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This is a transcript for dialogue with Zip.


GREETING GREETING Disgust 50 Hey mungo. This is an A B conversation so C your way out. {"mungo" said with derision} 1
GREETING Happy 50 You're my hero, mister. I want to be just like you when I grow up. 2
GREETING Neutral 50 Wow, you're big. I mean, bigger than most people down here. I mean, bigger than most people down here that we don't shoot for being down here. {Hyperactive, and spoken about as fast as you can.} 3
Neutral 50 So, how'd you get down here without getting shot? Am I supposed to shoot you? Because, you know, I'd rather not, but if I'm supposed to, then okay. {Hyperactive, and spoken about as fast as you can.} 4
GREETING Neutral 50 The mayor said it's okay for you to be in here, right? Because mungos aren't allowed in here unless the mayor says so. So are you an okay mungo? {Hyperactive, and spoken about as fast as you can.} 5
Neutral 50 Because if you aren't an okay mungo, that means we should stop you, and that means I have to get my gun from lockdown so stay here okay? 6
GREETING Neutral 50 Hey there. You have any Nuka-Cola? Even just a bit? Can I have some? Be your best friend. Honest. Totally. Not even kidding! {Hyperactive, and spoken about as fast as you can.} 7
GREETING Neutral 50 Oh hey, hi. You again, huh? I thought maybe you'd be blown up or shot or something by now, but I guess not. Not yet, anyway. {hyperactive} 8
GREETING Neutral 50 Hey, hi! Hi, lady. Hey there. What's going on? Anything new? You have any good stories? What about Nuka-Cola, you have any of that? Huh, huh? {hyperactive} 9
GREETING Neutral 50 Hey, hi! Hi, mister. Hey there. What's going on? Anything new? You have any good stories? What about Nuka-Cola, you have any of that? Huh, huh? {hyperactive} 10
LLDirections Can you give me directions? Happy 25 Where? I've been just about everywhere down here, so I can get you to anywhere down here. {hyperactive} 11
Friendly First Response
No, you don't need to shoot me. Just think of me as a big kid. Neutral 50 That's good, they don't like me having my gun in town, so I gotta turn it in first, so if I had to shoot you you'd have to wait a bit. {hyperactive} 12
Neutral 50 My name's Zip. I don't think that's short for anything, because I don't know what it'd be short for. Zippy? Zipperick? Ziptholomew? 13
Neutral 50 So yeah, it's good to meet you, big kid, and maybe you've got big kid stuff from up top. Do you have any Nuka-Cola, maybe? Yes? Please? 14
No, no, I'm not here to cause any problems! You don't need your gun! Happy 50 Oh, that's good because Mayor MacCready says I can't have my gun in town anymore, not since last time, but that was totally an accident anyway! {hyperactive} 15
Happy 50 That reminds me, got any Nuka-Cola? 'Cause if I'm not gonna have a gun in town, then it must be okay for me to have more Nuka, right? 16
Neutral 50 Anyway, everyone calls me Zip, you know, like a zipper, only not really like that because I'm not made of metal, but I do go up and down, I guess. {very hyperactive} 17
Rude First Response
Beat it, kid. You bother me. Neutral 50 But wait, you don't even know who I am yet! {hyperactive} 18
LLLMQ06TellMeAboutVault87 What do you know about Vault 87? Neutral 50 Yeah, I know that place. Yep, sure do. Monsters back there. Big, scary monsters. Lots of them. Tons, even. {hyperactive, spoken as quickly as possible} 19
Neutral 50 Are you going there? Are you? Are you gonna shoot 'em dead? I bet you are. That'll be so cool. Unless they eat your face. They do that, you know. {hyperactive, spoken as quickly as possible} 20
