Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Station Chief Xi was a leading Chinese operative and the station chief at the Fujiniya Intelligence Base.


After learning that Watoga was rife with technology, Xi decided to shift the facility's resources over to focus on the exploration of the city for advances that might be able to serve Chinese ends.[1] Although the operatives did recover a copy of the nuclear launch code encryption from Sugar Grove, even making headway in decrypting parts of the code, the mechanized army guarding the area's missile silos, combined with the limited arsenal at his disposal, forced Xi to mothball the project.[2]

When the facility began focusing on the production of new Liberator models, the Great War struck just as they were working on the launch tubes. The facility staff was not informed of the nuclear launches and were left to fend for themselves. A nuclear strike two kilometers south of Mama Dolce's took the facility's personnel by surprise. Cut off from command, Xi made an executive decision, ordering all agents to abandon their posts and attempt to blend in with the local population.[3][4]


Xi is mentioned only in Fallout 76.

