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The Z-38 lightwave dynamics research terminal entries are a series of terminal entries found in the Z-38 lightwave dynamics research in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Old World Blues.



>\ Welcome, USER

Requisition Order: Holograms[]


If it wasn't for Sinclair's request, this hologram project would've been canned long ago. In addition to the dispenser tech he wants for the Sierra Madre, he spoke to the Big MT execs about using the holograms for defense (?), that's something N.E. would have to sign off on; I can't even imagine the cost to turn the holograms into something beyond walking cameras and greeters. And why would you? It's only been a little while, and I already hate spending my time with these ghosts walking around the plant. Rather see the research money spent on actually improving the field of view sensors or adding upgrades to the emitters.

Vera Keyes: Hologram Progress Report[]


Spending a lot of hours getting the Vera Keyes hologram looking right. I'm a physicist, not a sculptor - iterating on her facial features and her dress to match Sinclair's expectations... it's about enough to make me file a complaint. I don't get the sense Sinclair's doing this out of love or well, lust.
Somewhere along the line, he became cold about the whole matter, as if crafting the hologram "just right" was something he hated.