LLNicknames Why are you called Zip? Neutral 50 Why Zip? Or why do I have a nickname at all? I mean, why don't people just call me Ricky? Or Yancy? Or Eustace P. Vanderbanger the Third? {Hyperactive, just about as fast as you can say. Maybe even a little too fast to understand.} 21
Neutral 50 I mean, they say it's because I'm so fast, but that doesn't make sense because I don't think I'm all that fast, it's just that they're all so slow! {Hyperactive, just about as fast as you can say. Maybe even a little too fast to understand.} 22
Neutral 50 I guess it's just one of those mysteries that'll never really get answered, sort of like how people made the bubbles in Nuka-Cola. Say, got any Cola? {Hyperactive, just about as fast as you can say. Maybe even a little too fast to understand.} 23
LLZipCola1 You said you were looking for Nuka-Cola? Neutral 50 Yeah, and I got lots to trade. But if you got no Nuka, you're not getting nothing, no way! {hyperactive} 24
You said you were looking for Nuka-Cola? Neutral 50 Yeah, more Nuka's always good! It's definitely always gooder than less, because no Nuka's no good at all! Got any Nuka for me? {hyperactive} 25
Happy 100 I'll trade you whatever I've got for more Nuka-Cola! Anytime! Nuka 4 Zip! Nuka 4 Zip! 26
Got anything else for a Nuka-Cola? Happy 25 That's all I got right now. Come back tomorrow, maybe I'll have more, and you can have more Nuka for me to have more Nuka? Yeah? {hyperactive} 27
Are you still offering a trade for Nuka-Cola? Neutral 50 I did yesterday, I am today, and I probably will be tomorrow! Well, unless I die from too much Nuka. But that can't happen. Everyone knows that! {hyperactive} 28
LLZipCola2A What have you got to trade for an ice cold bottle of Nuka-Cola? Happy 50 Oh, I found a lucky bullet this morning! {hyperactive} 29
Happy 25 It's just a measly old 10 mil, but I know for sure it's lucky, 'cause it was sitting there all alone out of its clip and not fired off. Want it? 30
What have you got to trade for an ice cold bottle of Nuka-Cola? Fear 25 I got an old mag full of .556s! Is that good enough for you? {hyperactive} 31
What have you got to trade for an ice cold bottle of Nuka-Cola? Happy 25 Last time I was out looking, I found some of this mutfruit. It's not as sweet as Nuka, but maybe you mungos like that sort of thing? {hyperactive} 32
What have you got to trade for an ice cold bottle of Nuka-Cola? Fear 10 Well, I've got these pills that say "Mentats", but Lucy says they taste yucky and that I shouldn't take them. Maybe you want them? {hyperactive} 33
What have you got to trade for an ice cold bottle of Nuka-Cola? Fear 25 Well, I didn't want to trade it, but I've got a stimpak Lucy said I'm supposed to carry around with me. Is it worth a Nuka? {hyperactive} 34
What have you got to trade for an ice cold bottle of Nuka-Cola? Neutral 50 Oh, check this out, it's my most, most prized possession I found! Squirrel says it's a micro fusion cell. Is it worth a Nuka? {hyperactive} 35
LLZipCola2C Never mind. I think you've had enough sugar for one day. Sad 50 But Nuka-Cola's fortified with vitaminerals and health tonics! It even says so on the label! That means it's healthy for me! {hyperactive and whining} 36
LLZipCola3A Sounds like a good trade to me. Here. Happy 50 Thanks! Nuka for me! 37
Sounds like a good trade to me. Here. Happy 50 Hooray! I win the Nuka-Cola game! What's the prize? Nuka-Cola! 38
Sounds like a good trade to me. Here. Happy 50 Yay! Nuka-Cola, Nuka-Cola, makes a stomach bubbly and the world so jumbly, yay! {Singing a song to himself.} 39
LLZipCola3B No deal, Zip. Fear 50 Maybe I'll have something better tomorrow, so don't drink that Nuka. Save it for me, save it for me! {hyperactive} 40


I have to go now.
