Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Zayne Okoye was an undergraduate student at Vault-Tec University before the Great War.


Zayne was a student in Erik DeMarcos' VP205 class in 2074. He developed a protocol (XC-243) for containing experimental research subjects in a Vault. Specifically, the protocol employed the Vault-Tec Automated Research System (ARS) to correlate research hypotheses with the most effective countermeasures in the case of emergency. If a Vault had an automated fabrication system, Zayne's protocol would coopt the ARS Research Credits system as a limiting factor "to prevent the fabrication of ineffective devices, or the exhaustion of Vault fabrication resources on a single emergency."[1]

Professor DeMarcos gave Zayne's project a B, commenting that it was thoughtful and well-considered, especially regarding the "clever" solution for automated fabrication by using the ARS credits system. However, DeMarcos deducted a grade level as the live-subject experiments described in Zayne's protocol would be illegal and against Vault-Tec's "high ethical standards." In reality, DeMarcos had a large role in the Vault program and became the overseer of Vault 96, which included Zayne's program as part of the Vault-Tec Emergency Management System.[1]


Zayne Okoye is mentioned only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Locked & Loaded update.

