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Fallout Wiki

Zane is a deceased wastelander in the Commonwealth in 2287. He can be found in the Concord Speakeasy during The Paper Mirror.


At some point, Zane found a mysterious occult book, a "paper mirror" which recorded predictions about his own future. With this knowledge in hand, Zane quickly became a notorious killer, able to kill anyone who tried to come after him, and even gained an anti-materiel rifle. Together with his associates Silas and Connor, Zane terrorized the areas around Lexington and Concord, with a bounty on his head quickly rising to 1000 caps.[1][2][3]

Soon, Zane grew tired of his lifestyle. After meeting a woman named Ivy in a bar, desperately seeking to leave the Commonwealth, Zane introduced himself to her as a smuggler who would take her to Far Harbor. She agreed, and they made plans to meet at the Prost bar. In reality, Zane intended to settle down at Far Harbor alongside Ivy, leaving his past behind. Connor instead took it as a sign that Zane was growing weak. He stole several pages from Zane's paper mirror to stop Zane from discovering his treachery, then stole Zane's money and anti-materiel rifle and fled to set up his own gang. After finding out, Zane began to plot revenge.[4][5]

Zane's plans ended prematurely when he discovered that he was at the end of his paper mirror, left with a prediction that a dangerous hunter was coming to kill him. Without the mirror's help, he was forced to bunker down in the Concord Speakeasy and wait for his attacker, until he discovered from the last page of his mirror that they also had a mirror helping them. Faced with his impending death, Zane chose to commit suicide to defy fate, not realizing that the mirror had already accounted for his final action.[3]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


Apparel Weapon Other items
Raider outfit Zane's story


Zane appears only in the Fallout 4 Creation Club content "Anti-Materiel Rifle."

