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This is a transcript for dialogue with Yasmin Chowdhury.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 005E426D 005E42E9 Hello. Friendly
2 005E42EA Hi there. Friendly
3 005E42EB How are you doing? Friendly
4 005E42EC Tried any new foods lately? Friendly and curious
5 005E4322 Don't forget to stock up if you're heading out again. Friendly
6 005E426E 005E42FA I collected some new recipes on my latest outing. Happy
7 005E42FB Crambuger? I'm not sure that recipe can be rescued. Skeptical about this recipe and a little disgusted
8 005E42FC Don't eat just anything you find out there. Friendly concern
9 005E42FD I should visit that giant teapot next time I go out. We'll see how robot tea stacks up. Thoughtful, excited by the idea of visiting this landmark
10 005E42FE Swamp tofu? That needs a new name and a marketing campaign. Skeptical and amused by this food.
11 005E42FF I need to visit Flatwoods again sometime soon. Thinking, no real sense of urgency
12 005E4300 I really need to find a way to bring back water ice. Thinking about a favorite treat from her childhood
13 005E4301 Project Cheesesteak is officially on hold until I have a way to make cheese. Frustrated and disappointed
14 005E4302 I used to say I'd try anything once... now I'm not so sure. Reflecting on how she's changed over the years
15 005E4303 I found a box of Sugar Bombs. A little Brahmin milk and I'll be ready to go. Don't you dare tell anyone about my guilty pleasure! Conspiratorial
16 005E4304 Wish I had some fresh cranberries. I really want to try out this relish recipe. Thoughtful
17 005E4305 I really should start my own garden. Thinking this is something she should have done already
18 005E4306 I wonder what those stuffy old cooking shows from before the war would say about Wasteland cuisine. Amused, but really wonders what the reaction would be
19 005E4307 Time to make a fresh pot of sweet tato stew. Matter-of-fact
20 005E4308 I don't know how Brain Bombs got their name, but I'm going to make a batch. A little put off by the name, but confident they'll taste good
21 005E4309 Eighty-six glowing meat steaks. Time to go hunting again. Matter-of-fact, using a term she hasn't heard since the early days of her restaurant career
22 005E430A I found some recipes at a place called Toxic Larry's Meat n' Go. But I won't be eating any of the food I found there. Disgusted
23 005E430B I wonder if mutations change your food preferences. Not that I'd want to find out personally, mind you. Genuinely curious
24 005E430C What do they feed you in a Vault, anyway? Thoughtful
25 005E426F 005E431D Good to see you again, my friend. Friendly and warm
26 005E431E Thank you again for giving me a place to work. Grateful
27 005E431F Welcome home. Friendly
28 005E4320 There's a fresh batch of corn pone in the oven. Pleased with her efforts and happy to see the player again
29 005E4321 Just say something if you're hungry. Friendly and caring
30 005E4328 I have something I'd like you to sample. Friendly, genuinely interested in the player's opinion
31 005E4329 Don't be shy, try my latest creation! Friendly and confident
32 005E432A You look famished, have you eaten recently? Caring
33 005E432B You're just in time. I want you to try something that's been simmering on the stove. Excited and friendly
34 005E432C A hearty meal and some rest will fix you right up. Confident she knows just what her friend needs after a long day
35 005E432D You look like you could use a good meal. I know just the thing to help! Helpful and confident
36 005EA5DC Don't forget to stock up if you're heading out again. Friendly
37 005E4270 005E430D Pleased to meet you. My name's Yasmin, and I'm a traveling chef making my way through Appalachia. Warm and friendly, has a proposal she thinks will benefit her and the player.
38 005E430F I always have something cooking. Friendly and in her element
39 005E4310 I brought back some beautiful produce from my latest trip. Pleased with the results of her foraging
40 005E4311 There are times when I miss a real kitchen, but there's pride in making do with what you've got. Thoughtful at first, but transitions to satisfied toward the end
41 005E4312 I've found some promising recipes. Don't worry, I won't sell you anything I haven't made - and tried - myself. Happy and transitions into a shared joke between friends.
42 005E4313 I gave a cooking lesson to some scavengers today. You should've seen their, uh, creative squirrel bits appetizer. Starts off pleased and later becomes amused by the results of her students' efforts.
43 005E4314 I meant to make mud cookies today, but I didn't get around to it. Anyway, how can I help? Lost in thought, slightly disappointed. Snaps back to the current moment at the end.
44 005E4315 Pull up a chair and tell me about your latest adventure. Friendly and welcoming
45 005E4316 I've met a lot of resourceful Wasteland cooks in my travels. I've also seen my share of crimes against food. Recalling fond memories at the beginning, then amused by thoughts of sillier things she's seen.
