Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Z-43 innovative toxins plant terminal entries is a entry found on a terminal in the Z-43 innovative toxins plant in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Old World Blues.


Note: This desk terminal is located on the desk on the second floor catwalk of the facility.


>\ Welcome, USER

Requisition Order: Chemical Suits[]


Got word today there was a chemical leak at the Sierra Madre, Sinclair was on the phone to ask for more help from the Think Tank Execs, so they're sending him the prototype chemical suits to protect the Villa workers. Looks like they're following up an experiment with another experiment? The whole process creeps me out, and the way they're monitoring the Sierra Madre Villa and examining the "results" - I don't think Sinclair even knows what he's really paid for. To be guineas like the Little Yangtze Chinese... maybe it'd be merciful if war did break out, put an end to this chain of horrors.
