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This is a transcript for dialogue with Z2-47.


1DN009_MQ205_CourserEnd{SinisterSmile} Your assistance is no longer needed.A
2DN009_MQ205_CourserGunnerBoss01Courser: I'm going to get in there. It's just a matter of time...{Angry} Tell me the password.GunnerBoss: Look, I already told you I don't have it.A1a
3GunnerBoss: I'll help you find a way in, but listen, we took the girl fair and square. All we want is a little compensation in return.{Angry} You are in no position to negotiate.GunnerBoss: Okay, okay, let me think...A1a
4GunnerBoss: Okay, okay, let me think...{Angry} Time's running out.GunnerBoss: No please, wait. You can have the girl, just let me go.A1a
5{Angry} I'm going to get in there. It's just a matter of time...Courser: Tell me the password.A1a
6DN009_MQ205_CourserKillPrisoner01GunnerPrisoner01: I don't know the password. I'm telling the truth!{Angry} I don't believe you are.GunnerPrisoner02: Oh God...please, no.A1a
7DN009_MQ205_CourserKillPrisoner02{Disgust} All he had to do was tell me the password. Now, are you going to cooperate?GunnerPrisoner02: Oh God, oh God...A1a
8Courser: All he had to do was tell me the password. Now, are you going to cooperate?{Angry} Tell me.GunnerPrisoner02: Okay okay! Just don't shoot. Let me think.A1a
9GunnerPrisoner02: Okay okay! Just don't shoot. Let me think.{Angry} You obviously don't know.A1a
10DN009_MQ205_CourserLastStand01{Stern} You! Come here.A1a
11{Stern} You've been following me.A2a
12{Stern} Get over here.A3a
13DN009_MQ205_CourserLastStand02{Stern} Are you here for the synth?Player Default: Z2-47, initialize factory reset. Authorization code Zeta-5-3-Kilo.A
14Player Default: How... did you...{Stern} If you're not here for the synth, then you're here for me. What do you want?Player Default: I need what's in your head.A1a
15Player Default: I need what's in your head.{Stern} That you cannot have.A1a
16Player Default: I'm here to kill you and take what's inside your head.{Stern} That you cannot have.B1a
17Player Default: We're on a need to know basis, here. And you don't need to know.{Stern} Suit yourself. You'll die like the rest of them.X1a
18Player Default: And just who is this synth, anyway?{Stern} A fugitive. Runaway Institute property. I'm shutting her down and bringing her back. You, on the other hand, will die like the rest of them.Y1a
19Player Default: Z2-47, initialize factory reset. Authorization code Zeta-5-3-Kilo.{player somehow knew your reset code, shutting down / Surprised} How... did you...Courser: If you're not here for the synth, then you're here for me. What do you want?A1a
20Player Default: Z2-47, initialize factory reset. Authorization code Zeta-5-3-Kilo.{Concerned} And you think I'll just hand her over? To you. You've been tracking me. What do you really want?Player Default: I need what's in your head.A2a
21DN009_MQ205_PlayerOpensSynthDoorSynth: What have you done!{SinisterSmile} Thank you. Now if you could give me just a moment?Courser: K1-98. Your little adventure is over. It's time to go home.A1a
22Courser: Thank you. Now if you could give me just a moment?{SinisterSmile} K1-98. Your little adventure is over. It's time to go home.Synth: No, please, you don't have to do this.A1a
23Synth: No, please, you don't have to do this.{SinisterSmile} Relax, you won't feel a thing.Courser: K1-98 Recall Code Stratus.A1a
24Synth: Stop! I'm begging you. Don't do this.{Confident} K1-98 Recall Code Stratus.A1a