46 005E4317 The Wayward is the only real restaurant I've seen out here and I'm not in a hurry to apply to be their cook. Is there something you need?
47 005E4318 I like the spot you chose here. Lots of opportunities to gather ingredients for my projects. Grateful, happy.
48 005E4319 I just pulled a fresh batch of blackberry honey crisp out of the oven. Happy and willing to share
49 005E431A I would've liked to visit Big Fred's BBQ Shack before the war. Sorry, what's on your mind? Thoughtful, comes back to the current moment at the end.
50 005E431B I'm working on something... unique, but I haven't worked up the courage to ask you to sample it yet. Amused and conspiratorial
51 005E4271 005E42E4 What do you want to talk about? Friendly
52 005E4273 005E42D1 You know, I met a trader who told me the same thing. Thinking back
53 He said something about an old family recipe that's since been lost. Thinking back to a story she heard
54 Of course, now that means I have to get my hands on it. If I can track it down, that is. Determined
55 005E4275 005E42C7 That's exactly the kind of thing I'm looking for! Excited and grateful
56 I just hope the grillmaster will share their secrets with me. Hopeful, conspiratorial
57 005E4277 005E42EE Helvetia? I think I've traveled through there, but now I'll definitely have to visit again. Trying to remember whether she's been there or not, determined to visit
58 Fasnacht goes back a long way, doesn't it? It's wonderful to see people keeping the tradition alive with food and festivities! Happy and excited
59 005E4279 005E42D4 What do you want to discuss? Friendly
60 005E427B 005E42C9 I've gathered dozens of recipes for everything from a pot of Appalachili to a hearty Yao Guai roast. Proud of her accomplishments
61 I want to learn more about Appalachia's celebrations and the foods that go with them. Determined
62 005E427D 005E42F7 That's just it... I-I don't know. Sad
63 We only had time to say a short goodbye and decided it was best to separate. Sad, regretful
64 It was harder for the Raiders to follow us that way, but it meant I might never see my friends again either. Sad, speaking about a painful choice
65 No... no, they weren't just my friends. They were my second family. I keep thinking maybe I'll find them in the next settlement if I just keep on going. Starts out sad, realizing this is the second time she's lost all the people close to her. Becomes a determined and a little hopeful at the end.
66 005E427F 005E42DA Well, Raiders attacked the settlement I'd built with other survivors. Somber
67 Some of us managed to escape, most weren't so lucky. Somber
68 I had my notes and stories from travelers about Appalachian cuisine, so I set out. Tone is more conversational here, confident she made the right choice about where to go
69 005E4281 005E42CB After the war, I joined a group of survivors building a settlement in the ruins of an old resort in the Poconos. Speaking fondly of old friends
70 We built my kitchen first. It was the center of town, the place you'd go for a warm meal and the company of friends after a long day. Warm, sharing her favorite memories of life after the war
71 We had fifteen good years before the Raiders came. They destroyed the town and scattered those of us they didn't kill. Becomes quieter and more somber
72 I escaped with my notes and just headed toward Appalachia. Somber and determined
73 But then I remembered the stories I had heard about the recipes locals like Delbert Winters had created. Matter-of-fact, an aside to help the player understand why she chose Appalachia.
74 So I set out to learn more about Appalachian cooking traditions, new and old. Determined, confident
75 005E4283 005E4333 What's on your mind?
