

Wappne dich mit Helmen , so viel du tragen kannst... deine Rüstung wird dennoch verletzbare Stellen aufweisen!

Wohl dem, der ohne Feinde ist, die diese aufzuspüren vermögen...


Warum muss Deutschland Soldaten nach Libyen entsenden?

Warum mischen sich große Mächte im Nähen Osten ein?

Warum können wir im zwischenmenschlichen Bereich trotz Verschiedenheit nicht Freunde mit andern sein?


Gedanken, die mich beim Betrachten bewegten...



Jean Chauvin 1889 - 1976

Liège, Musée des beaux-arts


f 7,1

1/30 s

2000 ISO

32 mm

quis mostrar a voces aqui em que pé está meu bordado...

estava fazendo um coelho "peludo", mas o ponto era muito trabalhoso, demorado, então decidi que a moda agora é cabelo ondulado, e isto vale pra coelhos também, então ele está ganhando uma carapinha de nozinhos franceses, mas vou manter o skinhead peludo no alto das costas...

coisas de coelho moderno...

Art Center Haihatus, Joutsa, Finland

This immersive installation at the Norval Foundation of Art in Cape Town is by Burudian artist Serge Alain Nitegeka. It is an expression of the horrific experiences of being a refugee.

"Structural - Response III" (2014)

Chrysanthemum Art

Photography © Jeremy Sage

IMG_0801 2021 07 09 file

Lawton Farmers Market

2nd Annual Tomato Festival Art Competition

The Leslie Powell Foundation Art Gallery


Top to Bottom: "Tomato Study Under Glass"

by Lynndon Lambert -Acrylic


"You Say Tomato

I Say Tomahto"

by Jenny Perry -Mosaic-


This was an alleyway in The Mission area of SF. The entire length of it had been painted with murals and grafitti. When we arrived, there was a group of painters working on a mural at the west end of the alley. This was one of their friends taking a break, watching them work.

Thème Prenons soin de la planète.. Genève

Another photo of the garden art piece in Beacon Hill Park, Made from an old tree stump. Victoria B.C. Canada

Manuel Aires Mateus | Great contemporary

Portuguese architects ...



An interior with impression colours. art processing photo with Adobe. Original photo was taken on April 2014. Place The Netherlands


Created for ''6th Annual Hypothetical Interiors'' challenge - The Hypothetical Awards group activities.

Art is how you see!


[Michelle at The Museum of Modern Art, NYC]

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