I'm going away. You stay here. Away from me. Neutral 50 Okay, see you next time, mister! 41
I'm going away. You stay here. Away from me. Neutral 50 Okay, see you next time, miss! 42
I'm going away. You stay here. Away from me. Happy 50 Okay, see you next time, bye bye! 43
HELLO HELLO Happy 50 Hey, you hurt any of my friends today? Because it's like this bad habit you've got. I figure I can cure it if I shoot you some, okay? 44
HELLO Surprise 50 Mind if I follow you around for a bit? I promise not to bug you! It'll be fun! 45
HELLO Surprise 50 Oh, hey, excuse me, hey! {hyperactive, spoken quickly} 46
HELLO Surprise 50 Somebody said you wanted to see me, E? {hyperactive, spoken quickly} 47
HELLO Neutral 50 What's your problem? 48
HELLO Neutral 50 You're funny looking. 49
LLEclairZipConv2 LLEclairZipConv2 Surprise 25 What's the matter, Eclair? Something wrong? Something taste funny? I was pretty sure everything was clean, I really was! 50
LLEclairZipConv2 Surprise 25 There a problem, Eclair? Everything's fine, right? We're not suddenly out of food, are we? I haven't been sneaking any snacks, I promise! 51
LLEclairZipConv4 LLEclairZipConv4 Surprise 50 Oh, damn! I knew I was forgetting something! Okay, it won't happen next time, I promise! I double promise! I super duper- {hyperactive.Gets interrupted at the end of the line.} 52
LLEclairZipConv4 Surprise 25 Oh, man! I was gonna get some, but I got distracted! You know how I get distracted, right? I mean, it was just like when I found that all those rats- {Gets interrupted at the end of the line.} 53
LLFoodConv1 LLFoodConv1 Happy 50 Got any food for me today? Because I'm really in a hurry and I really don't have time to come back later so how about some food right now? {hyper energetic} 54
LLKnockTales1 LLKnockTales1 Surprise 50 Oh boy, tell me, tell me! {hyperactive, spoken quickly} 55
LLKnockTales5 LLKnockTales5 Happy 50 Wow! That's an awesome story! {hyperactive, spoken quickly} 56
LLPrincessBullyResponse LLPrincessBullyResponse Surprise 50 I guess I got lots of reasons. I mean, I'm alive, and we've got food and shelter, and I found this awesome rock yesterday! {hyperactive, spoken quickly} 57
LLRandomConv1 LLConversation1 Surprise 50 Oh hey! How're you doing? Doing okay? {hyperactive, spoken quickly} 58
LLRandomConv2 LLConversation2 Surprise 50 Just fine! Been all over today, and you wouldn't believe the cool stuff I did! {hyperactive, spoken quickly} 59
LLRandomConvEnding LLRandomConvEnding Happy 50 Umm... Okay, yeah, bye bye now! {hyperactive, spoken quickly} 60
LLRandomExclamation LLRandomExclamation Happy 20 Yeah! 61
LLRandomExclamation Happy 20 You bet we are! 62
LLRandomExclamation Happy 20 What he said! 63
LLRandomExclamation Anger 20 We're staying! 64
LLWhatsUp1 LLWhatsUp1 Surprise 50 Oh hey! What's happening? Something fun? {hyperactive, spoken quickly} 65
LLWhatsUp2 LLWhatsUp2 Surprise 50 I was running so fast, I thought my legs were gonna fly off, but then they didn't, which makes sense, 'cause legs don't have wings. You know? {hyperactive, spoken quickly} 66
LLZipFollowsPlayer1 LLZipFollowsPlayer1 Neutral 50 Everyone calls me Zip, and I think that's because I'm always wearing pants, and those have zippers, but it's not like I'm the only one with pants. {Spoken very quickly.} 67
LLZipFollowsPlayer1 Happy 50 Once I found a bottle of Nuka-Cola Quantum and I drank the whole thing and then I burped really loud and then I don't remember the next week! {Spoken very quickly.} 68
LLZipFollowsPlayer1 Surprise 50 I heard that inside those suits the Brotherhood of Steelies are actually giant cockroaches that learned to build machines and talk and shoot guns! {Spoken very quickly.} 69
LLZipFollowsPlayer1 Surprise 50 I heard that Super Mutants turned into Super Mutants because they were just Ghouls who got bit by ants and had some kinda allergic reaction! {Spoken very quickly.} 70
LLZipFollowsPlayer1 Happy 75 Chicken butt! I learned that one from Knock Knock! Isn't it great? {Spoken very quickly.} 71
LLZipFollowsPlayer1 Happy 75 Did you know once I put gunpowder in Nuka-Cola and it tasted kinda funny but everything went swirly and then I flew around and then I don't remember? {Spoken very quickly.} 72
LLZipFollowsPlayer1 Happy 75 One time I found a gun that shot laser beams but Mayor MacCready took it away from me because I might put out someone's eye and Eclair'd be angry. {Spoken very quickly.} 73
LLZipFollowsPlayer1 Neutral 50 Okay, that's about everything, bye now! {Spoken very quickly.} 74
LLZipFollowsPlayer3 LLZipFollowsPlayer2 Surprise 75 Oh, I don't know if I told you yet, but I just remembered something really cool! {Spoken very quickly.} 75
LLZipFollowsPlayer2 Surprise 75 And guess what? {Spoken very quickly.} 76
MS01StickyGoodbyeConv MS01StickyGoodbyeConv Neutral 50 You know the rules. {sympathetic but firm} 77