76 005E4285 005E42DE And I've field dressed and cooked a lot of them. Very confident in her abilities
77 One of the first people I met in Appalachia was a hunter who taught me how to spot animal tracks. Recalling a pleasant memory
78 In return, I showed her how to make a respectable meal with anything we caught. Happy
79 005E4287 005E42CC Well, sure... it's always at the back of my mind. You can't tell me you don't think about that too. Being honest, realizes that what the player is saying is true
80 But I've learned how to avoid danger and I can defend myself if it comes to that. Confident. She's a seasoned traveler
81 That said, most people I meet aren't looking for a fight. A warm meal and a conversation are far more common. Friendly, speaking from experience
82 005E4289 005E42C2 You're right, of course. It took time to realize the war didn't just steal my future. Serious, emphasis on 'my'. Realizing that other people were hurting helped her determine what to do next
83 What helped was understanding there was something I could do about that. I could use my skills to help others adapt. Confident, determined to help others
84 005E428B 005E42E2 Please, don't be. Warm, doesn't want the player to think she only has regrets about not getting to open her restaurant
85 I never expected to find myself traveling this way, but I sure don't regret it. Reflecting, happy
86 I'm still doing what I've always loved: preparing meals, learning new recipes, and finding small ways to pass that knowledge on. Happy, passionate
87 005E428D 005E42CF Yes, most of the time. Matter-of-fact
88 I've traveled with groups and cooked for caravans, but I like setting my own schedule. Confident
89 005E428F 005E42C5 I was born in Philadelphia and spent my whole life there until culinary school. Friendly, thinking back fondly on her childhood
90 After graduating, I went back to Philly to be near my family while I started making a name for myself as a chef. Thinking back on happy times
91 My dream was to open my own restaurant. Serious
92 005E4291 005E42E7 That's a rather long story. Serious
93 005E4293 005E42D2 Food does more than just keep you going. Confident
94 For me, it's always been a way to keep family traditions alive and find common ground with people I meet. Friendly and confident, speaking from experience
95 I want to help others create new traditions to pass on. Friendly and determined
96 005E4295 005E42C8 I'm glad you see the value in it, but I still need to work out some of the details. Happy and grateful
97 It'll be my small way of leaving the world a little better. Happy
98 005E4297 005E42F2 Sure. Friendly
99 005E4299 005E42D7 Tell me if you see anything you like. Friendly
100 005E429B 005E42CA I trade them, of course, but I also use them to teach others how to cook for themselves. Happy
101 Before the war, it was easy to find a dozen versions of a dish. I want to rediscover and preserve that knowledge for those who come after us. Thoughtful at the beginning, determined to follow through toward the end
102 I used to want to open my own restaurant, but now I think a cooking school would serve better. Thinking her way through as she answers
103 005E429D 005E42CD What's on your mind? Friendly
104 005E429F 005E42C3 I have a recipe for Scorchbeast Mixed Meat Stew that I haven't been able to make yet. Friendly
105 It calls for just about every cut of meat you can get. I'm a fair hunter, but game like that is beyond me. Impressed by the skills needed to hunt one of these animals
106 I don't know how, but I'll make a banquet of one of those things someday. Doubtful at the beginning, changing to confident at the end
107 005E42A1 005E42E3 I could say it was an act of rebellion against my parents. Emphasis on 'could', a little conspiratorial
108 They were academics who wanted me to follow them into their field. But, they came around once they realized my interest wasn't a phase. Quiet, reflective, grateful that they finally understood
109 The truth is, I've always been fascinated by food. Passionate
110 I got my start helping Grandma make little sweets called sandesh for my sister's birthday party. I chose the shapes and the toppings. Happy, thinking about her favorite childhood memory
111 After that, if Grandma was in the kitchen, I was too. Happy, speaking about her favorite thing to do growing up
112 *sigh* That all feels like another lifetime now. I know it sounds foolish, but I still hope to reunite with my parents and sister again. Sad, quieter, hoping against the odds at the end.
113 005E42A3 005E42D0 If I'm not at the stove, feel free to help yourself. There's plenty to do with gathering ingredients and going over my notes. Agreeable, inviting
114 005E42A5 005E42C6 Sure thing. Let me get out my notes for you. Happy to help
115 There are some classics here. Let me know if anything catches your eye. Friendly and helpful
116 005E42A7 005E42ED Ah, my favorite part of traveling. What do you want to know? Happy, glad to answer the player's questions
117 005E42A9 005E42D3 Of course! I love talking shop... err, kitchen. Happy to talk about something that's important to her
118 005E42AB 005E42F3 I've got something that'll hit the spot. Confident
119 005E42F5 Didn't you just have a snack? Lighthearted question to a friend
120 Give it some time to settle and I'll be happy to make something for you later. Friendly and happy to help
121 005E42AD 005E4332 I bet you're wondering why I'm here. That's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about. Friendly and open
122 005E42AF 005E42DB I've been a recipe collector all my life and found myself on the road again recently. Friendly, happy that the player seems interested
123 I move from place to place, getting to know people and swapping stories and family recipes along the way. Friendly, genuinely interested in the people she meets
124 It's my way of preserving and passing along the knowledge of my trade. Friendly, confident
125 005E42B1 005E42E0 Well, I look for a chance to introduce myself and start a conversation. Friendly
126 I can usually tell if someone's up for a meal or willing to have a friendly chat. Friendly, speaking from experience
127 005E42B2 005E42E5 I'm looking for a safe place to practice making the local recipes I've learned. Your C.A.M.P. seems like the perfect spot. Hopeful, speaking honestly about the player's camp.
128 Let me set up here and I'll share my meals with you. You're also welcome to buy copies of the recipes I've gathered. Straightforward, honest. Offering a fair trade
129 005E42B4 005E42EF Think of it this way, sharing the work will free up time for your other interests. Talking up the bargain she wants to make.
130 And you won't have to worry about me using your supplies. I forage or trade for everything I need. Friendly, showing how trustworthy she is.
131 All I ask is that you give me a chance to show what I can do. Hopeful
132 005E42B6 005E42D5 Oh, thank goodness! I was afraid I was going to have to give you the hard sell - "No more tossing food onto the coals and hoping for the best. Grateful and relieved, joking about what she was going to say next if the player didn't agree
133 "Just because you live in a C.A.M.P doesn't mean you have to eat like a camper." Joking about what she would have said if the player hadn't agreed.
134 005E42B8 005E42F8 Well, I'll be sharing the food I make. But there is a cost to documenting and preserving the recipes I find. Friendly and honest about her motives
135 Think of it as donating a few caps to help me stay supplied. I can spend more time turning up new recipes you can't live without. Reassuring while making a little sales pitch
136 005E42BA 005E42D8 Chef Hernandez drilled that into us on the first day of culinary school. Serious
137 "Getting diners sick is the best way to make your career a short one." Mimicking a voice of her old teacher, slightly amused
138 005E42BB 005E432E I won't be in your way. I'd only need a little space for my equipment. Friendly and honest
139 You're even welcome to use it when I'm not cooking. Inviting
140 Imagine the aroma of a steaming pot of Appalachili welcoming you home from a long day of scavenging. What do you say? Thinking about the kind of meal she'd want to come home to after a hard day
141 005E42BD 005E42DF I will, too! I'll be able to get a lot more cooking done if I don't have to look over my shoulder at the same time. Grateful and excited
142 005E42BF 005E42CE That's good enough for me. Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to get started setting up. Grateful
143 005E42C1 005E42C4 My work keeps me busy, so you'll hardly notice me. All you have to do is ask if you'd like something or just want to chat. Starts off matter-of-fact, becomes friendly toward the end
144 005E4AF7 005E4AF8 I wanted to have a record of everything I made, so I started our family cookbook when I was six. Passionate, talking about a lifelong project
145 At first, it was meals I learned from Grandma. As I got older, I added my own creations. Passionate
146 When the bombs fell, I was on a research trip developing recipes for my own restaurant. Becomes quieter here, recalling a sad memory
147 Those notes grew into the collection I have today. Transitions back to happy and passionate
148 005E51E7 005E51E9 Today, I've whipped up a spin on my childhood favorite, Blamco Mac & Cheese with More Rat sausage. Happy with her work
149 005E51EA My latest creation is an Angler tartare with crispy tato chips. Bon Appétit. Pleased with what she made
150 005E51EB I've made you Dandy Boy Apple surprise. The surprise is that I managed to make them edible again. Amused, especially toward the end
151 005E51EC Give these golden potato cakes a try. You'd never know they were made from Instamash! Friendly, hopes the player will agree
152 005E51ED How about some hearty Sheepsquatch pie? Friendly
153 005E51EE Try these deep fried cave cricket glands with a honey glaze. I'm thinking of calling them Blue Ridge Oysters. Amused
154 005E51EF Today I've made you a plate of delicate stuffed gourd blossoms. Proud of what she's made
155 005E51F0 You're just in time to sample my braised Megasloth and greens. Pleased with what she made
156 005E51F1 Here, have some of my signature Fog Crawler bisque in a razorgrain bread bowl. Happy
157 005E51F2 Try a couple of these grilled Radroach skewers. They'd be even better with a nice barbecue sauce. Friendly, hopes the player likes what she made
158 005E51F3 I've prepared a grilled Radstag steak with sauteed Firecaps. Happy
159 005E51F4 My latest experiment is Blackwater Brew-battered Stingwing, try saying that 3 times fast, with a spicy dipping sauce. Really hoping this dish is a success
160 005E51F5 Who said dessert can't be a meal? This is a deconstructed Starlight Berry Cobbler that I've had to... err, reconstruct. Playful, amused
161 005E51F6 This is a Sugar Bomb-crusted Angler filet with roast carrots. Happy, slightly surprised this worked
162 005E8897 005E889C Stay safe out there, and let me know if you want to talk.
163 005E8899 005E889B That's fine with me. Friendly
164 005E9F0D 005E9F10 And before I forget, here's a little something as a thanks for helping me cross this off my list. Grateful
165 005E9F0E 005E9F12 *Laughs* Oh, don't worry. You're first on the list already. Amused
166 005E9F0F 005E9F11 Really? Of course I'll take you up on that! Slight disbelief and excitement
167 I promise I'll try to feel a little guilty for stealing your meal later. Conspiratorial, emphasis on "little"